The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 546 The little girl is too bad

The emperor and the empress dowager had an affair, and he was so outrageous, without integrity, and without morality, how could he be worthy of being the emperor?

Then Nalan Jinnian will also be suspected of being a wild species born by the emperor and the queen mother.

He became a royal disgrace!

Such people are despised by the world and not tolerated by the imperial court!

In the future, in the court, in the royal family, will he still have a foothold?

"No!" Nalan Jinnian's eyes became colder.


"Isn't it? The emperor really collected the portrait of the queen mother?" Nuan was so shocked that he almost bit his tongue.

Warmly looking at Nalan Jinnian's eyes became ambiguous!

Nuan thought of the emperor's tolerance and love for Nalan Jinnian, and she simply regarded him as a son. She thought it was because the age difference between the two was too great.

This doesn't seem to be really the emperor and the empress dowager

Warm shook his head, no, the emperor is not such a person, nor is the queen mother such a person!

The emperor really liked going to the queen mother's place, and she began to feel strange.

But after getting along a few times, Nuan felt even more that the emperor was looking through the queen mother.

"Who's on that portrait? It's not really the Queen Mother, is it?"

Nalan Jinnian twisted her pretty nose punitively, don't think he didn't see her doubts for a moment: "It's not what you think! The woman in the portrait is not the queen mother. Besides, before the queen in the painting I found out, the emperor brother saw that the queen had been thinking about it, and deliberately let her find it."

He had seen the portrait a long time ago. Although he looked exactly like his mother, that person was not his mother.

This time, letting the mother leave the capital is also to save her from worrying.

Wen Nuan was relieved to hear the words. She didn't plan to ask more about the court's affairs. She only cared about the same thing: "How does the emperor plan to clean up the Guo family?"

When Nalan Jinnian heard the words, her icy eyes narrowed: "The crime of treason, looting the family and destroying the family!"

It's just that the emperor took care a little more!

"That Guo family seems to have a lot of shops in the capital, right? I can go through the back door and buy it first? Our family is so miserable, we don't even have a store in the capital! Silver, we can't stay in the capital any longer! We're dying of poverty!"

Warm is telling the truth, the construction of shops and houses outside the city is getting faster and faster, and the money is spent like flowing water every day!

Really need to find a way to make money!

Is she going to perform to survive when she meets her?

The paintings have been selling a lot recently.

Nuan knew that every big family had their homes raided, and although those shops were all sold to the imperial court, they were all snapped up internally, and there was no chance for them to be released to the government-run tooth shops!

Anyway, she will use the money to buy some shops, and she can go through the back door, why doesn't she go?

Well, being able to walk through the back door is also one of her strengths!

The corners of Nalan Jinnian's mouth twitched, she really thought this little girl was poor!

He twisted her nose: "Isn't the key to the king's warehouse on you? You can use it at any time, so why not use it?"

"Hee hee, I want to use my own hands and my own strength to create a business empire!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at her, this girl's heart is bigger than a man's!

And all he can do is to support her silently as she likes!

"Okay, I will take you to raid your home. There are many rare treasures in General Guo's mansion. If you fancy something, you can ask the emperor for it! You are his savior!"

Nodding warmly, he smiled wickedly: "I only like silver! There should be a lot of silver in the Guo family! I just don't know if the emperor is reluctant to part with it?"

Nalan Jinnian smiled and twisted her nose.

The little girl is so bad!

I know that the emperor's favorite is also silver.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the sundial: "It's getting late, during special times, you need to rest a bit! Also, are you going to the military camp tomorrow? Tell Wan Yun how to train and let her train them. Do strenuous exercise, you know? It's not good for your health! Go to bed earlier! I'm leaving."

He has to go to the dungeon.

Nalan Jinnian narrowed her eyes when she thought of the words of the man in the dungeon. Gentleness must be someone else's way.

Fortunately, the little girl never asked about the political affairs. If she didn't ask, he wouldn't say it, lest she worry.

However, in the officialdom, it is always intriguing, people always have to suffer losses, and only after a fall will they grow up.

This is not necessarily a bad thing for Wen Hou!

Warm didn't know what someone was thinking, she nodded obediently: "Okay!"

On the surface, she should, but in her heart, she thought that she would go to training tomorrow, how could she not do strenuous exercise!


the next day

The story of the first prince and the second prince fighting outside the palace gate has spread to the streets and alleys. After all, there are many people outside the palace gate.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, the portrait of the queen mother collected in the emperor's royal study was quickly known by many people.

Generally speaking, the emperor's collection of portraits of the queen mother is nothing.

But the queen mother is not the emperor's biological mother!

And the queen mother is very young and beautiful, and none of the concubines in the harem can compare to her.

The emperor often went to the queen mother's place on weekdays.

The emperor loves King Jin so much, even better than other princes!

The same thing adds up, it's intriguing!

You have to think about it!

This rumor was spread and discussed privately among the capital's aristocratic circles.

It just doesn't include which ones are closed doors to thank guests, after all, they are afraid of being regarded as rumor spreaders.

Although the emperor's body has not recovered, he has already started his early court today.

The important ministers in the court and after the court, they all walk independently and go their own way.

The atmosphere is so weird!

Only Wen Jiarui and the Minister of Hu Bu were left by the emperor to ask about Xia Shou.

And Nuan came to the barracks early this morning.

The female soldiers are doing various trainings on the playground. Ten days are not long, but they have already been reborn!

These days, they have also slowly felt that they have changed from the past.

Wan Yun handed over a list to Nuan Wen: "Hui An County Master, these are the people who were picked out of the ten days of exercise."

Nuan took it over, turned over page by page, and recorded each person's information in more detail.

From birth age to each person's strengths and weaknesses, even what they like to eat and what they don't like to eat are recorded.

After reading Nuan Nuan, she returned the list to Wan Yun: "Let these people come and go to the special training ground to start special training."


Wan Yun took over the list.

This time, she selected a total of 100 people out of 50,000 people for special training.

The real one in a hundred is not an exaggeration!

Wan Yun came to the 50,000 soldiers: "Let's click on the name list!"

"Yang Xiaoni,..." Wan Yun loudly called out the names of a hundred people, and they all came out one by one.

Wan Yun said to the 100 people: "You all go to the special training scene to meet the Princess Hui'an."

Among the 100 female soldiers, there was a female soldier who was on the mission to Dongling that day, but she had no chance to take power at that time, because she was the weakest one, and she was Yang Xiaoni.

At this time, she couldn't help but ask: "Vice-General Wan, may I ask why we are going to see Princess Hui'an."

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