The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 634 This time, let's see how you break it!

He just treats every inch of Nalan country as his own child. The child is not doing well. He also wants to support and make that place rich, so he plans to give that place to the county master of Hui'an as a fief. .

But to give warmth a rich fief, it can actually be regarded as a profit for the court.

To a rich fief, I am afraid it is faster to get money than to give a barren land!

Thinking about it like this, the emperor felt it was worth it.

The emperor looked at the lemon trees in the hall: "Is there anything else you need to perform?"

He still has a lot to learn from the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother, so he wants to send the lemon trees away.

The second prince is sour, and the whole person is sour. He has no fief, but a little girl already has two fiefs, one fat and one thin!

Forget the previous Nanning County!

Backcountry, a place where birds don't shit!

But Nanyang Mansion is a big piece of fat!

Anyway, he was left idle, and the second prince broke the jar and smashed: "Father, King Huainan is dead, so what should Wang Xiao, the number one general under his command, deal with? This treason should be punished by the nine clans!"

Wang Xiao is the uncle of Hui'an County Lord's direct relative, and the second prince was so sour that he couldn't help but feel warm.

If Hui'an County Lord pleads for mercy, how should the crime of punishing the nine clans be offset!

Then use her great credit to offset it!

If Princess Hui'an doesn't plead for mercy, then she will be too cold!

I can't even save my own uncle!

What will the world think of her?

For the sake of prosperity and wealth, even his own uncle is not saved! Selfish, ruthless!

As soon as the second prince's words fell, everyone looked at the warmth.

Wang Xiao is the uncle of Princess Hui'an, or the kind of direct relative!

This blood relationship cannot be changed.

What will Hui'an County Master do?

To plead and not to plead is a dilemma.

Warmly looked at the second prince and smiled.

Second Prince: ""

What are you laughing laughing? Silly?

Let's see how you break this time!

The emperor is also in a bit of trouble now.

Wang Xiao, the number one general under the rebel group, has been killed without mercy since ancient times!

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the second prince coldly, and then took out a note from his arms: "Brother, I have another news here."

The emperor was surprised, and there was news: "Bring it up."

Eunuch Lin immediately went down, took it, and presented it to the emperor.

The emperor took it and opened it, but he stood up in shock!

This is just a note. It says that Wang Xiao leads an army of 200,000 to surrender, and Huainan Prefecture will be destroyed without attacking!

"This is real?"

The emperor looked at Nalan Jinnian in disbelief.

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "After the aftermath is dealt with, the army will return to the DPRK!"

"Haha good! Good! Good!" The emperor happily said a few times in succession!

Now that the city has been recovered, he doesn't have to worry about cutting off the head of Hui'an County's uncle.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were extremely surprised: What good things happened in the end?

Shouldn't Huainan Mansion also be recovered?

Prime Minister Li couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, what is the good news?"

The emperor smiled and said: "Huainan Mansion has been recovered, General Wang Xiao surrendered with an army of 200,000 people, the Huainan rebellion has been settled, and the army will return to the dynasty immediately!"

People: ""

Is it too easy?

Didn't the legend say that the king of Huainan already had fifty or sixty thousand private soldiers?

Five to sixty thousand troops, all of which were made of paper, so quickly recovered the two cities?

The emperor didn't care about the shock of the lemon trees, he had many details to ask Nalan Jinnian.

"Brother Seventeen, follow me to the imperial study!" After the emperor finished speaking, he turned around and strode away.

When Eunuch Lin heard the words, he immediately said, "Retreat!"

Nalan Jinnian: "Brother Huang, the younger brother has to send Princess Hui'an back to the mansion. Let's discuss it the day after tomorrow!"

Feng Nianchen spread a letter that the day of the dog eating will be today and tomorrow.

Nothing is as important as this!

The ministers who were about to salute and retire were all startled.

Jin Wang is crazy!

Is he doing this for a woman, putting aside the political affairs and letting the emperor wait for him?

Everyone looked at the Hui'an County Master, if the Hui'an County Master was not a bit capable, a proper beauty would be a disaster for the water, and the evil girl would be a disaster for the country!

The emperor's footsteps stopped, and he was also shocked.

God knows he's dying!

This has returned to the capital, and the palace is not far from Shichanghoufu!

What else to send!

But the emperor thought that the seventeenth emperor's younger brother was not a nonsense person. There must be a reason for the incident. He thought about it and said, "You and Hui'an County Master come to the imperial study together!"

Just as Nalan Jinnian was about to refuse, he pulled his hand warmly and said directly, "Yes!"

Nuan also knows that the emperor has 10,000 questions in his heart, and he has been tired for so long, and it is not less than an hour away.

Nuan had already agreed, and Nalan Jinnian would not refute her little girl's face, so she went to the imperial study with her.

in the imperial study

Nalan Jinnian pulled Nuan and sat down.

He said to Eunuch Lin, "Bring me something to eat."

The two had been on the road since they woke up early yesterday morning, and they had been on the road for a day and a night before returning to the capital in time for this morning.

Just ate a little dry food on the road all day and night.

Eunuch Lin looked at the emperor.

Although he knew that the emperor would definitely agree, how indulgent the emperor was to Nalan Jinnian was almost responsive. For so many years, Eunuch Lin had already seen it.

But this is also the reason why Eunuch Lin can serve the emperor for so long.

Even if he knew that the emperor would agree, he clearly understood his identity. Even if Nalan Jinnian instructed him, he would have to get the emperor's permission to do it.

The emperor nodded: "Chuanshan."

He was also used to having breakfast only when he came back early in the morning.

"Yes!" Eunuch Lin immediately went down to make arrangements.

This time the emperor asked about the recovery of Nanyang Mansion, and what happened to Wang Xiao and how he surrendered.

Nalan Jinnian didn't know about Wang Xiao's surrender, so he only talked about the situation in Nanyang Mansion.

When the emperor heard that Wen Nuan led 20,000 elite soldiers to attack the 100,000 reinforcements, and the reinforcements were all soldiers of the Tanglin Kingdom, the emperor slapped the table with anger: "I know that the Dongling Congress is behind the destruction! Hui'an County Master, do you have any? stay alive?"

Nodding warmly: "Yes, including the generals of Dongling, there are a total of 108 alive!"

"Haha good! Don't let these people die!" He wanted to seek justice from the Emperor Dongling!

Nodding warmly: "Don't worry, the emperor, they can't die if they want to."

Those Dongling soldiers also thought about suicide, but under her hands, it was easy to want to live, but it seemed a little difficult to want to die!

No, it's hard!

Next, the emperor discussed with Nalan Jinnian and Nuan Nuan the official arrangement of Nanyang Mansion and Huainan Mansion.

Also, he demoted so many officials just now, and many official positions have been vacant, which should be filled by those people.

The Ministry of Personnel will recommend someone to come up with this matter, but this world will always be

So the emperor intends to let Nalan Jinnian recommend it, and it will be convenient to use in the future, isn't it?

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