At this time, the emperor said curiously: "Wen Aiqing, how can you prove that you did not write the letter? How can you prove that this letter was given to you by Lord Lin?"

"Back to the emperor, when Lord Lin gave me this letter, I was picking Magnolia japonicas outside the Hanlin Courtyard, and my hands were stained with the sap of Magnolia japonicas, so this envelope also contained the sap of Magnolia japonicas." Wen Hou He pointed to a corner of the smudge on the envelope.

The emperor glanced at Eunuch Lin, and Eunuch Lin immediately took the envelope and showed it to the emperor.

The emperor took it over and glanced at it, the envelope was indeed a little smudged.

He smelled it again, and then handed it to Dali Siqing.

Dali Siqing took it over and smelled it: "It is indeed the smell of the juice of Magnolia japonica."

Wen Hou continued: "Because I had no time at the time, I had to rush back to the house for dinner. I originally rejected Lord Lin and didn't want to help him deliver the letter. He pulled me and said that he was in a hurry and insisted that I help him. When I let go of his hand, the magnolia sap from my hand also got on his sleeve. The sap from the magnolia flower cannot be washed off the clothes, and Mr. Lin is wearing an official robe. , there are only three sets for each person, and as soon as this matter is investigated, we will know whether the lower official is panicking? I ask the emperor to investigate!"

Wen Hou knew that that fellow was not a good thing, and asked him to send letters for no reason, maybe he was doing something bad! He deliberately left the juice on his clothes, and on the envelopes.

Save yourself a backhand!

The emperor glanced at Eunuch Lin: "Lord Lin!"

"Hey!" Eunuch Lin responded quickly.

Nalan Jinnian put his hands on the table and looked at the gentleness quietly.

My ears listened to the movement of the roof, and I was worried that someone would fall off accidentally!

What is she trying to do?

What are you doing walking around?

Wen Nuan jumped off the roof at this time, she caught up with Eunuch Lin and reminded him a few words.

The minister of punishment sank in his heart: "Master Wen, you are a big man, why do you pick flowers?"

Gentle: "The eighth princess often comes to Weichen's mansion to play with my sister. She knows that there are two Magnolia magnolias outside the gate of the Hanlin Courtyard that are very well opened, so Weichen can pick some and bring them back to her."

"Why did the eighth princess let you pick flowers?"

Wen Hou: "I don't know about this, but I didn't ask. I thought: It's just a little effort, so I agreed! If the adults want to know why the eighth princess picked Magnolia, you can ask the eighth princess to ask!"

Minister of Punishment: ""

Dali Siqing almost laughed, and he coughed: "Master Wen, how can you prove that you did not write this letter?"

"Paper!" Wen Hou raised the letter in his hand and smiled confidently.

"What's wrong with the paper?" The Minister of Punishment asked inexplicably.

Wen Hou said: "The paper used by officials of each level in the Hanlin Academy is different. This paper is not something that my level can use."

The Minister of Punishment snorted coldly: "This letter may not have been written by you in the Hanlin Academy, or by you in the mansion!"

Wen Hou shook his head: "It's even more impossible in the mansion! Sir, you don't know, my family runs a paper workshop, and the paper at home is either defective paper cut in the workshop, or the best quality paper. But there is no such paper, and besides, this paper is the special paper of the Hanlin Academy, stamped with the steel seal of the Hanlin Academy. How strict is the paper of the Hanlin Academy, Master Shangshu will know if you ask the Han Dashu! 7"

Brother Seventeen showed himself and his eldest brother the records of all major and difficult cases in Nalan Kingdom 50 years ago.

Regarding solving the case, he dare not say that he is a master, but he still has accumulated a little experience!

Dali Siqing looked warm and kind, with light in his eyes, what a seedling!

Train well, and over time, you will be able to stand on your own!

The Minister of Punishment shook his head: "This does not prove that you did not write the letter, but the words are your handwriting. You can go and get the paper from your boss on purpose."

"Then the subordinate officials can also get the paper from the boss. My lord, the Hanlin Academy is different from other departments. It cannot be moved anywhere, and the levels are clearly distinguished! Everyone has an independent room to do things, and everyone leaves the room on weekdays. The door was locked."

The Minister of Punishment snorted coldly: "Even so, it's not impossible for you to steal the paper!"

At this moment, Master Han opened his mouth and said, "Lord Shang Shu doesn't know anything. Since last year, everyone in the Hanlin Academy has privately printed paper! The people in the Hanlin Academy don't know about this yet."

When the emperor heard this, he remembered that this was indeed the case.

Soon Lin Jingxuan was brought up.

He bowed to the people in the hall, and he had already thought of a way to deal with it.

He had known for a long time that such a moment would come.

Eunuch Lin presented several sets of clothes in his hand to the emperor.

Wen Hou said at this time: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen remembers that I was pulling Lord Lin's right hand."

Eunuch Lin pulled out a sleeve.

"Your Majesty, please take a look!"

The emperor lowered his head and glanced: there was indeed a little brown stain on the royal blue sleeve, as if the juice of some kind of plant had been stained, and it could not be cleaned.

Eunuch Lin presented it to Dali Siqing and others.

Dali Siqing patted the tree: "Bold Lin Xiuzhuan, you dare to reveal the emperor's whereabouts, what's the crime?"

Lin Jingxuan knelt down: "Your Majesty Wei Chen has been wronged! Wei Chen has never done this!"

The Minister of Punishment threw the letter in front of Lin Jingxuan: "Do you want to make a quibble? Did you give this envelope to Lieutenant General Liang Shan who asked Lord Wen to send it to the guard camp? This letter contains the juice of magnolia flowers. When he was delivering the letter for you, he happened to be picking magnolia flowers, and your sleeves were stained with magnolia sap, as well as the envelope! How do you explain this? You still haven't brought it in?"

Lin Tingxuan picked up the envelope and glanced at it: "Xiaguan did ask Lord Wen to deliver a letter for me, but I didn't write that letter! Lord Liang is the cousin of Xiaguan's wife, and the letter was sent to Liang by her wife. The letter from the lord, she said it was a matchmaking letter. I haven't read the content of the letter, I just forwarded it for my wife! At that time, I had abdominal pain and was unbearable, so I asked Lord Wen to deliver the letter for me. "

Wen Hou did not expect Lin Jingxuan to admit it so readily!

He glanced at Lin Jingxuan: "If you dare to do it, you are still a person!"

Lin Jingxuan smiled: "A dignified man, I have always dared to admit it! I did give you the letter, but I don't know the content of the letter! I don't know if you changed it! Whose handwriting, Whoever wrote the letter! It can't be wrong!"

No matter what, it will never fall on his head!

Dali Siqing didn't expect to involve another person, so he said: "Trust the Tan family!"

Soon Tan Shiwan was brought up.

At this time, Ning Huaiyu walked in, holding a stack of crumpled papers in his hand: "Your Majesty, this was found in the house of the second young lady of Uncle Changping's mansion! Uncle Changping's maid was burning the papers there at the time. "

The emperor took it over, glanced at it, and his pupils shrank!

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