The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 473 Doesn't it mean that you don't have to die if you confess your guilt?

The emperor gave Zheng Yang a deep look:

Sure enough, as the seventeenth brother said, he took the initiative to plead guilty!

Nalan Jinnian played with the black purse on his waist, and said lightly, "Since he has confessed his guilt, the emperor will give him death directly! Although giving him one death is enough to apologize, it is hard to dispel the hatred in the hearts of those people. But it's better than not dying!"

Manchu civil and military officials: ""

When King Jin speaks, he is really not afraid of offending people!

This mouth, there is nothing more poisonous than him in the capital!

General Guo lowered his head, his eyes twitched, and glared at Nalan Jinnian, his eyes were full of viciousness.

Nalan Jinnian is trying his best to kill people of their faction!

Hum, dreaming!

General Guo raised his head and stood up: "Your Majesty, Yang'er is at fault! He shouldn't be greedy for beauty, so he took people back to the mansion! But he didn't kill those women!

Didn't the guard beside Zheng Yang plead guilty?

Those women were a bodyguard beside Zheng Yang who carried Yang'er on his back and humiliated them. They couldn't bear the humiliation and committed suicide! At that time, Yang'er was still young, and he was deceived by the guards, how did he know this! I beg the emperor for a clear lesson, Yanger is guilty, but the crime does not lead to death! "

General Guo was completely unaware of what happened in Taoyuan, but when the incident happened yesterday, the Queen immediately returned to the General's Mansion to discuss the matter.

There is absolutely no doubt that Zheng Yang did this, otherwise who would dare to do this in the Princess Mansion? Confession is necessary, but not all of it!

So they have found someone to come out and take the death penalty!

This is a method often used by aristocratic families. Zheng Yang is the grandson of the emperor and the only son of the fifth princess. As long as someone takes the blame, the emperor may not kill Zheng Yang.

Although General Guo felt that the emperor was unlikely to let Zheng Yang go.

But no matter what, you have to work hard!

Nalan Jinnian sneered: "Can you be deceived once, can you be deceived in a year? It's too stupid to be deceived for so many years. What's the point of living, and encourage the people around you to commit crimes? But, brother Huang, are you as stupid as Zheng Yang? Do you believe what General Guo said? They clearly found a scapegoat. General Guo is deceiving the king! His crime should be punished!"

Manchu civil and military: ""

Guo Lao Dajun wanted to block Nalan Jinnian's mouth with his shoes!

Damn he shut up, okay? !

"Your Majesty is clear, but this minister does not dare! This minister will never lie!"

General Guo also stood up and said, "Your Majesty, Zheng Yang was still young, and he hadn't even married yet! Children of half size, instigated by others, will inevitably do wrong! Those women also liked him and followed him on their own initiative! Just because he liked it, he brought it back to the mansion and wanted to take him as a concubine. Who knew that his subordinates would do such a thing, causing them to be humiliated and commit suicide by himself! This is all my fault. The guards protect him! He doesn't know! Your Majesty, give Zheng Yang a chance to atone! He already knows he's wrong! Besides, he can't be blamed for this!"

Nalan Jinnian: "Brother, the original source is from General Guo! Since it is the bodyguard arranged by General Guo, so many innocent women have lost their lives! Then General Guo's crime cannot be forgiven!"

General Guo: "..."

The emperor nodded: "Seventeen is right! This matter is devoid of conscience and has a bad impact. It involves the lives of so many people. I will not spare anyone involved lightly!"

General Guo almost spat out a mouthful of old blood!

He was begging for mercy, and he hooked himself up!

Zheng Yang hurriedly kowtowed his head, with an expression of guilt: "No! It's my fault! It's all my fault! It's none of my uncle's business! If it weren't for me, if I didn't trust the people around me too much, those women I don't need to die. Grandfather, I have committed a heinous crime. I beg your grandfather to forgive me! My son is willing to die! Otherwise, my son will have an uneasy conscience for the rest of his life!"

Nalan Jinnian played with the purse around his waist and sneered: "Don't worry, you are dead!"

Zheng Yang: "..."

Everyone: "..."

The Minister of Works said at this time: "Your Majesty, although Young Master Zheng is guilty, it is the daring guard who is guilty of the most heinous crime! Your Majesty can pass that guard up to question him! He has already pleaded guilty! Zheng Yang is not guilty of death!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing stood up and snorted coldly: "Sophistry! Who would believe the guards who dare to do these things! Dozens of innocent people's lives! They were all raised by their parents with hard work. Those girls have not yet succeeded in marriage, and their lives have just just begun. In the beginning, I haven't seen many beautiful things in this world, I've been humiliated to death before I repay my parents' kindness, and I've been used as fertilizer for peach trees!

Mr. Zheng Yang, the lower official wants to ask you, if you taste the peaches raised from the flesh and blood of these girls every year, will your conscience not be disturbed? ! Still eating with relish? The Princess Mansion is still proud of this every year, and also holds a peach tasting banquet? ! How insane is this to be able to do such a thing? ! Simply unimaginable! "

Speaking of peaches.

The emperor thought that two days ago, the fifth princess gave him a basket of peaches, and he ate one, and then sent the rest to the queen mother.

The emperor thought that the whole person here is not good!

What should I do if I want to vomit?

If he vomited on the Golden Palace, will he be famous for eternity?

No, this is a heinous and unforgivable sin.

The Seventeenth Emperor is right, death is not enough to apologize!

The emperor tried his best to suppress his nausea and did not speak for a while!

Lin Yushi: "I ask the emperor to see clearly, Zheng Yang is the emperor's grandson, and the eyes of the people all over the world are staring! The emperor, the prince is guilty of breaking the law and the common people! I can only hate it! How will the people of this world treat the emperor in the future? Are the laws of the country only for ordinary people? Can the royal family and relatives commit crimes without giving them death?"

Nalan Jinnian: "Brother Huang, the evidence is conclusive! You can do it! There are many people outside the palace gate who were victimized this time! If your judgment is not fair and just, those people will be killed in front of the palace gate. Then, Brother Huang, you will be famous for eternity!"

General Guo: "Zheng Yang's crime will not kill you! It is the guard who has committed the most heinous crime! The emperor's death of the guard is in line with national law!"

Zheng Yang: "The grandfather of the emperor, give me death! It was my poor supervision, blinded by the servants, who committed this monstrous crime! I am willing to apologize with death to relieve the hatred of those people! I know the grandfather of the emperor. Wrong! I am willing to apologize with my death, and compensate the girl's family with one thousand taels of silver as compensation."

Your Majesty, suppressed the tumbling rivers and seas in his stomach: "Okay, I will fulfill you! If you can apologize with death, you are still a good man!"

Zheng Yang: "..."

What does the grandfather mean?

The emperor: "Zheng Yang and his guards forcefully robbed the civilian girl, humiliated her to death, and buried her body under a peach tree as fertilizer. This trip has wiped out human nature. The crime is extremely heinous and unforgivable! Execute! Come and drag them down!"

Zheng Yang: "..."

It's not that you don't have to die if you confess your guilt!

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