The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 524 Waiting Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Three

Xiao Hei glanced at Wen Nuan's other hand, then drooped his eyelids, looked at the idiot in his mouth, and then at Wen Wen.

Nuan had already seen that the young eagle in Xiaohei's mouth was injured and poisoned.

Wen Nuan stretched out the other hand and let Xiao Hei put the young eagle on his palm.

Da Hui and Xiao Bai have found that Xiao Hei is back, and they ran over.

Da Hui glanced at the young eagle in his warm hands with disgust.

Ugly to death, not as beautiful as Xiaobai!

Xiao Hei seemed to understand the disgust in Da Hui's eyes, and he let out a cry.

what is ugly? !

This is the most beautiful cub it has found!

The uglier you were when you were young, the more beautiful you were when you grew up, just like yourself!

Da Hui rolled his eyes, then took Xiao Bai to continue the walk after dinner.

It's just that Xiaobai drooled at the young eagle.

Braised milk eagle, it has not been eaten yet!

Xiao Hei and a pair of sharp hawks landed on Xiao Bai, dare to eat this idiot, it scratched its face!

Da Hui quickly ran away with Xiao Bai.

A certain eagle never brings women home, and this time I am afraid she will be a daughter-in-law!

Xiaobai can't beat Xiaohei!

Wen Nuan held the young eagle and walked back to the yard while treating it with purple air.

Back in his yard, the poison on the young eagle had been removed, and it gently rubbed its head against the warm palm.

Nuan couldn't help but think of the plot of saving Xiao Hei, and couldn't help laughing.

Wen Nuan walked to the round table and sat down, then put the young eagle on the table.

The young eagle must have just learned to fly. It fluttered its wings and wanted to fly, but it couldn't fly well, and it fell to the ground after a few flutters.

Xiao Hei glanced at it in disgust.

I'll have to give it a special training tomorrow!

"Xiao Hei, what name should you give this little thing? You rescued it, you name it!"

Wen Nuan patted a black book on the table, then turned it over.

Xiao Hei was refreshed when he heard the words, and when Wennuan turned to a certain page, his paws clicked on a word "small".

My name is Xiao Hei, and the idiot is also called Xiao Hei!

As for the name, it has also thought of it, and it is called Xiaozhuo!

After Xiao Hei pointed, he retracted his paws and waited for the warmth to turn to a stupid word.

Stupid characters are not often used, and there are many strokes, so they are relatively backward. Warmth turned several pages and did not see Xiao Hei stretching his claws, but he was surprised. Did Xiao Hei have given this little thing a good name?


Luckily I made it a name myself.

Warm finally turned to stupid words.

Xiao Hei's sharp eagle claws slammed on the eagle language dictionary, and its longest claws clicked on the stupid word.


"Little stupid?" Wen Nuan looked at Xiao Hei uncertainly.

Xiao Hei nodded with a very interested face: Does it sound good and match it? .


He glanced at the young eagle on the ground with warmth and sympathy, and found that it was still flapping its wings and wanted to fly.

It looks stupid!

Warm doesn't matter.

"Xiao Hei, does Lei Ting have a letter back?"

Blackie nodded, and then it spread its big wings.

At the end, Xiao Hei lowered his head and glanced at the young eagle on the ground.

That expression showed off.

The young eagle raised its head and looked at its wings enviously!

Warm mouth twitched.

In front of a young eagle, is your adult eagle's wings really worth showing off?

Wen Nuan shook her head and laughed. She reached out and untied the small note under Xiaohei's wings, then opened the note.

The note reads: The old lady and the eldest son have been safely escorted to their destination, and they have reached Huainan Mansion.

The note was written back by Thunder.

On the surface, Lei Ting's mission this time was to escort Wang and Wen Chun out of the capital, but his secret mission was to sneak into Huainan Mansion.

The epidemic situation in Huainan Prefecture was serious, and the news came back that many people died, but they guessed that those who died on the list had become the private soldiers of the King of Huainan!

The purpose of Lei Ting's trip to Huainan Mansion this time is to pretend to be a commoner affected by the epidemic, and then take advantage of the situation to become a member of the private army, cooperating inside and outside.

After reading the warmth, I was about to burn the note.

Nalan Jinnian just walked in at this time.

Nalan Jinnian saw the young eagle on the ground, and glanced at Xiao Hei again, with no expression on his face.

He came to the warm side and sat down: "A letter from Thunder?"

Nodding warmly, he handed him the note: "He's here."

Nalan Jinnian took a look at it, then crushed the note into powder and threw it into the incense burner.

Xiao Hei happily circled around Nalan Jinnian.

Then he landed on the ground, raised his eagle's claw, pointed one toe at the little idiot on the ground, and introduced to Nalan Jinnian: "This is a little idiot!"

Xiao Hei glanced at the warmth and asked her to translate for him.

Warmly smiled and said, "This is the young eagle that Xiao Hei rescued, and Xiao Hei named it Xiaozhuo."

Xiao Hei nodded: Little stupid! Sounds good! Eagle lives up to its name!

Nalan Jinnian twitched the corners of his mouth, and glanced at the little fool on the ground with disgust:

"You can't even fly, why don't you take it to learn how to fly?"

Xiao Hei nodded when he heard the words, then grabbed the young eagle on the ground with one claw and flew out.

In order to become Xiao Hei and gallop in the blue sky like this, it takes hundreds of thousands of trainings.

And the process is painful.

One of the pains must risk being thrown to death!

The second pain, the pain of broken wings!

But to embrace the blue sky, to be the king of flight, these are all necessary!

Xiao Hei said that it has been knocked to death many times, and then reborn after breaking its wings, so that it has become what it is today - a handsome, intelligent and extremely intelligent flying king!

Xiaohei took Xiaozhuo to training with great enthusiasm all night long!

It will definitely make Xiaozhuo an eagle as smart as himself.

You can't be as stupid as Xiaobai!

After Xiao Hei flew away, Nalan Jinnian reached out and touched her warm, reddish face: "Drinking?"

Every time the little girl finishes drinking, her face will be a little red, charming and charming.

His warm face rubbed against his big palm, like a kitten: "Well, drink red wine, celebrate, be happy. I'm a little dizzy, I'm sleeping."

Probably because of the purple gas running, the alcohol smell spreads faster, and the warmth that was not drunk, felt a little overpowering.

Nuan Nuan grabbed the other big palm and put it on the other side of his face, then held Nalan Jinnian's big hand, letting him support his face and close his eyes.

Nalan Jinnian saw that her heart was so soft, she didn't dare to move, and let her fall asleep.

With the cicadas chirping outside the window in summer, he was so quiet, holding her face and looking at her.

Not bored either.

I don't know how long it took before he gently carried her to the bed, covered the cool quilt, put down the gauze, closed the wide window halfway, left a gap for the night breeze to come in, closed the curtain, and then left. go.


in the dark

Huainan Prefecture

A deep mountain.

The King of Huainan and Wang Xiao stood at the heights and watched the newly recruited soldiers.

There are about 100,000 dense heads.

Those people are queuing up to get soup and medicine.

King Huainan: "In half an hour, the disaster relief food and anti-epidemic medicinal materials sent by the imperial court will arrive soon. Remember to store them well at that time! Be sure to put them in a high place!"

In Huainan Prefecture, summer is the rainy season, and May is the flood season.

Not long ago, a granary was soaked in water, and nearly 100,000 stone of grain was lost!

Fortunately, the package can be dropped, which is more secure.

Maybe even do something else!

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