The person who leaked the military plane was one of Nalan Jinnian's cronies, named Xu Shan.

Lin Feng has a good relationship with him, and they have been together in the dark guard camp before.

It's just that most of Xu Shan was in the barracks, while Lin Feng followed Nalan Jinnian.


Lin Feng grabbed Xu Shan's clothes: "Why, who made you do this!"

"It was Hui'an County Master who asked me to leak the news! I don't know if the master doesn't know, I thought it was a game set up by the master!"

"Fuck you!" Lin Feng punched Xu Shan in the abdomen, "Don't tell me!"

Xu Shan frowned in pain, opened his mouth wide, and said with difficulty: "I said it! It is Hui'an County Master! I did not betray the master, this is really what Hui'an County Master asked me to do!"

Lin Feng is dying of anger!

He punched Xu Shan in the face again:

"How could it be Princess Hui'an! You don't say it! Don't blame me if you don't say it!"

Xu Shan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "I said, it's Princess Hui'an!"

Lin Feng bit his lower lip, pointed at him, and then looked at the jailer: "Torture!"

The jailer picked up a red-hot iron and stuck it on Xu Shan's chest.

The red-hot soldering iron was attached to the skin, making a "sizzling" barbecue sound, and the skin on it was immediately scorched.

There was a burning smell in the air.

The pain made Xu Shan's face distorted, and he was dripping with cold sweat.

The jailer removed the soldering iron.

Lin Feng: "Speak or not!"

Xu Shan: "I'm telling the truth!"

Lin Feng was so angry that he wanted to throw the whole charcoal basin on him: "Go on!"

The soldering iron landed on him again, and Xu Shan clenched his teeth and didn't snort.

Lin Feng knew that they were all trained by the master. If he didn't want to say it, no amount of torture would be able to pry open his mouth.

However, does he know the fate of betraying his master?

The Minister of Punishment: "Lieutenant General Lin, I have to report this matter to the emperor immediately! The county master Hui'an is leading the army to fight, and Shichang Hou is in charge of food and grass! If they are the enemy, the consequences will be disastrous!"

After the minister of punishment finished speaking, he immediately went out!

Lin Feng looked at Xu Shan and said, "Xu Shan, the master treats you well, right? I remember that when you were about to be beaten to death by your auntie when you were young, it was the master who saved you. Princess Hui'an didn't do anything in the military camp. Stop giving you pointers! How can you be worthy of them?"

Xu Shan closed his eyes and did not speak.

"Do you have any troubles?"

"No, I'm telling the truth! That's what you said when you killed me!"

Lin Feng: ""

Imperial study room

Dali Siqing stood in the middle.

The emperor saw that there was a document on the dragon case, which was found by the Dali Siqing.

Shichang Hou's mother, Wang Shi, and Huainan's general, Wang Xiao, are the brothers and sisters of the direct relatives!

His real name is Wang Yong. He used to be a soldier of the imperial court and died in battle more than 30 years ago.

He was accidentally rescued by the King of Huainan and entered the army camp of the King of Huainan.

Huaiyue County Master's horse Wang Xiao? He used to accompany the King of Huainan to Beijing, and the emperor had seen him.

In my impression, it does look a bit similar to Wang's!

"Has this been checked out?"

Dali Siqing: "Go back to the emperor to find out! Wang Xiao is indeed Wang Yong, the soldier who died in the battle. Wang Yong was already a captain at that time, and the veterans recognize him."

The emperor didn't speak, he thought to himself: Should this be the case, should the Princess Hui'an come back?

Make it difficult for her!

Well, let her come back, don't let her know that Wang Xiao is her uncle's business!

When the war was over, Wang Xiao spared his life, but life imprisonment was inevitable.

Otherwise, if Wang Xiao died, the emperor was worried that it would affect the feelings of the young couple.

The emperor was very depressed. Originally, he planned to behead all the generals of the Huainan King's army to show the public as an example!

This Wang Xiao is still a general under the command of King Huainan!

Alas, the family of Hui'an County Master are all capable people!

At this time, Eunuch Lin walked in and said, "Your Majesty, the Minister of Punishment is asking to see you!"

The Emperor: "Pass!"

The Minister of Punishment strode in: "Wei Chen sees the emperor!"

"Aiqing no gift! Has the person who leaked the military plane been found?"

"Your Majesty is wise, it has indeed been found out. It is Vice-General Xu Shan, and Vice-General Xu Shan has already recruited. He said that Hui'an County Master asked him to pass on the news. He didn't know it was a military plane!"



how can that be!

It was the first reaction in the emperor's heart.

If Princess Hui'an wanted to betray the court, she couldn't have done so much for the court!

How could he risk his life to fall into the water to save himself!

This is clearly someone who framed his Zhongliang!

This is jealous that he has such a lucky star as Princess Hui'an!

The emperor glanced at the information on the table.

He now doubts whether this Wang Xiao is really the uncle of the Princess Hui'an!

The Minister of Punishment: "Your Majesty, torture to extort confessions, Xu Shan said this! Your Majesty is now on the front line of Hui'an County Master, and Shichang Hou is in charge of food and grass! The Emperor must hurry up and arrest Shichang Hou's family and Hui'an County Master! Otherwise! The lives of hundreds of thousands of troops on the front line are at stake! Zhao Aiqing, don't you think so!"

Dali Siqing: "Ah? Is there any misunderstanding in this matter? Maybe someone will frame the Shichanghou family again."

Dali Siqing was still thinking that Wang Xiao was the uncle of Marquis Shichang, the uncle of the Hui'an county master, and the Hui'an county master was leading troops to fight on the front line! This seems to be difficult to do! Mutual flesh and blood!

But now it has been found out that Hui'an County Lord has leaked the military plane!

Xu Shan is the deputy general of King Jin's elite troops!

King Jin's elite soldiers only obey King Jin, and now the people behind them are very powerful!

This is to kill Hui'an County Lord and King Jin in one go!

The Minister of Punishment: "Your Majesty, the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers are not child's play, nor is the safety of Nalan Kingdom! I would rather be wronged than let go! Wei Chen implores the emperor to arrest Shichanghou's family, and bring Hui'an County Master. Catch it back and review it carefully! Zhao Aiqing, don't you think so?"

Dali Temple Minister: ""

Why do you keep asking me! Say it yourself!

The emperor looked at Dali Siqing: "What do you think, Aiqing?"

Dali Si Qing: "Back to the emperor, Wei Chen thinks that someone may have deliberately framed Shichang Hou and Hui'an County Lord."

The emperor nodded, and his hand tapped the information on the table: "So you said that what you have investigated is false?"

Dali Si Qing: "Your Majesty, this is absolutely true!"

How could the things he investigated be false? He had suspected it and confirmed it again and again!


What the hell do you add!

The Minister of Punishment: "It's not too late for the emperor! Hundreds of thousands of soldiers are dead and alive, the emperor quickly decrees!"

Dali Siqing continued: "Regardless of whether the Emperor Hui'an County Master was framed or not, Wei Chen thinks that he should immediately recall Hui'an County Master to the capital and surround Shichang Hou's mansion with heavy troops!"

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