It's so disgusting for people who set fire to mountains!

Seeing that the mountain fire was spreading faster and faster, some inexperienced soldiers used branches to put out the fire, but the speed of putting out the fire was not as fast as that of the branches!

Some soldiers were so angry that they directly used the dozens of enemy troops who set fire as fire fighting tools!

When they saw those people being kicked down, they stopped halfway, and they went straight to grab them and use them as fire fighting tools!

Keep slapping and putting out the fire!

It's not that they are cruel, these people are damned!

Moreover, there are no buckets near him, the water source is far away, and there are no fire fighting tools. What should I do? !

They should be responsible for the mountain fires they caused and the disasters they caused!

The soldiers were as anxious as ants on a hot pan!

"Destroy the fireball first! Don't let it roll around!"

"This fireball is soaked in oil, how can it be extinguished!"

"You don't have to put out the fire ball, kill the big guy! Just block it and don't let it roll around! When it burns out, it will naturally go out! What we have to do now is to stop the fire from spreading!"

"My God, the fire is too fierce, there is no water, what can I use to extinguish it? There is nothing, how can I stop the fire from spreading!"

"Mud, hurry up and dig the dirt to put out the fire!"

"Yes, mud can put out fires! But we are not holding hoes! How much can we dig with these spears and swords!"

"It doesn't matter how much, it's better than nothing! Hurry up and dig!"

"Who, go to the nearest village and ask the villagers to borrow buckets, hoes, iron shovels, etc., and ask the villagers to put out the fire together. If the fire can't be extinguished, there will be a big accident!"

The soldiers shouted anxiously as they tried to put out the fire.

Some people's clothes are on fire because of the wrong method.

And the smoke was so great that the soldiers were choked and choked, and they couldn't even open their eyes because of the smoke!

Seeing that the fire was spreading so fast, Nalan Jinnian quickly made arrangements and said loudly: "Go to several nearby villages to borrow water buckets from the 50th to the 60th, and notify the villagers to come up and put out the fire! From the 60th to the 1000th, hurry up. Cut down some tall trees! Others start to cut down trees and dig holes in a radius of 1,000 meters around the fire place, cover the surface litter with mud, and dig out an isolation belt as soon as possible! Quick!"

Without water, without tools, this fire will definitely not be extinguished!

I can only find a way to let them burn until there is nothing to burn, and put them out by myself!

And cutting down some tall trees can prevent the fire from burning the branches and leaves above, and the fire will use this to connect one big tree.

Then the fire started directly from the ground and spread from mid-air!

There was fire up and down, and they didn't even have the air to breathe!

When the soldiers heard Nalan Jinnian's order, they immediately thought of the reason.

Many people have encountered wildfires and have some experience in fighting fires, but many people have never encountered them, and they really have no experience at all!

After all, most of their elite soldiers are children from the family of military generals, and very few soldiers from the countryside.

But they are not stupid, they immediately understood what Nalan Jinnian meant!

So the execution is very fast!

The soldiers ran to a distance of more than one or two thousand meters, and started to weed with their hands frantically!

The strong man takes the sword and starts to cut down the tree frantically!

Ten thousand soldiers seemed desperate, waving their hands!

After they removed the grass, they quickly used long spears to loosen the soil, and then some other soldiers immediately dredged up the dead leaves with their hands!

On the other end, Nalan Jinnian came to a distance of about a thousand meters after a few jumps. He kicked a big tree, and the big tree was even rooted!

Nalan Jinnian directly raised the tree with both hands, and then threw it into the distance!

A big tree was thrown 500 meters away by him like this!


so amazing!

After Nalan Jinnian threw a tree, a deep pit emerged!

"King Jin is mighty! Brothers, hurry up, you can poke the tree up to the root! If you can't, just chop it with a sword! If you don't have a sword and only a spear, then hurry up and poke the grass, and throw it away. From a distance, turn the soil to the surface and cover the dead branches and leaves!" A soldier saw a big hole and immediately said!

Nalan Jinnian ran away again, his whole body jumped into the air, and then his feet kicked hard at a big tree about 30 meters in diameter!

Another big tree uprooted!

He held up the tree with both hands once, and then threw it to a place where no one was in the distance!

Nalan Jinnian specially looked for tall trees to kick.

Almost every one kick or two kicks the whole tree up by the roots!

If one or two feet are not enough, then three or four!

The other soldiers didn't have such strength, they could only pluck up the roots of the trees that were only as thick as the wrists.

Or uproot those low shrubs.

Throw it far away!

Everyone has a tacit understanding, division of labor and cooperation!

Everyone's sweat fell into their eyes, and they just blinked, and the movements in their hands did not dare to stop!

Because they move fast, but those fires spread faster!

Soon an isolation belt covered with new mud appeared!

But not enough! Not big enough!

Because the fires are spreading faster than they can clear the isolation belt!

The soldiers didn't dare to stop because of the dredging, their hands were cut through!

"It's coming! The water is coming!" At this time, the soldiers who went to the villagers for help came back with a large group of villagers!

In each of their hands, they were either carrying a bucket of water or a few hoes or iron shovels!

"Great! Quick, give me the hoe!"

"Give me the hoe!"

"Give me the iron bark!"

The soldiers hurriedly took the hoes brought by the villagers.

They brought all the tools such as hoes and iron bars in the village!

The villagers put down the buckets and said to the soldiers, "Quick, you guys quickly pull off your belts to get wet and cover your mouths and noses!"

It's too far from the water source nearby! This water can't put out much fire if you pour it up, it's used to save lives!

The villagers have some experience in putting out wildfires.

They just poured a bucket of water on their bodies before running over. At this moment, they covered their mouths and noses with the cotton towel, and while they took their hoes and started hoeing out an isolation belt, they taught the soldiers how to protect themselves!

The soldiers had been suffocated to death by the fireworks for a long time, and they immediately did what the villagers said!

With the addition of hoes and shovels, the speed of opening the isolation belt is much faster!

10,000 soldiers, coupled with the efforts of hundreds of villagers nearby, it is not that the fire is spreading faster than the development of the isolation zone!

"Don't let the wind blow! The wind can easily blow the sparks away, and then there is a possibility of fire everywhere! At that time, it was impossible to save it! It was impossible to save it!" A village chief said worriedly.

Soldiers thought so too!

It was already dawn, and everyone was exhausted, but everyone dared not stop!

Fortunately, strength is inexhaustible, as long as you persevere, you can continue to use it!

At this time, the fire was only one meter away from the isolation zone!

But the wind is blowing!

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