"How to teach from the mother's womb?" Xu Lao asked with great interest.

If prenatal education is possible, then his great-disciple and grandson, he will teach from the mother's womb!

Ten years later, there may be one of the youngest master painters available.

Elder Xu was very excited when he thought of this.

Warmth explained it in detail.

In her previous life, she and her sister-in-law had studied how to do prenatal education.

And the effect is good. The IQ and EQ of the little nephew and niece are so high that their IQ and EQ even surpassed their elder brother.

My elder brother's IQ is 220.

"Prenatal education is very simple. Prenatal education can be carried out through music, painting, reading, light, touching, small games, etc. Just like music, you can play some elegant music in the morning. While listening to beautiful, emotional and cheerful music, mothers appreciate famous paintings, Either the mother paints by herself, or the mother appreciates the paintings of others. The paintings should have good meanings, and the spirit of expression should be positive and optimistic.”

When my sister-in-law in my previous life was in the second trimester, she listened to the music played by her eldest brother while painting by herself.

Later, her stomach was too big, and it was inconvenient to sit and paint, so she played the tune played by her elder brother while watching her painting.

"Soothing, beautiful music to listen to before going to bed at night..."

Wen Nuan spoke in great detail, as if she had experienced it.

She spoke as if recalling something.

Nalan Jinnian looked even more uncomfortable.

His heart was sour, astringent, and uncomfortable, but he didn't know what to do.

This uncomfortable feeling is unstoppable!

But what can be done, the past life is the past life, the present life is the present life, the person he is jealous of does not exist in this world at all.

Otherwise, he can find that person and kill him!

Nalan Jinnian knew that he was unreasonable, but he couldn't help it!

Such helpless frustration, he had never tried it.

Nalan Jinnian felt that he should not continue listening, so he turned and walked out.

Warm and serious, there are her good memories of her family in her previous life, but she didn't notice that Nalan Jinnian left.

Elder Xu, Mrs Wang, Mrs Wu all listened carefully.

Mrs Wu patted her tenderly and warmly: "You all listen carefully. In a year or two, it's time for you to become mothers."

Gentleness and warmth made a big red face.

Warm stomping: "What nonsense mother is talking about!"

Wang Shi smiled and said, "Your mother is right. You all listen carefully."

The date for the tender and warm marriage was set. It was so coincidental that the Ning family and the Lin family were set on the same day. On the second day of the second month of the second month of the following year, it happened to be the birthday of the two sisters. The two twins were born on the same day and got married on the same day. It's a good story.

Wen Jiarui wanted to keep the two sisters at home for an extra year and a half, but he let Nalan Jinnian invite the people who hired the Tianjian to count the days. The next year will not be such a good life. That's it.

There is not enough time for a year, and soon they will be wives and mothers. Recently, Mammy Rong is also teaching them how to be a mistress of the house.

Although the two of them blushed, they listened carefully.

After listening to the warm prenatal education knowledge, Old Man Xu slapped the table and said, "This old man will go to Ningyuan County to do prenatal education for the child in the beautiful belly! I will leave the painting to the old man!"

He wants to teach his disciples and grandchildren from the womb!

When Wang Shi heard this, he was very happy: "That's a good feeling! With Mr. Xu doing prenatal education for that child, I will say that the painting of that child will not be bad in the future!"

Mr. Xu said to Wennuan, "Little apprentice, I will give prenatal education to the child in Jiamei's belly first, learn from the experience, and see how it works. When I go back to you and the seventeenth child, I will teach again, and then I will have more experience! "

The little apprentice and the seventeenth are such smart people, and Elder Xu is looking forward to the emergence of their children and teach him!


The eight characters have not been mentioned yet, Xu Lao thinks so far!

But for the joy of the old man, Nuan followed his wishes: "Haha, then there will be Master Lao."

Elder Xu looked very happy: "Mrs. Wang, when are you going back to Ningyuan County?"

"I think I'll go back the day after tomorrow! Pack up tomorrow."

"Okay! Go back the day after tomorrow! This matter is very important and can't be delayed! I'll go back and clean up!"

He has to take his life's proud work and his life's collections to hang in Jiamei's house, so that she can see it all the time!

Let great disciples and grandchildren be influenced by art all the time.

Old Xu left in a hurry and ran to pack up his treasures.

"Mother, why are you so impatient? Didn't you decide to go back after the Dragon Boat Festival? The Dragon Boat Festival will be over in a few days."

Wang Shi waved his hand: "I can't wait! Go back the day after tomorrow, the Dragon Boat Festival is here!"

Wen Chun heard the words and said, "Father, I'll go back with grandma tomorrow! It just so happens that I also want to go to Matou County in advance to learn about the situation in private. A few days in advance is more sufficient."

It just so happened that his luggage had already been packed in advance.

"That's fine, don't rush too much." Wen Jiarui didn't stop when he heard the words, and put his business first.

Warm: "I will make some crystal dumplings tonight, you can take them on the road to eat!"

Wu Shi thought that the fabrics in Beijing were much better than those in Ningyuan County, so she stood up: "I'll go out and pull a few pieces of cloth to make clothes for Jiamei's children."

Wen Jiarui pulled her in a funny way: "It's getting dark now, so what are you pulling on! It's not too late for dinner."

After Wen Jiarui finished speaking, let someone set the meal.

When the family came to the table happily, Nuan Nuan realized that Nalan Jinnian was gone.

After thinking about it, Wen Nuan said, "Brother Seventeen's hand is not ready yet, I'll go get him some food."


When the warmth came over the wall and came to King Jin's mansion.

Lin Feng said to Wen Nuan: "The county master, the people from Prince An's mansion came to find the master, and the master went to Prince An's mansion. It is estimated that Prince An made a fuss and asked him to accompany him to drink."

"That's it!" Wen Nuan looked at the food box in his hand.

Since he went to Prince An's mansion to accompany Prince An to drink, then these meals should not be eaten!

"Lin Feng, have you eaten yet?"

Lin Feng immediately said: "Not yet!"

Even if I ate it, I said I didn't eat it!

The meals prepared by the Princess Hui'an are much better than those prepared by the royal chef in the house!

Wen Nuan handed the food box to Lin Feng: "Then eat these meals!"

Lin Feng took it over like a treasure.

"When your master comes back, tell him where to go at night and I'll change his medicine."



Prince An's House

Prince Ann's old problem was repeated, and he was clamoring to find Seventeen, saying that he had something very important to hand over to him.

Prince An spoke so loudly that many servants in the house heard it.

Soon, everyone in the three mansions in the capital received the news!

The eldest prince: "Go and get that jar of wine made from thousand-year-old ginseng. This prince has not been drinking with Prince An for a long time!"

The second prince: "Take out the ancient painting that I got a while ago, and this king will ask Uncle Prince An if it is genuine."

The third prince received the news, touched the Pixiu on the desk, and asked the ordinary-looking man in black who was kneeling in front of him: "What are the first emperor and the second emperor doing?"

"One of them carried a pot of wine, and one of them went to Prince An's mansion with a painting."

The third prince smiled, and it was worth his effort to get the whereabouts of the emperor's decree from King Ning's mouth, and then inadvertently leaked it to the two of them.

Just let the first emperor, the second emperor and Uncle Jin fight to the death first!

He didn't even need to play until the end.

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