The person in the corner was stunned. He had completely restrained his breath, but he didn't expect that the third prince would find out.

It is rumored that the third prince is gentle and elegant, and only loves to recite poetry and write all the elegant things of the wind and the moon, but he has no power to control the chicken, and he does not understand a little martial arts!

Why didn't the second prince with high martial arts find himself, but he found himself?

"Come out! I have seen you!"

People in the dark: ""

If it weren't for his confidence in his ability to hide, he would really believe it!

Originally, he wanted to find the second prince.

But the three princes

Or is the third prince not as indifferent to the world as rumored?

Besides, even if the third prince is truly indifferent to the world, that's even better!

For him to expose the Hui'an County Master's family, the emperor may believe it even more!

It's a big deal, his second prince and third prince will inform him!

Come to think of it, they don't want King Jin to gain power!

He doesn't believe that there are people who are not interested in that position!

Guo Shixiong walked out: "The last commander has seen the third prince!"

The third prince was startled: "Is it you?"

One of the most wanted criminals posted on the king list!

"Can the third prince take a step to speak? There will be something important to tell the third prince at the end! It's about King Jin and Princess Hui'an!"

He is betting that the third prince is ambitious!

You must listen to yourself.

The third prince gave him a deep look, and suddenly shouted: "Someone! There are fugitives here! Come on!"

The second prince thought of something, and when he turned back, he wanted to go to the prime minister's mansion, but he didn't expect to hear the third child's cry just after going out.

He ran over quickly!

Behind him were several guards from the Second Prince's Mansion.

Guo Shixiong was about to escape when the third prince flicked his fingertips in the darkness.

Guo Shixiong didn't know what he stepped on, he slipped, and the second prince caught him!

"It's you?" After the second prince caught the man, he was very surprised to see his face clearly!

Guo Shixiong is a member of the Guo family and a veteran, so the second prince naturally knows him.

This man is not afraid of death!

How dare you come here!

The third prince said with lingering fears: "Fortunately, the second emperor appeared in time, otherwise I would have been killed by this traitor!"

Guo Shixiong: ""

Is this really the third prince who is personable and indifferent to the world?

Lies come when you open your mouth? !

Angry him, this hypocritical face!

The third prince said to the second prince: "Second prince, your martial arts are strong, this person will be handed over to you to be sent to the heavenly prison! The second prince has caught a serious crime in the court, and the father will reward him heavily. What did he tell me about Hui'an? The secret of the princess, I have no interest in the secret of the princess of Hui'an! I went back to the house and was shocked! Suddenly running out in the middle of the night, I thought it was a ghost!"

After finishing speaking, the third prince shook his folding fan and left the dark alley.

Guo Shixiong: ""

The second prince's mind changed, he looked at Guo Shixiong and said, "Can you know the secret of Princess Hui'an? Who are you trying to fool?"

"Now I will become a wanted criminal. If the second prince can save my life and arrange a safe place for me, I will tell you this secret!"

Now the city gates are blocked everywhere, and his avatar is posted everywhere, although he has a way to get out of the city!

But he didn't want to leave the city for the time being, he still wanted to rescue the old general and the great general!

The second prince sneered: "If you don't say anything, send you to the prison, and someone will pry your mouth open!"

The second prince winked at him in the dark!

He was discovered by the third prince, and he kept him upright and upright. If the younger brother of the third emperor mentioned it in front of the father tomorrow, then he would not be able to eat it and leave!

He can only send him to the Heavenly Prison first, and then find an opportunity to let him escape!

The second prince gave a wink to the two cronies who followed him, and then said, "You send this traitor to the Heavenly Prison, and keep him in custody!"

"Yes!" The two guards were the second prince's henchmen, and he understood what he meant with just one look and one action!

The two hurried over to grab him from left to right!

The second prince took the opportunity to whisper an address in his ear.

"Go!" The two guards yelled at him!

After the third prince left, he hid in the dark, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

There are still many people in front of him. Don't try to drag him into the water before he comes on stage!

He shook his folding fan, his figure flashed a few times, and disappeared into the thick night!


In the middle of the night, the streets of the capital are full of soldiers chasing fugitives!

The gates of each mansion were opened by the soldiers who were searching.

Shichanghou Mansion is no exception.

Warm in the house is teaching Lin Tingya to arrange flowers and arrange potted plants with artistic conception.

She went to the barracks during the day to watch and train the soldiers, and she could only use the free time at night to teach her.

In addition to teaching Lin Tingya to arrange flowers, she also has to refine a lot of wound medicine in case of emergency.

It can be said that it is really busy!

Nuan Nuan can only sleep for two hours every day, that is because Nalan Jinnian is done with her work. She came to see her and found that she was not sleeping, so she forced her to sleep!

Otherwise she could be busy in the pharmacy until dawn!

On the round table are several freshly cut flowers, as well as some light pink and light purple colored paper.

"There are six techniques of flower arrangement: high and low, dense and dense, combination of virtual and real, echoing up and down, upper light and lower weight, upper scattered and lower gathering!

While pruning the excess branches, Wen Nuan explained to Lin Tingya while demonstrating: "Look, isn't it very beautiful to wrap it in colored paper! Such a bundle of flowers, after being packaged, can be sold for 200 yuan on the Qixi Festival. One more tie!"

"It's very beautiful! I think anyone with five hundred yuan is willing to buy it!" Wen Wen said with a bouquet of flowers and couldn't put it down.

Lin Tingya nodded: "It's really beautiful, I didn't expect flowers to be decorated like this!"

"There are many ways to set it up. Sister Tingya, you can try it yourself!"

Lin Tingya wanted to try it for a long time, but it was a little late, so it was not good to stay in the warm yard and delay her rest. She planned to go back to her yard again and again, and she stood up: "I will wrap a few more bouquets tomorrow. Let's take a look at Nuan Nuan."


At this time, Aster walked in and said: "County Lord, there are many soldiers searching around outside. I heard that a fugitive from Guo's family accidentally ran away, and he is a military general. I don't know whose mansion he is hiding in! Madam let Let me tell you, the two girls remember to be alert when they go to bed at night, lest the traitor hide in our mansion."

Hearing the words warmly, he asked, "Who ran away?"

"It seems to be a veteran named Guo Shixiong."

Guo Shixiong? Isn't that the one who went to Jianghuai Mansion?

"How did you get caught?"

"It seems that the second prince caught it, and then the second prince's people were escorted to the sky prison. When the handover was handed over, he accidentally ran away!"


Can such a low-level mistake be made?

He nodded thoughtfully and warmly: "We know, let the guards in the house patrol more tonight."



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