The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 529 Do you want to torture people like this?

The emperor has led several princes to board several dragon boats.

King Ning looked at the sun in the sky, looked at the emperor sitting on the dragon's head, and looked at the willow trees on both sides of the river that were scorched by the scorching sun, he frowned and sighed: "What is the emperor's cramp? I want to be hot. Dead!"

The officials around King Ning nodded in agreement.

Of course they didn't dare to say that.

That's what Ning Wang, who is a compatriot of the emperor's first mother, dares to say!

Nalan Jinnian arranged for the empress dowager, the eighth princess and the warm family to sit down in a thatched hut that he had ordered a long time ago.

Nalan Jinnian said to the empress dowager, "My son, go to accompany the emperor to row the dragon boat."

The queen mother nodded: "Okay, take care of your royal brother."

At a young age, what kind of dragon boat are you still racing!

Nalan Jinnian nodded.

The Eighth Princess said excitedly, "Uncle Seventeen will win!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at Wennuan and said to Wu, and then boarded the same dragon boat where the emperor was.

He pulled up his clothes and sat down in the first row.

The prince did not row the dragon boat himself, but sat on the dragon's head as a drummer. He fiddled with the drumsticks.

The emperor raised his head and glanced at Nalan Jinnian: "Brother Seventeen, go to another dragon boat, let's see who beats the drum better!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced coldly at the emperor's grayish dragon beard. Recently, his dragon beard seemed to be turning white faster.

"You are fooling around with your age! The younger brother is not on this boat, I am afraid that the emperor will lose. It's a shame!" After Nalan Jinnian finished speaking, he glanced at the officials and people standing on both sides of the strait.

That means, with so many people here, are you not afraid of embarrassment?


The emperor was so angry that he blew his beard and stared:

Who is the age?

Who will lose?

I'll show him the first one in a while!

Let him know what it means to be old and strong!

The emperor turned his head away from talking to someone.

The eldest prince glanced at the dragon boat where the emperor and Nalan Jinnian were sitting, with gloomy eyes: It's great, we are in the same boat!

The eldest prince boarded the most distant dragon boat.

The ninth prince said in surprise: "Brother, don't you go to the dragon boat beside the father?"

The eldest prince pulled him to sit down: "It doesn't matter which dragon boat, it's so hot! It's cooler on the shore!"

The ninth prince thought about it and thought so, so he sat down.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the ships on both sides.

At this time, the dragon boats were already lined up on the river.

The dragon boats of the eldest prince and grandson are the farthest from the emperor's dragon boat.

Closest to the river bank.

Nalan Jinnian hooked his lips, shouldn't he be on the dragon boat closest to the emperor?

People who always love to express themselves, but stay far away.

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the person behind him again.

Beside him is Xie Tengfei, the fourth-rank imperial guard with a sword.

The ones behind are all janitors with excellent water and skill.

Ning Huaijie's eldest brother, Ning Huaiyu, was also there.

Ning Huaiyu stood out in the Imperial Guard martial arts competition this year and won the first place, so this time she was fortunate to race the dragon boat on the same boat as the emperor.

Nalan Jinnian waved to Ning Huaiyu: "You sit behind me."

Then Nalan Jinnian said to the guards behind him, "You change positions with him!"


Hearing the words, the two quickly stood up and changed positions.

Nalan Jinnian moved a few more positions before giving up.

Soon the drumming sounded.

The dragon boat race has begun.

The people on the ten dragon boats rowed the oars in a neat and uniform manner.

The ten dragon boats broke through the water and flew out like arrows from the string.

Many civil and military officials on the shore cheered the emperor.

On one end of the people on the river bank stood officials and women, and on the other end were ordinary people.

The two sides are distinct.

But wherever the dragon boat goes, the people on the shore enthusiastically cheer the emperor!

The women also vigorously waved the handkerchiefs in their hands.

The scene was very lively.

Any slogan is shouted:

"The emperor must win! The emperor must win!"

"Dragon boat and his party, the river is clear and bright! Nalan Kingdom will have good weather and good weather in the future, and there will be no natural disasters and no more epidemics!"

"The real dragon is here! The demons and ghosts in the river have all been driven away! The river is clear and bright!"

The officials and the people shouted cheerfully, but only the life-threatening woman, the noble ladies, didn't even have the strength to shout!

Those of high rank stand under a tree, while those of low rank can only stand under the sun with a paper umbrella, and they will all be sunburnt!

The queen was standing under a big tree at the moment, and it was too hot.

Her black phoenix robe embroidered with gold-colored phoenix was soaked through.

Black is inherently more absorbing, and at an age, she feels pampered and feels like a quilt on a hot day.

The queen knew in advance that the emperor would race dragon boats in person. If she wasn't worried about the emperor's suspicion, she should have asked someone to raise it and build a shed!

It's terrifying!

The queen looked at the queen mother, her eyes flashed with yin.

The Shichanghou family, the eighth princess and the empress dowager sit under the grass hut.

There are still ice basins behind several people, and the maid is fanning with a paddle fan, which is really uncomfortable.

At this time, Wan Yun came over with two food baskets, and then took out a few bowls of iced mung bean soup and put them in front of several people.

"The queen mother, the eighth princess, the princess, the madam, Miss Jiwen, here comes the iced tangerine peel and mung bean soup! Drink some to relieve the heat."

The green mung bean soup looks extra tempting on a black clay bowl.

Princess Eight's eyes lit up: "That's great! There is iced mung bean soup to drink! Nuan Nuan, you are so thoughtful!"

The queen mother nodded: "It's too hot to bear, just to cool down!"

After all, she took a spoonful and tasted it, and she felt that her whole body was cold!

Then several others tasted it.

Soon a bowl of mung bean soup bottomed out.

The Eighth Princess said contentedly: "It's really cool!"

People who were sweating profusely from the heat and thirsty and thirsty: ""

Do you want to torture people like this?

Seeing the Tao Ranju logo on the box that Wan Yun was carrying, Concubine Li said to the maid next to her, "Go to Tao Ranju and buy two bowls of iced mung bean soup for this palace."

When the ministers and wives saw this, they also sent people to buy it.

It's unbearably hot!

The queen is not thirsty, but she is the queen, how can she do something indecent like drinking mung bean soup on the street, she endured not letting anyone buy it.

Lin Tingya saw so many women who ordered the maids to buy mung bean soup, thinking that Wen Wen asked Wan Yun to ask Tao Ranju to prepare more iced tangerine peel mung bean soup, and they would sell a bowl of 10 taels of silver tomorrow.

At that time, she still thought that a bowl of mung bean soup for ten taels of silver, how could someone buy it?

Now seeing everyone asking people to buy mung bean soup, I can't help but feel warm and witty!

Those little servants and maids drove the carriage to buy the iced mung bean soup, so they bought it back quickly.

When those life women heard a bowl of ten taels of silver, they couldn't help but grit their teeth: Tao Ranju is really good at making money.

It's just that when the iced mung bean soup is drank in the belly, everyone's whole body and mind feel refreshed, and they feel that this bowl of mung bean soup for ten taels of silver is worth it!

Too hot will make you sick. Is it better to drink mung bean soup than to drink bitter medicine?

Everyone looked at the dragon boat that was getting farther and farther away, and finally felt a little bit in the mood.

At this time, the sky in the distance was dark, and there was a strong wind blowing over, and everyone felt even cooler!

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