At night in the valley, there is no light pollution, making it extremely dark.

There is no wind, and the dark woods are extraordinarily peaceful.

In the darkness, except for the tall trees standing as usual, from a distance, nothing could be seen clearly.

A little flying squirrel climbed out of the cave, probed its brain for a while, and then ran out. Before walking out of the house not far, it faced the bushes. Those pairs of eyes glowing with faint green light were so frightened that they were scared. Run back into the cave, shivering!

That speed is comparable to lightning!

This isn't the first critter to be scared away!

Those wolves lurking in the bushes stuck out their tongues and licked their mouths!

So depressing!

Why are they lying on the ground, unable to move at all?

I'm starving!

They just wanted to come out and find something to eat, but they didn't expect to meet the current wolf king.

The current wolf king has subdued their original wolf king and wolf queen.

These wolves can only obey.

Then it was dominated.

And then the wolves on the mountain all came here and waited for the rabbits with a group of humans.

The wolf king clearly said that he was waiting for the rabbit, which meant that he was waiting for the rabbit to come out!

But after waiting for most of the night, I don't know how many rabbits came out, but they still can't move or catch.

In this case, I really don't know why the new wolf king told them to wait and see! !

At this moment, Da Hui was dozing off under the tree for a moment. Beside it, two wolves were squatting on the left and right, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

During the daytime, Da Hui received a warm reminder, which made it call all the wolves in this mountain.

Because of the previous wheat field incident, Dahui found a few wolves to guard the wheat field, and Nuan Nuan knew that it had the ability to call some wolves.

So Da Hui called out more than 2,000 wolves!

Now it has become General Wolf too.

Wait for a while to see how it leads thousands of wolves and kills the enemy without leaving behind!


The night is getting deeper and deeper.

But the woods were still silent.

Hiding in trees, crouching on the hillside, and hiding in the bushes, the soldiers couldn't help but look up at the position of the moonlight in the sky.

The two people hiding in the same place couldn't help but talk in a voice that only two people could hear:

"It will be dawn in a short time! Is there an enemy's grain-carrying team passing by?"

"Yeah, how did you do it? It's not that our nails were discovered, and the enemy deliberately released fake news, right?"

Da Hui, who was dozing off with his eyes closed, was dreaming that he was putting on his armor and preparing to fight the enemy. When he heard someone talking, he opened his eyes and walked in front of him consciously. Then he stretched out his wolf claws and put it on his mouth. A "shush" action that humans often do.

Two people: ""

This wolf has become a fine!

Can such a humanized action be done?

The two nodded quickly, and then covered their mouths!

Then no one spoke.

Although everyone couldn't help but feel irritable, no one made a certain sound, and no one even moved.

Besides, the female soldiers who had not had a good night's sleep after rushing for so much time in a row are now feeling sleepy waiting.

One by one, one after another, yawning silently.

Da Hui walked back under the tree with graceful wolf steps, fell down, and continued to dream.

The wolf king and the wolf queen looked at Da Hui enviously.

It's amazing, even humans listen to the command of the wolf king.

In the world of their wolf clan, the most respected is the strong.

Whoever is stronger is the king, and whoever becomes the wolf king.

There is no dissatisfaction.

So at this moment, both the wolf king and the wolf queen surrendered at the feet of Da Hui!

Da Hui soon fell asleep. In the dream, it was dressed in shining armor, a wolf claw grabbed a silver sword, and while swinging the sword, a silver sword qi flew out, and the enemy fell. A big piece!

However, countless enemies came forward with their swords raised in unison.

Then its sturdy wolf legs kicked, kicked, kicked

Rows of soldiers fell down like Minoes!

But there were too many enemies, and then countless soldiers stabbed it with spears from all directions.

Da Hui stepped on the ground with his two front feet, his two hind legs jumped up, and most of the wolf body flew up.

Those toned hind legs, rub rub

kick kick kick...

A figure flew out one by one!

It's even more powerful than the little sister's long legs!

The big ash under the big tree, the two front paws hold the trunk of the big tree, the two hind paws keep rubbing the ground, and the whole wolf turns around the tree

Those legs kicked so fast!

Wolf King and Wolf Queen: ""

Is the new wolf king still practicing wolf skills while asleep?


Don't know what's the benefit of doing this?

Is it to run fast?

The IQ of the wolf is not enough, but he also knows that following the wolf king will not be wrong.

So the wolf king and the wolf queen also followed Da Hui to find a tree, hugged it, and rubbed the ground hard with their backs, turning in circles.

The motionless pack of wolves in the bushes: ""

Soon the female soldiers saw wolves spinning in circles on the ground!

People: ""

This, what's the situation?

Everyone unconsciously looked at the warmth hidden in the tree.

Nuan did not pay attention to the situation under the tree, at this moment she was looking far into the distance.

I couldn't help but wonder if it was the Thunder that sent the wrong information?

If you wait any longer, it's almost dawn, why haven't you seen a single figure?

But if it hadn't happened, the Thunder wouldn't have spread such information.

Seeing that Nuan Nuan was staring ahead, they quickly retracted their gazes and looked forward.

At this time, a wolf dog appeared from the darkness in the sight of many soldiers hiding in the trees.


Everyone was shocked!

Warmly saw this wolf dog appear from a distance.

She frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, the enemy was so cautious and sent a dog to explore the way.

Animals are much more sensitive than humans, and if they approach a hundred meters or so, they will definitely be able to spot them.

Warmly shook the bow and arrow in the handshake.

She can shoot this wolf dog!

But if the dog is killed, the enemy will not get the information sent back by the dog, and they will be shocked.

But the warmth immediately thought of a way!

Isn't it normal to encounter wolves in this barren mountain and forest?

Warm picked a wild fruit from the tree and was about to throw it on the big ash under the tree.


Big gray what is this for?

Are you getting windy?

Wen Nuan threw the fruit in his hand, just hitting Da Hui in the head.

In the dream, Da Hui was hit on the head by a thunderbolt from the enemy, and it was frightened to open its eyes.

He glanced around in confusion.

Then I saw the two wolves, the wolf king and the wolf queen, circling in circles.

The other wolves are also going in circles.

Big gray: ""

It won't be meeting a pack of wolves, will it?

Warm and picked a fruit and threw it on the head of Da Hui.

The big gray wolf paw patted his head!

Only then did I realize that I had a dream just now, not being attacked by a thunderbolt, but by the fruit on the tree!

Da Hui immediately looked up at the warmth of the tree.

The big ash is under the tree, and the sight is not warm enough. The wolf dog is still far away, and it has not found any wolf dog approaching!

"Da Hui, go and scare that dog away!" said warmly in a low voice.


How dare a dog break in?

Is this not afraid of death?

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