The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 469 What Is Hiding Under the Peach Tree?

So Guo Mingyan was slapped by Nalan Jinnian because of one sentence!

This is a punishment for a word that doesn't go well!

This is completely disregarding the face of the Guo family, disregarding the face of the queen, and hitting him whenever he wants!

The queen was trembling with anger!

it is good!

Nalan Jinnian is really good!

As the saying goes, when you hit a dog, it depends on the owner!

In front of her queen's face, she kicked her grandson!

Slap her maiden niece!

She is after a country, but also her elder sister-in-law!

Their Guo family has been loyal and good for generations, and they have used the blood of countless ancestors to protect the long-term stability of Nalan!

Now it has actually been reduced to being bullied by anyone who wants to be bullied!

Then what's the point of their Guo family guarding this world?

The queen thought of the emperor's suspicion of the Guo family and his indifference to himself! I really don't think it's worth it!

Guo Mingyan covered her face and looked at Nalan Jinnian with hatred.

She has loved this man for so many years, and he has never looked at her directly, so forget it!

For a pheasant born in the countryside, slap myself again and again!

Regardless of right or wrong, break your heart and trample your dignity ruthlessly!

If that's the case, don't blame her for being ruthless!

The fifth princess helped Zheng Yang up.

The queen said eagerly, "Yang'er, are you alright?"

Zheng Yang was annoyed that the appearance of these people had ruined his good deeds!

Just now, he clearly felt that Princess Hui'an had let go of his vigilance.

He could even have a great conversation with the Hui'an County Master!

Therefore, he felt that his internal organs were displaced in pain, and he still shook his head and said with a sigh of relief: "It's okay, I accidentally fell from the tree just now and almost hit the county master of Hui'an. Fortunately, Jin The king appears, or something big will happen! I'm afraid it will hurt the Hui'an county master. Are you not frightened, the Hui'an county master?"

At the end, don't forget to care about the warmth.

Warm shook his head: "No."

"Why did you climb the tree?" The original fifth princess frowned.

"I originally planned to pick some peaches for Hui'an County Master to bring back to the mansion...for Shichang Marquis to eat." Zheng Yang said here and looked in the direction of Wu's and others.

Wen Ling felt like he was looking at her, her heart tightened, and a red glow appeared on her face, she hurriedly lowered her head.

The heart is beating fast!

After Guo Mingyan heard this, she covered her face, turned her head, and her eyes were like the most vicious snake. This bitch seduced King Jin and wanted to seduce Zheng Yang.

Why did she seduce all her men!

Princess Hui'an, this bitch, is she here to rob her man and things?


"Uncle Jin, why didn't you catch Yang'er when you saw Yang'er fall from the tree, but kicked him instead? Even if you want to save Princess Hui'an, you can save her by catching Yang'er! The princess of Hui'an only fell off the tree when she picked peaches!" The original fifth princess was dissatisfied.

She only has one son!

Nalan Jinnian looked at the original fifth princess: "Are you questioning this king?"

The original fifth princess: "..."

"No, dare."

Nalan Jinnian snorted coldly, and he took his warm hand and walked out: "Let's go! Do you want to eat peaches?"

He remembered that there was also a peach forest in a village in the suburbs.

"I'll take you to pick peaches when I'm free. The peaches here don't want to be eaten!"

Wen Nuan took his hand: "No, I didn't want to eat peaches. I came to find Da Hui, and Da Hui came here."

Speaking of which, the warmth pointed to the inside.

Big gray? What is it doing in there? Nalan Jinnian frowned and looked into the depths of Taoyuan.

He whistled.

A wolf howl came from inside, and anyone who knew Da Hui could hear that the wolf howl was a little anxious.

"Did Da Hui encounter something?"

"Let's go and have a look." Nalan Jinnian took Wennuan and walked forward quickly.

Both were walking a little faster.

Everyone looked at each other.

Mrs. Hubu Shangshu was surprised: "Five princesses, do you still keep a wolf in the house? Shouldn't Da Hui be eaten by that wolf?"

The fifth princess is also strange: "No! We don't keep wolves in our house. How dare you keep such a dangerous animal?"

"Where did the wolf come from? I heard the bark just now. It was clearly the sound of a wolf howl! But if the dog of Princess Hui'an is eaten by a wolf, it will never bark or bark!"

"I also think it's the wolf's cry," said the Prime Minister's wife.

Wen Ling wanted to say that Big Bad is a wolf!

But here she is soft-spoken, not suitable for speaking.

Besides, the four aunts and gentlemen didn't say anything!

Wen Ling didn't say anything.

"Let's go and have a look!" The fifth princess didn't know why.

Everyone walked towards the direction of Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan.

Zheng Yang clutched his painful internal organs and followed.


Soon Nuan and Nalan Jinnian saw Da Hui!

Da Hui was very busy, and his two front feet kept digging the soil under a peach tree.

When the front feet are tired, use the two hind legs!

The dirt kept flying back.

His clothes were covered with mud on his head.

When all the loose dirt was swept away by its four legs.

It picked up the small shovel next to it with its mouth again, and then nodded, it was using the small shovel to loosen the soil, and then using its four legs to plan!

After being busy for a long time, it has already dug out a small hole!

Two people: "..."

Warm: "Does the ash still dig soil?"

Before he got close, Nuan Nuan was frightened by Da Hui's miraculous skill!

Nalan Jinnian: "There's nothing it can't do, it's another matter if you can do it or not."

Nalan Jinnian glanced at Lei Ting and Wan Yun: "Go and help Da Hui."

"Yes!" The two quickly stepped forward.

Thunder was inexplicably uneasy.

Da Hui listened, and threw the small shovel in his mouth on the ground. It glanced at Lei Ting and Wan Yun, and then patted the small shovel with the muddy wolf claw, and pointed in a certain direction.

Warm: "There's a shovel over there, you guys go look for it!"

"Yes!" Lei Ting and Wan Yun responded.

The two ran in the direction Da Hui pointed, and soon found a hoe and a shovel and returned.

The two began to dig a hole quickly.

Dahui is not an ordinary wolf, it will never dig soil for no reason!

Da Hui finally didn't have to work on his own. It ran to the warm feet and wagged its tail: I'm exhausted baby!

Wen Nuan took out the handkerchief and wiped the mud off Da Hui's body: "Is there anything hidden under the peach tree?"

Big Gray nodded.

It has to prove that these peaches cannot be eaten!

Da Hui lay down: Tired into a dog!

Its nails are all planed!

Warm frown: "What is hiding under the peach tree?"

In such a large peach orchard, if every tree is hidden, there may be quite a few!

Da Hui raised his foot and pointed at Nalan Jinnian.


"Human?" Wen Nuan was horrified and a little uncertain.

Big gray nodded!

The Thunder Tiger body shook!

The hand holding the hoe trembled involuntarily!

Wan Yun was also shocked!

people? ! !


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