God knows how many years they haven't eaten zongzi since entering the military camp!

Some soldiers from poor families have never eaten rice dumplings before they even entered the barracks.

Because the yield of glutinous rice is lower than that of ordinary glutinous rice, poor people are rarely willing to use their fields to grow glutinous rice.

The barracks made rice in a big pot, and it was impossible to prepare rice dumplings for the soldiers.

Making zongzi is too troublesome, and the stove fire soldiers are too busy.

So everyone has been looking forward to it since they found out about it!

As soon as Lin Tingxuan's words fell, countless soldiers rushed over.

There are many people and great strength, and everyone divides the labor and cooperates. Soon, the soldiers soaked hundreds of thousands of kilograms of glutinous rice, and then built a temporary stove to boil the beans and zong leaves.

The edges of fresh zong leaves are very sharp, which can easily cut your hands. After cooking, you will not hurt your hands after washing them.

Therefore, in a river outside the military camp, you can see countless soldiers squatting there with loofahs or cloth towels to scrub the zongzi leaves, and scrub the dust and stains on the zongzi leaves!

An hour later, the zong leaves were washed, the glutinous rice was soaked, the fat and thin pork belly was marinated, the red beans and mung beans were boiled soft, the salted egg yolks and other things were ready, warm and warm, I started to teach you how to wrap Zongzi.

What beautiful women do is pleasing to the eye.

Wennuan is beautiful, but no one dared to fight her idea, because the soldiers in the military camp knew Wennuan during the last military election, and knew that Wennuan was the future princess of Nalan Jinnian!

The idea of ​​hitting the princess, this is because the head grows too well on the neck!

But the warmth is different!

Warm beauty is also slightly inferior to warmth.

Just because the warm aura is too powerful, people can't ignore it!

But the warmth is also a first-class beauty when placed outside!

Cao Zihao couldn't help but be moved when he looked at Wen Wen's gentle way of wrapping zongzi. He asked Liu Kai beside him, "Do you know if Wen Er girl is engaged?"

Liu Kai was also amazed by the warm beauty: "I don't know."

His mother is always clamoring to marry him!

This is what his ideal daughter-in-law looks like!

Hearing this, Cao Zihao thought, he has to write a letter back to his mother and ask her to come and propose him a marriage!

Lin Tingxuan happened to pass by Cao Zihao and Liu Kai.

He didn't say anything, walked directly to Wenxin and sat down, reached out and pulled her hair that fell on her forehead behind her ear: "Teach me how to make rice dumplings?"

Cao Zihao: ""

Liu Kai: ""

What is the relationship between Miss Wen and General Lin?

Lin Tingxuan was sitting at the warm side and went to school to make rice dumplings.

The two were talking and laughing, and their eyes were flirting with each other, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that there was adultery!

Then some soldiers couldn't help booing: "General Lin, who is the second girl Wen to you?"

Lin Tingxuan looked over and said, "I've never been to the door, your future sister-in-law!"

Warm face blushed, it looked even more beautiful like a dewy peony flower!

When the soldiers heard the words, they gave their blessings:

"It turns out to be the future sister-in-law! Congratulations... General Lin, you are so lucky! The sister-in-law is beautiful and gentle, and she can enter the hall from the kitchen, which is really enviable!"

"Congratulations to General Lin! I didn't expect that General Lin was already engaged. My sister-in-law is kind and kind, and General Lin is a hero! You two match each other very well!"

"Congratulations to General Lin, when are you going to have a wedding wine? When it's pouring, you must invite us brothers! I will take out my private room as a gift!"

"General Lin, when did you get engaged? How did we not know?"

Lin Tingxuan: "Not long ago."

Cao Zijian: fuck

And let no one live, and finally a girl I liked was actually booked one step ahead!

What the hell is his mother doing in the capital!

General Lin's father doesn't care, and the stepmother doesn't love anyone who has found such a good daughter-in-law!

His mother doesn't know what to do in the mansion all day long, and doesn't know what to do first, to make a daughter-in-law for him?

Liu Kai: General Lin is a rude man!

A flower stuck in cow dung!

"When will General Lin get married? Please remember to drink the wedding wine!" Someone said.

Seeing the reactions of many people, Lin Tingxuan glanced at Cao Zijian's direction again. Seeing the astonishment on their faces, Lin Tingxuan said triumphantly, "Come on, there are still a few months left. You will be the time to come."

Then of course everyone cheered again!

Nalan Jinnian came just at this time and sat beside Wen Wen.

At this time, a daring soldier couldn't help but ask him again: "When will King Jin and Princess Hui'an get married?"

Nalan Jinnian did not speak.

Lin Tingxuan joked: "King Jin's big day has already been chosen, but it can't be announced to the public. You can wait a year or two. Give me all your private houses first! Then start saving money for King Jin. It's too late! The day of his big wedding is still far away!"

Nalan Jinnian rolled his eyes as he looked at Lin Tingxuan, who had a proud face.

Whose wedding day is far away? Crow mouth!

If he hadn't instructed Qin Tianjian, would he have gotten married so quickly?

Let him wait another year or two!

Maybe he got married first, but he didn't!

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the girl beside her again.

Alas, when she grows up and can get married, there will be more than a year!

It's not easy!


So many people make zongzi together, each person makes a few, and they are soon finished.

Although many of the zongzi made by the soldiers are indescribable, and some are still leaking rice, everyone is happy!

After an hour, the dumplings were finally cooked!

Each person gets two, and it depends on who is quicker!

Therefore, everyone is not afraid of the heat and eats with relish and devours it!

"Yummy, this is the best dumpling I've ever eaten!"

"It turns out that zongzi tastes like this! It's so delicious! I love the fat in it! It melts in my mouth, and it's fat but not greasy! Fragrant!"

"This is my first time eating zongzi! It's delicious!"


He said with a warm smile: "Continue to invite everyone to eat next year! When the Mid-Autumn Festival comes, we will make moon cakes again!"

When the soldiers heard the words, they cheered again!

An old general said angrily: "You gangsters! You only care about eating, thank you Hui'an County Master?"

It was only when the soldiers realized that they hadn't thanked Hui'an County Master yet!

A large group of soldiers in front instantly knelt down on one knee and clasped their fists in salute: "Thank you, Princess Hui'an!"

The soldiers behind him also knelt down on one knee and shouted loudly, "Thank you, Princess Hui'an!"

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers knelt down one by one, like black waves.

A loud shout resounded through the sky, and it was endless for a long time!

The scene was shocking!

Nuan waved his hands: "Everyone is polite! This is what it should be, everyone guards the family and defends the country, practice day and night, hard work! The prosperity of the Nalan Kingdom, the prosperity of the country, the prosperity of the country, and the peace and security of the country are the result of your constant efforts and perseverance day and night! The emperor is thinking about everyone. , But the emperor was in charge of all the troubles and could not come over in person!

I am the owner and general of Hui'an County, who was proclaimed by the emperor, and I specially sent the Dragon Boat Festival care to everyone on behalf of the emperor!"

Since ancient times, the emperor's heart has been unpredictable, and Wennuan did not want to cause the emperor's suspicion, so she did not forget to flatter the emperor.

Nuan really admires these people who stick to their posts day and night, guard their homes and protect the country, and move forward for countless people.

Within the scope of her ability, I hope to do something for them!

This is not for taking any credit.

But Nuan also thinks that the emperor is really good, so he will do this.

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