The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 451 Well, he also wants to snort!

Lin Tingxuan was stunned by Nalan Jinnian's stare, and immediately said, "King Jin looks very handsome in this outfit today!"

Wen Nuan glanced at Nalan Jinnian's clothes and frowned, "What's so handsome about him wearing this outfit every day?"

No matter how handsome he is, he is tired of looking at it!

I've never seen this person change clothes in a different color, it's so boring!

Nalan Jinnian: "..."

Seeing Nalan Jinnian's expression, Lin Tingxuan immediately called back and left in a hurry.

After Lin Tingxuan left, Nuan Wen and Nalan Jinnian returned to her small courtyard.

Nalan Jinnian stared at Wennuan, her eyes fixed, her face full of resentment!


Wen Nuan took a few steps back unconsciously: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

As if he did something wrong to him!

Nalan Jinnian didn't speak, he walked towards the warmth.

Nuan took a few steps back, and he took a few steps forward.

Until the warmth was forced to the corner.

Warming his mind for a while, he didn't think of what he had done to be sorry for him!

Why is he so resentful?

Nalan Jinnian put his hands on the wall, trapping the warmth in his arms: "Am I not handsome in this dress?"

He knew the word "handsome" from warmth, which means to praise the handsomeness of a man.


That's it? He put on a grumpy face?

this man!

"No, it's very handsome! You are the most handsome in the world!" Nuan said angrily!

However, the warm words were true, Nalan Jinnian was the most handsome man she had ever seen.

Sometimes she was so handsome that she forgot to breathe!

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "That's true! I think so too!"

Who in this world is more beautiful than you?


What about modesty? Whether you understand or not, be humble!

"However, girl, don't you think this dress is the only one in my closet? It's too monotonous?!"

Hearing this, Nuan nodded: "Yes! Why don't you wear other colors? Wearing this set every day, I'm tired of aesthetics!"

Are you bored!

Warmth is a person who can control any color and any style of clothes.

So the clothes she wears every day are different colors.

"Because no one made me other colors of clothes!" Nalan Jinnian pretended to be pitiful.

Even if he did, he wouldn't wear it.

Wen Nuan didn't believe this: "How is that possible! Isn't your clothes the responsibility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

"Well, they will only make this dress for me! Girl, you can make me more sets of other styles and colors in the future!"

A man can only be handsome when he wears the clothes of the woman he loves!

Just look at Lin Tingxuan's squeamishness!

Well, he also wants to snort!

Warm: "But I can't do it! I don't really like to make clothes. Let me design it for you!"

When Nalan Jinnian heard that she didn't like to do it, she didn't force her: "Okay, I'll let you design the clothes from now on, and I'll let the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs do it."

"Well, by the way, why does the Ministry of Internal Affairs only make silver-gray clothes for you?"

When Nalan Jinnian heard this, an uncomfortable expression flashed on his face: "It's nothing."

A look that doesn't want to talk much.

Seeing him like this, Nuan was even more curious, and she stared at him with her bright and colorful eyes cut: "No! There must be something! What's the reason?"

Nalan Jinnian looked at her deeply.

"...If you don't tell me, I can go to the palace and ask the queen mother next time. So you tell me or not? I want to know from your mouth."

The girl's voice was soft and waxy.

Nalan Jinnian's heart softened:

"My mother doesn't know either. Because before I was three years old..."

Because every time he wore new clothes before the age of three, those palace maids and eunuchs would stare at him intently, wishing they could come up to kiss him.

The queen mother always put her arms around him, kissed his face and said, "It's so beautiful!" Her prince is even more beautiful than a girl!

He even wore a pink skirt and combed the girl's bun, so annoying!

Even the royal father's concubines hugged and kissed him!

Before the age of three, his life was a nightmare!

Until one day, he wore silver-gray clothes. That day, a wolf he raised (big gray mother) died. He was in a bad mood and kept his face straight all day.

The queen mother frowned and said that the color was too cold, which made him even more icy, with a bit of the imposing manner of his father.

He doesn't like others being too close to him, thinking that everyone is afraid to look directly at his father and is afraid of his father.

So he only wears silver-gray clothes from now on, and keeps his face straight all day!

Wen Nuan couldn't help laughing out loud at the end, wearing a skirt? Comb a girl's hair?

It was hilarious to her to imagine it!

"Haha... the queen mother is too cute!"

Nalan Jinnian's black face: I knew she could laugh!

"Still laughing!"

"No, you make me laugh for a while! When I think of you wearing pink..." Wen Nuan couldn't go on, she covered her stomach and couldn't stop smiling.

As long as she thought of Nalan Jinnian wearing a pink dress with two small balls tied on her head, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

Nuan pushed Na Lan Jinnian's hand and wanted to get the skirt: " skirt! Seventeen brother, I want to see how you look in a pink skirt! I'll get you a set, and you can wear it for me to see. Look."

The words fell, and the slender waist was suddenly buckled by a strong arm.

Then she slammed her entire back against the wall, and his body leaned over: "Well..."

The refreshing scent of tea enveloped her whole body.

Warm eyes widened.

She didn't dare to move, she slowly closed her eyes.

The heart is beating fast!

For a long time, Nalan Jinnian closed his eyes and did not move.

Just holding her arm a little tight, and then, motionless!


Warm opened his eyes and blinked.

A strange thought popped into my warm mind.

Could it be that Nalan Jinnian didn't even know how to kiss?

Otherwise, why would there be no movement, and TV is not acting like this!

The idea of ​​warmth was proven a year later. Her man is simpler than her, and he knows less about that than she does!

"The princess." At this moment, a voice sounded outside the door.

Warm and startled, he pushed someone away quickly.

Nalan Jinnian also let go of the warmth.

"What's the matter?" The warm tone was a little flustered.

Hearing this tone, Wan Yun was stunned for a moment, but she still said: "Three girls, the emperor's reward has come down. I'm going to the front yard to receive the decree!"

"Oh, I'll go right now."

Wen Nuan was shocked and quickly bent his knees, half squatted down, and rushed out under his arms: "I'm going to pick up the order!

Nalan Jinnian retracted his hand on the wall and walked out behind her.


Changping House

When Chang Pingbo returned to the mansion, he told his servants to quickly set up the incense case and prepare to receive the decree.

Mrs. Changping uncle held the handkerchief and looked at uncle Changping with a gloomy expression.

That bastard became a third-rank general, and he became a prince!

What about her son?

Everything in Changping Uncle Mansion should belong to her son!

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