The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 531: Ai Jia tells you to shut up!

The queen sneered in her heart, even the real dragon emperor will have his time to die!

The sky is about to change color, who can stop it?

The eighth princess nodded: "Yes! God doesn't bless them and they will be fine!"

The queen mother is the most calm, she immediately said to the palace maid beside her: "Prepare the cloak and let the imperial doctor wait for your order."

"Yes!" The maid next to the Queen Mother immediately ran away.

Those women and noble women were so frightened that they turned pale, and they had already retreated far away, so far away from the river!

Everyone looked at the warmth in shock.

Princess Hui'an, this is a mermaid who grew up in the water, right?

Mrs. Hubu Shangshu looked at the warmth and said as surprised as a fish: "It's amazing! No wonder the husband always said that the princess of Hui'an is a heroine in the world! Men can't compare!"

Fang Fang nodded with a look of admiration: "It's amazing! She will save the emperor!"

The other life women also nodded: too powerful.

Tan Shiwan said in surprise, "How can Princess Hui'an know how to swim??"

The fifth princess beside the queen: "The children who grow up in the village are different, isn't it in the book? Those children in the village, all the boys and girls, have gone to the river to catch fish and shrimp since they were young, and they don't pay attention to the age of seven. So they can swim very well at a young age."

Tan Shiwan looked surprised: "Men and women are in the river together? What's the difference between this and bathing together?"

Everyone: "..."

Men and women together in the river?

What kind of system?

people thought.

Mrs Wu looked at the fifth princess: "So my sister Nuan has more fish and shrimp, so she can go down to the river to save the emperor, but you, the emperor's biological daughter, can only speak sarcastically here! The emperor is your biological father, right? Why don't you jump down to save people? Are you still in the mood to talk here? Where is your filial piety?"

Fifth Princess: "..."

Wen Wen and the gentle beside him said loudly: "If Sister Nuan didn't find out about the emperor in time, and the emperor has something to do, then let's be buried together! Let's discuss what it means to take a bath together on Huangquan Road at that time!"

Gentle: "Sister Nuan will definitely save the emperor! Some people will also get retribution!"

The queen mother looked at everyone coldly: "Whoever talks nonsense again will throw it into the river for Aijia!"

The crowd no longer dared to speak out.


Warm swim to the middle of the river.

She was completely submerged in the water, and soon she saw a bright yellow figure and a black figure washed over by the river.

The other person is not Nalan Jinnian!

It's Ning Huaiyu!

Warm once seen.

Wen Nuan swam over quickly and found that Ning Huaiyu was holding the emperor's hand tightly.

Then approach them from between them.

Then he stretched out his left hand, passed through the emperor's armpit, grabbed his body, and quickly brought him out of the water.

She beckoned to Wan Yun, motioned her to pull herself ashore, and then her right hand quickly passed through Ning Huaiyu's armpit, taking the heads of the two out to meet.

At the same time, she used her mind to mobilize the purple energy and treated the emperor directly in the water.

She used the purple energy of her mind to pass some to Ning Huaiyu through the emperor.

When the warmth mobilized the purple energy, her body floated automatically.

On the shore, Wan Yun and the soldiers quickly pulled the rope together to pull the warmth ashore.

The two guards sent by the Queen Mother also swam there, and they quickly swam to both sides, supporting the other side of the Emperor and Ning Huaijie.

The two quickly moved their arms to the shore.

Soon the soldiers behind also swam over to help: "Master Hui'an, let's come!"

Warm: "Wait a little longer, and then come closer to the shore."

The eighth princess on the shore jumped up with joy: "Grandmother! Nuan Nuan saved the father!"

The queen mother nodded: "Saved! Saved! Imperial doctor! The imperial doctor is ready to save people~! The cloak is ready!"

The Queen Mother's eyes couldn't help falling into the river, what about Seventeen?

Why haven't I seen Seventeen?

The imperial doctor and the soldiers also ran over quickly.

The queen turned her head to the side, squinted her old eyes that were already a little cloudy, and squeezed the handkerchief in her hand: Is the emperor closed his eyes?

Is it alive? dead?

The mammy beside me reminded: "Queen."

The queen came back to her senses: "Quick, help Ben Gong to see what happened to the emperor! Your Majesty! You must be safe and sound! Otherwise, Ben Gong will not know what to do in the future!"

Mammy helped the queen and walked over quickly.

When the warmth swam to the shore, the water by the river was no longer so urgent!

And her feet could already touch the bottom of the river, so she handed over the emperor and Ning Huaiyu to the guards.

The guards quickly drove the emperor and Ning Huaiyu to the shore.

Ning Huaiyu was young and in good health. Because of the effect of Zi Qi, he was already conscious. He knew that someone had rescued him, so he let go.

The queen came to the queen mother's side, and then said to the guards beside her: "Hurry down and help the emperor go ashore!"

The two jumped down quickly.

At this time, the servant had already taken the emperor to the river.

"Let's come!" The guard beside the queen quickly took over the emperor and carried the emperor ashore.

Warm just swam to the shore and wanted to stand up.

The maid next to the Queen Mother did not need to be ordered by the Queen Mother. She had been waiting by the river with her cloak. Seeing Nuan standing up, she immediately stepped forward to wrap it and said, "The Princess Hui'an is wearing a cloak."

"Thank you~" Wen Nuan tightened his cloak with both hands, unfastened the rope around his waist, and quickly ran towards the emperor.

The emperor and Ning Huaiyu had already been placed on the ground.

Eunuch Li had already laid a blanket on the ground so that the imperial doctor could save people.

After the two guards put the emperor down, Eunuch Li quickly covered the emperor with a blanket.

The queen said anxiously on the side: "Tian doctor, the emperor is in a coma, hurry up and save the emperor!"

The queen looked at the emperor's face with concern.

The emperor's face turned black, and he didn't know if he could be saved or not.

The imperial physicians quickly gave the emperor and Ning Huaiyu their pulse.

Wrapped in a cloak, Wennuan ran over: "Everyone let me! Let me come!"

The queen looked at Wennuan and scolded: "Don't make trouble, Lord Hui'an! The imperial physicians are saving the emperor! The emperor's life and death are uncertain now. If the diagnosis and treatment of the imperial physician is delayed, can you afford it?"

Empress Dowager: "Shut up! The imperial doctor gets out of the way and lets the Princess Hui'an come!"

Queen: "..."

Physicians: "..."

Warm is too lazy to say nonsense, directly grabbed the clothes of the imperial physicians, and then left them still open, and directly gave the emperor to spit water first aid.

She's out of time!

Nalan Jinnian doesn't know where to go!

But Nalan Jinnian was much thinner than the emperor, and warmly guessed that if he was washed here by the river, he should be faster than the emperor.

But when she was watching the river from the tree just now, she didn't see him.

The man's water was also excellent,

So Wen Nuan speculated that he should still be where the boat capsized.

But all of this is her guess, so she has to save the emperor as soon as possible before rushing over!

Wen Nuan quickly cleaned the emperor's nasal cavity and mouth to see if there was any dirt, then knelt on one knee on the ground, bent his left foot, twisted the emperor directly, put his abdomen on his bent leg, and pressed his back, to help him spit out the water.

The queen was furious at the side: "Presumptuous, Princess Hui'an, what are you doing! Hurry up and put down the emperor!"

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