While listening to him, Nuan gave him a pulse. At this time, the number was over, and it was definitely the plague!

She turned her head to Nalan Jinnian and the others and said, "Plague! Stand back a little bit!"

Da Hui jumped far away!

Nalan Jin became more serious every year.

Isn't the plague epidemic in this area already over?

The faces of the soldiers who came over changed when they heard the words!

Qi Qi stepped back.

plague? With so many soldiers here, if they were infected, the consequences would be unimaginable!

They have to rush to attack the enemy!

All have been agreed with other teams.

If the major event was delayed because of being infected with the plague, then they really deserved to die!

How could it be so unfortunate to encounter people suffering from plague!

Some soldiers couldn't help but said: "Hui'an County Master, come back quickly! I'll take him to see the doctor!"

Princess Hui'an is their general. If she is infected with the plague, it will be a big deal!

The other soldiers also nodded and said, "Yes, Princess Hui'an, let's take him down the mountain to see the doctor, don't worry about this! You can't have an accident!"

"I can continue to walk without me in the army of Hui'an County Lord, but I can't do it without you! I will carry him to the doctor for this hunter, don't worry about it!"

"Master Hui'an, come back soon"

They are soldiers, soldiers who serve the common people, and they can't wait until they die!

But saving people is worth saving!

I can't risk the lives of Hui'an County Master and all the soldiers!

But they can't sacrifice their 20,000 soldiers for one common people.

The people in the Huainan area are still waiting for them to rescue!

I heard that the King of Huainan has captured a county!

Facing the call of the soldiers, warm heart warms, whoever receives the sincere care of the people below will be moved.

She reassured: "Don't worry, have you forgotten that I am a doctor? It's okay, now that you are up, let's eat something! We will continue on our way in a while!"

The soldiers were speechless for a while, isn't the doctor afraid of the plague?

It's all written!

There is a plague there, and all the hospitals in the city are closed!

Wan Yun said at this time, "Don't worry, the Lord Hui'an can cure the plague!"

On the female soldier's side, Yang Xiaoni nodded: "When we were on our mission to Dongling, we encountered an outbreak of the Dongling Plague, which was discovered by Hui'an County Master. We came back all the way because we drank the preventive measures opened by Hui'an County Master. The plague decoction, so it's fine! Except Guo Mingyan didn't drink it, so she was infected with the plague, and everyone else is fine! Guo Mingyan's plague was cured by the master of Hui'an County."

Because of this, Yang Xiaoni felt that Guo Mingyan, as a lieutenant, didn't even have the basic morality of being a human being. Princess Hui'an saved her obviously, but she didn't need to be grateful.

From then on, her admiration and admiration for this female general began to fade. Later, Yang Jiangying and the others deliberately incited the female soldiers to be hostile to Hui'an County Master.

At that time, she felt that Guo Mingyan was not only immoral, but also despicable and shameless!

The soldiers were shocked when they heard it: "Hui'an County Master can even cure the plague?"

"That's right, Hui'an County Master can even connect with a broken hand, how can a small plague not be cured!"

"Brother, you are lucky, you won't die this time. It's really lucky to meet Princess Hui'an!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng immediately signaled everyone to be quiet, eat some dry food, and immediately prepare to continue on the road!

The man on the ground heard the soldiers calling Nuan Nuan the county master, and then Nuan Nuan said that he had the plague, he immediately took a few steps back, and said anxiously: "Hui An county master, generals, hurry up and leave! Take care of me!"

"Don't panic! I can cure it! You go to see a doctor by yourself. If you meet other people on the way, you may infect others." Wen Nuan warned.

The hunter didn't dare to move after hearing that!

Before, he was holding a fluke mentality, thinking that he just had an emergency, not the plague. After all, he didn't seem to feel his fever.

Now that it was confirmed that it was the plague, he didn't dare to go to the city and harm other people!

But he can't die!

He also has an old mother at home!

Time was pressing, Nuan took out two bottles of pills from his sleeve pocket and handed them to him: "This is a pill to treat the plague, you should take one now! Then take it every two hours, three times a day. That's it."

The man took the bottle, poured out one of each medicine, and ate it.

As for whether this medicine can really cure the plague, he has no doubts at all.

He felt like he was dying, and there was nothing to worry about.

It is better to be a living horse doctor than a dead horse!

Besides, so many soldiers said that Hui'an County was very skilled in medicine, and that she discovered the plague in Dongling Country. Why didn't he believe it? !

Nalan Jinnian stood not far behind Nuan Nuan. After seeing him take the pill, he asked, "How did you get this plague? Did you get it when you went into the city to sell prey?"

Usually people who have been in contact with the plague will have the possibility of infection.

But he said that they were from the villages near the foot of the mountain. This area is remote and far away from the densely populated places in the city and town. The people in the nearby villages are living self-sufficient lives and should have little chance to come into contact with people suffering from the disease. Those who have plague are right.

The route they walk and the villages along the way have been known.

After all, they set off overnight this time to hide their whereabouts.

If it was infected by entering the city, it would be troublesome. This matter must be clarified as soon as possible. The nearest city nearby is Fengcheng, which is not far from the capital!

Wen Nuan took the opportunity to hold his wrist and pretended to continue taking pulses, and by the way gave him some purple energy to make him feel better faster.

The man is handsome and unpretentious. He looks down at Orion from a high position. His inherent dignity and indifference make Orion feel like he has met the king of the forest!

Orion couldn't help being a little nervous, but seeing everyone's serious faces, as if they were facing a big enemy, he also thought of the seriousness of the matter: "I went to Fengcheng five days ago, and when there were many people queuing to enter the city, I There are more than a dozen villagers who have come to the city to work. They are all familiar with each other, and the person behind me just keeps coughing. I think I was infected by him. "

five days?

Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian glanced at each other. In five days, after entering the city, they could infect many people!

Then those people passed on from person to person

Then the infected people run back to the village, or some other place

I can't imagine it!

Nuan asked: "Do you know that they are from that village? Where did they come from, and have you heard them say where to work?"

No matter what, we must find out the dozen or so people as soon as possible, find out where they came from, where they passed through, and where they have been and who they have come into contact with in the past five days!

If this is a big outbreak of plague, then Nalan country is really leaking and raining overnight!

"I seem to have heard them mention going to the capital, Fenxian or something. They said several places! I hear their accents are weird, they don't look like people from this area, they look like people from other countries!"

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