Feng Nianchen also found Xiaobai. Xiaobai was basking in the sun and taking a nap in the garden. It had to grow back the meat it lost: "Xiaobai, let's go out now and continue to look for the handkerchief."

Xiaobai has lost 20 pounds in these days. Hearing that Feng Nianchen wants to take him out, he is scared!

"Come on, your master is in danger. At this moment, a bad person is holding her handkerchief and trying to kill her. Seeing that there is no sun in the sky, a corner is missing. At this time, they want to kill her! We have to find Napa as soon as possible. son!"

Xiaobai didn't want to go, but he searched all over the city and couldn't find it!

But it quickly stood up after hearing this, looked up at the sun in the world, and all the sleepy worms ran away!

It glanced at Feng Nianchen, and then ran out quickly.

Feng Nianchen quickly followed.


When the two came to the palace gate, the gap in the sun was already obvious.

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian rode a horse and ran to the Marquis of Shichang quickly.

Tengu eating sun is a strange celestial image, many people on the street came out to watch the fun.

"It's Tengu Eating Day!"

"It's Tengu Eating Day!"

"How can there be a Tengu eclipse day, this is not a good sign!"

There were too many people on the street, which also hindered the speed of the two of them.

Astronomy is not very developed at this time. I don’t know why the eclipse of the sun occurs. The most important thing is that the moon moves between the sun and the earth. When the three are in a straight line, the moon blocks the light from the sun to the earth. The dark shadow just falls on the earth, and a solar eclipse will be formed at this time.

That's not a bad omen.

But it was impossible to explain this to the people.

Wen Nuan rode on the back of a horse and could only kindly remind the people: "Tengu can't stare at the sun, you can't look directly at the sun, it will hurt your eyes, and even cause insomnia!"

But the people on the street didn't listen at all, they didn't believe it!

how can that be!

Warmth didn't say anything after seeing this.

Nalan Jinnian watched as the sun in the sky became smaller and smaller. He could not wait to grow a pair of wings and fly back in an instant.

But there are so many people on the street that he can't think fast!

Nuan suddenly felt a pain in her heart, she stretched out her hand to cover her chest, and then spurted out a mouthful of blood without warning!

Nalan Jinnian noticed her movement and lowered her head to ask her what was wrong, when she saw her spit blood and spit out all the way!

Nalan Jinnian, your complexion changed dramatically, he wrapped one arm around her waist and said, "Girl!"

When he caught the horse's belly, the horse ran faster!

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Nalan Jinnian roared loudly to drive away the people on the street.

People on the street heard the roar, and then turned around to see a horse galloping fast, and they were so frightened that they all ducked to the side!

Wherever the horse has gone, there is a lot of resentment!

Warm this is the first time to see him so out of control.

"I'm fine!"

The purple air flows quickly without the need for warm mobilization!

The body seemed to be pulled by two forces, and soon another was added.

The three forces competed in her body, causing her body to suffer great pain.

Even though it was so painful, the warm brows did not wrinkle.

Wen Nuan raised his hand and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with his sleeve: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

But her face was frighteningly pale.

As pale as the first time I saw her on the mountain!

Nalan Jinnian didn't believe what she said was fine!

But he still wanted to smile, not wanting her to worry: "Well! I know it'll be fine!"

Just as soon as the words fell, the warmth directly spit out another mouthful of blood!


The warmth after vomiting blood: "I'm really fine!"

Warm can sense the power of Zi Qi, and now Zi Qi has been continuously purifying those two forces, but her petite body is relatively weak, so she will vomit blood.

I don't know why, since she discovered that purple qi can purify those black qi in the Fifth Princess Mansion, she has a vague intuition that the effect of purple qi is greater than she imagined.

When Wen Wan took her blood, she also mobilized the purple energy, so that drop of blood had its own purple energy.

These days, she often tried to mobilize the purple qi to connect with the drop of blood, but to no avail, but now she mobilized the purple qi, but it seemed that she could sense the existence of the drop of blood.

Nalan Jinnian: "!!!"

It's all right, nothing is wrong!

His face was extremely ugly: "I know, don't talk!"

Nalan Jinnian put her arm around her and drove the horses to Shichanghoufu like crazy.

"Go to the southwest! I can sense that the person who harmed me is in the southwest!" As soon as the warm words fell, another mouthful of blood spurted out.

As long as she opened her mouth to speak, she couldn't hold back the blood tumbling in her body.

She doesn't want to either!

"I get it, stop talking!"

Nalan Jinnian was about to go crazy.

A fierce killing intent flashed in Nalan Jinnian's heart!

Don't let him find out who it is, he will definitely smash him into pieces!

It's just that he looked down at the warmth of the pale face in his arms and hesitated.

The little girl is so weak, is it appropriate to take her to the southwest to arrest people?

I don't know how strong those people are, and I don't know how many people there are.

But going can stop the ritual from continuing!

Warm sees his hesitation: "Go!"

She wants to catch the person who wants to harm her with her own hands!

She warmed her mouth, and then a burst of qi and blood rolled, she quickly covered her mouth.

"Okay!" Seeing her like this, Nalan Jinnian quickly turned around and headed southwest.

Just when he turned around and headed southwest, Xiao Hei flew down from the sky.

It flew around Nalan Jinnian, and then the eagle head nodded in the direction of the imperial palace, and then in the direction of Shichang Hou's mansion.

Nalan Jinnian still understood: "Feng Nianchen asked me to return to the palace?"

The horse's speed is not slow at all, and Xiao Hei can keep up.

Xiao Hei nodded and shook his head again, it looked in the direction of Shichang Marquis Mansion.

Now that it is relatively close to the Shichanghou Mansion, it is natural to return to the Shichanghou Mansion!

Nalan Jinnian knew that two places were okay, so he naturally brought the girl back to the Shichanghou Mansion!

After all, the Shichanghou Mansion is almost here!

Nuan grabbed Nalan Jinnian's arm and pointed to the southwest.

Firm eyes!

Nalan Jinnian was helpless: "Okay!"

Warm said that she felt where the person who did it was.

He knew that she had purple qi, and that purple qi seemed to have a great effect.

Nalan Jinnian thought of something, he said to Xiaohei: "Go to Lin Feng and ask him to take 10,000 elite soldiers to the southwest! After you inform him, you can look in the southwest."

Blackie nodded and flew away.

Nalan Jinnian went straight to the southwest with warmth.

Wen Nuan closed his eyes and controlled the purple air, while following that trace of induction to find the correct position.

The sky was slowly getting darker and darker.

The entire sun turned black, leaving only a halo of light.

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