The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 631 She's just a little girl!

Chapter 630 She's just a little girl!

When the Minister of War heard the words, he glanced at the Minister of Household. Does this poor old man still have any use?

Not even a single beard can be ripped off!

The Minister of War immediately walked over, grabbed Yushi Lin's beard, and pulled hard, and a bunch of beards were pulled off.

People: ""

They didn't believe it when they said that the two of them were not avenging private revenge against Yu Shi Lin!

Many people are just around the corner, wanting to come forward to avenge their personal revenge.

But Lin Yushi was woken up again!

This time, his face was turned to the sky, but he did not meet the heads of the people on the ground.

He saw the splendid golden roof, and then saw his colleagues who were standing and looked at him like a monkey.

He thought of something, and he found something out of the corner of his eye, but he didn't dare to look at it.

A handful of old bones, and I don't know where the neatness came from, he sat up in an instant, and quickly ran to the back, rolling and crawling.

The Minister of War couldn't help sneering when he saw Yushi Lin like this.

Isn't he good at it?

On weekdays, people are afraid of people, and they look like they are not afraid of the sky!

Now I'm freaking out when I see a head!

Lin Yushi also felt ashamed of himself, his old face was flushed red.

Nuan has been watching from the sidelines, without speaking.

Seeing that the ministers in the court have almost circulated the memorial, it is time to seek justice for myself!

Nuan sniffed her nose, tears fell like this, and she said with a heartbroken expression: "Your Majesty, why is the Shichang Hou's mansion surrounded by heavy troops? Why are the ministers and daughters said to be traitors who are collaborating with the enemy and treason? The woman risked her death to kill the enemy on the battlefield, defending her family and the country, without asking for any credit. After all, the country is in trouble, and the husband is responsible! But if there is no credit, it shouldn't have forced my family to death?! Just now the minister and daughter I heard that my family was going to be thrown into a dungeon! What did we do wrong?"

After Wennuan finished speaking, the back of his hand wiped his tears, so it looks like you can say how sad you are, how sad you are!

Or is she too good at talking on weekdays, and these so-called pillars of the imperial court will bully if they want to?

Today, she is going to show them how shameless they are when they bully a weak girl who is not even close to her age!

Nalan Jinnian's heart tightened, and he looked at the emperor: "Brother Huang, is this how you treat a hero who opened up territory for you, sacrificed his life to save you, and protected his family and the country regardless of his life?"

"Hui'an County Master is just a thirteen or four-year-old girl, who is not even close enough to get a haircut, so regardless of her own life and death, she went to the battlefield to protect her family and defend her country without hesitation. What are you trying to do?

She has done so much merit, and she has become the princess, and she is about to become Princess Jin. Isn't it good to stay in the mansion to eat, drink and have fun? Why go to war?

It's just because she has righteousness in her heart and family and country in her heart! Knowing the rise and fall of the world, everyone is responsible! Be the first to stand up! "

Nalan Jinnian felt uncomfortable. Although she knew that the little girl was pretending to cry, she was really wronged!

This girl has righteousness in her heart, even if she doesn't feel it herself, he has always known it.

Nalan Jinnian saw the warm and weeping appearance, her heart seemed to be tightly pinched by someone's hand, and then stabbed with a needle!

Nalan Jinnian didn't care whether this was the Golden Palace, he held his warm hand tightly.

To get justice, with him there, where does she need to stand up for herself?

As her man, she has to make her own head for such a thing, and he is still her man!

Warmth was supposed to be a pretense, but Nalan Jinnian almost cried when she said something. She pursed her lips and looked at Nalan Jinnian, blinked, and gave him an "I pretended!" look.

Nalan Jinnian clenched her warm hands and returned her a soothing look: Leave everything to me!

She doesn't need to do anything, she just needs to stand beside him without any worries!

The grievances she suffered, the honors she deserved, he would get them all back!

With him, the world can't owe her at all!


The emperor was dumbfounded!

Princess Hui'an cried no matter what!

There is no sign of this!

He just watched the courtiers below him being so active, and thought it was interesting to be a man like this!

I saw it for a while, and then I forgot about such an important thing!

Unexpectedly, Princess Hui'an cried in the blink of an eye!

The Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother directly asked the teacher to ask the guilt!

The emperor looked at the warm tears and became anxious.

The Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother was right, he had forgotten that the Princess Hui'an was just a little girl, and she wasn't up to her age yet!

She was too strong on weekdays, and he forgot that she was just a little girl.

A little girl, full of joy, came back from a victory, waiting for her own reward!

Who knows if he appreciates it or not, his family is surrounded by heavy troops, and he has to be thrown into a dungeon. He is stigmatized as a traitor who is collaborating with the enemy and treason.

Such a big gap, such a big grievance, it is inevitable to cry!

The emperor naturally also understands that if a person does not have a family, a world, and a righteousness in his heart, how can he achieve this level?

What's more, she's just a little girl!

Much more promising than many big men!

No, it's too much profit!

The emperor made up his mind to reward her well for a while!

The emperor hurriedly sat up straight, leaned forward slightly, his voice was softer than usual, as if speaking to his youngest son, and reassured: "Hui'an county master calm down, because there is a traitor who wants to frame the image A loyal and good person like you, I am worried about your family being killed, so I send heavy troops to protect them! Really, the soldiers I send out are for protection, not to look after your family! They can go out if they want, as long as this matter, I have already told Marquis Shichang! Really! I also believe that you can't do things like collaborating with the enemy and treason!"

The emperor's words did not go against his heart at all, because the starting point for him to send heavy troops to guard the Shichanghou Mansion was indeed protection!

Wen Nuan took a sniff and looked like he understood the general situation: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your love and trust, Your Majesty is wise! Otherwise, the dirty water that splashes the sky will be poured on the ministers and daughters! The big hats of the nine clans will be thrown on the ministers casually. The female family is buckled! If it is not for the emperor to believe in the minister's daughter, the minister's daughter's family is estimated to have become a ghost! The emperor must uphold justice for the minister's daughter!"

"Don't worry, Lord Hui'an, I will definitely seek justice for you!!"

The emperor picked up the tea bowl on the side, took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and began to fight the demons with his tongue:

"Aiqings! Do you still think that Shichanghou and Hui'an County are collaborating and betraying the country?"

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were also moved when they heard what Nalan Jinnian said just now.

They looked at the woman standing beside Nalan Jinnian.

Even in armor, she is very petite!

This is just a little girl of thirteen or fourteen years old!

They also have daughters or granddaughters of this age in their own family.

What are girls of this age at home doing?

They are all hiding in their mother's arms and acting like a spoiled child, begging to buy this dress today, and begging to buy this bracelet tomorrow!

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