Guo Mingjun rushed out on a tall warhorse with an army of 200,000 people, and when the soldiers behind him overtook him, he stopped.

He stared at the woman standing on the jujube red horse and the man riding the black tall horse, his eyes seemed to be poisoned.

It was this slut who caused their Guo family to fall to the ground and their family to perish!

Originally, at this moment, the eldest prince has already ascended the throne, and his father is the regent.

In a few years, when his father is old, he will be able to sit on the throne himself.

Everything is planned!

It was this bitch who jumped into the river to save the dog emperor and ruined everything!

Guo Mingjun raised his bow and arrow, took advantage of the chaos to aim at the warmth, and shot it fiercely.

Warming the sword in his hand at the moment has been replaced by a silver bow.

Arrows shot out from the longbow in her hand.

The arrow is not empty!

Where did the arrow come from? She actually grabbed the random arrows shot in the air with her bare hands!

When she caught it, she put it on the silver bow and shot it out.

She also carried a quiver on her back, but not a single arrow was taken from it.

Warm riding a war horse in the chaos of war like a duck to water, coming and going freely.

From time to time, she jumped into the air, turned a somersault, avoided the attack, and landed on the horse's back.

The war horse was under her seat, sometimes raising its two front hooves and directly trampling people under her feet.

Occasionally, the hind legs are lifted, and people are kicked away!

And she ran around on a horse, no, it should be said that she was picking up arrows everywhere, picking them up and shooting them. It didn't look like she was here to fight, but to play!

At this time, a sharp arrow passed through the layers of swords, lights, swords and shadows, and shot straight at the warmth with the momentum of breaking bamboo.

With a wave of the sharp sword in Nalan Jinnian's hand, the arrow was deflected and fell into the body of an enemy soldier.

Nalan Jinnian has always been by Nuan's side, killing the enemy while protecting her, preventing Liu Jian from hurting her, no, it should mean not letting Liu Jian hurt her horse.

Wen Nuan looked at the direction where the arrow was shot, and found that it was Guo Mingjun.

Just wait a while and then clean him up!

Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian directly broke into the most densely populated area to kill the enemy.

One is in charge of blocking arrows and the other is in charge of shooting.

Warm shoots are the most lethal soldiers on the other side.

The two of them stood out from the crowd in the enemy's position. Countless arrows were shot at them from the city wall, but the two were wearing invulnerable armor, and those sharp arrows could not hurt them at all.

Those sharp arrows fell on the body and made a clanging sound, and the warmth was only when listening to music.

How nice of someone to offer bows and arrows for free!

And these random arrows can't hurt the two of them, but they can hurt the enemy around them!

Soon the king of Huainan on the city wall discovered the intentions of Wennuan and Nalan Jinnian!

After such a circle, the soldiers around the two were shot and killed a lot!

Of course, it also includes those who fell under Nalan Jin's long sword.

The King of Huainan had been standing on the city wall, and a military doctor was bandaging his wounds beside him.

He had watched Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian break into his soldiers single-handedly, and laughed secretly that they were courting death!

But at the moment, looking at the two people at the center, there is no one standing within three meters in diameter.

He can't stop laughing!

At this time, the warm arrow shot another person.

The King of Huainan suddenly woke up!

This Hui'an County Lord has been shooting to kill either the lieutenant or the main soldier!

Damn it! She shoots all her own strong soldiers!

After fighting for so long, she has shot more than fifty arrows.

The arrow is not empty!

King Huainan broke out in a cold sweat, not in pain, but frightened!

If he shoots like this, wouldn't there be some shrimp soldiers and crab generals left in his army?

"Kill Hui'an County Master for this king!"

Numerous archers aimed at warmth.

King Huainan, "Stop! Don't shoot arrows! Are you blind! The arrows you didn't see hit your comrades!"

The arrows that Nalan Jinnian shot, all fell on his soldiers!

No waste at all!

The King of Huainan again set his sights on the fighting soldiers.

Seeing this, he was startled again!

The soldiers of the imperial court wore khaki clothes, and their own soldiers wore red clothes. The number of people in red clothes and the people in yellow clothes were already equal!

However, they originally had 200,000 troops going out to kill the enemy!

In other words, in such a short period of time, the imperial soldiers had already wiped out nearly 100,000 of his soldiers!

Everyone is one against two?

When did the soldiers of the imperial court become so powerful?

The lethality of this army has not increased by a single star!

Guo Mingjun did not say

Too late to think about it.



The King of Huainan stood on the city and shouted loudly.

Guo Mingjun was the first to turn around and ran: "Withdraw!"

He rode his horse and ran to the city gate first.

It doesn't matter if you bump into someone, and whether that person is the enemy army or your own army!

The red figure heard the retreat order, receded like a tide, and quickly ran back to the city!

Looking at the back of Guo Mingjun's rapid departure, Nuan Nuan pursed her lips and smiled, grabbing the reins with one hand and racing the horse, then released the reins, stretched out her hand, and shot arrows from her cuff one by one.

Guo Mingjun was worried that there would be arrows in his back, and his predecessor was already lying down on his horse.

People who practice martial arts have a natural instinct for danger.

He sensed danger behind him and looked back.

Five arrows, up, down, left, right, and the middle shot at him!


How can it be so neat?

This is blocking all his dodging angles!

Guo Mingjun sneered: Do you think you can hit him like this?

He sat up straight, raised his sword, turned his back, swung hard, and all five arrows were swung down.

The corners of Guo Mingjun's mouth rose, his pupils shrank again, and a sharp arrow fell directly between his eyebrows!

So close, so fast!

He didn't even have time to react!

Guo Mingjun fell from his horse and fell heavily on the ground.

Soldiers fleeing behind stepped on his body.

His eyes were full of disbelief!

How could this be, he clearly only saw five arrows.

Didn't he knock them all down?

Why did another one appear out of thin air?

Until the moment when Guo Mingjun stopped thinking, he didn't want to understand.

He had indeed swung five arrows away, but there was an arrow behind the five arrows, and the arrow followed behind the arrow in the middle, and the tips of the two arrows were connected to the tail!

From his line of sight it looks like there is only one arrow!

So he waved off the rootless arrow, and was immediately hit by the one behind.

Some of the soldiers on the city wall can see it the best!

The Princess Hui'an is using a Hidden Arrow!

But Xiu Jian also needs people to operate!

How did she shoot so many arrows so fast?

The amazing thing is that the arrows of the five arrows really seem to be on the same level!

There is an arrow behind the arrow in the middle!

The speed was too fast, and there was only one afterimage. If Guo Mingjun hadn't shot down five arrows, and one fell into Guo Mingjun's forehead, no one would have known it, they just thought that the arrow in the middle was longer.

so amazing!

Simply not human!

This is the thought in the heart of the soldier who saw the five arrows!

The King of Huainan also saw this scene in his eyes, and he looked at the warmth in shock.

After a while, I was afraid, if she did this to herself just now?

The King of Huainan felt fortunate for a while.

At this time, Nuan looked up at the tall city wall.

King Huainan subconsciously shrank into the battlements, shrinking faster than lightning!


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