Feng Nianchen: ""

Does this work?

However, Feng Nianchen also knew that Nuan was joking. If she didn't say it, it must not be said, or she could not say it, otherwise she would not hide it.

Feng Nianchen did not continue to ask.

Nuan also changed the topic: "What did you find over there? Did you catch anyone?"

At that time, Xiao Hei was going to take himself to another direction, and there were people who wanted to come there.

Feng Nianchen Guo'a just wanted to say this: "No, there is an organ there, a secret passage, the man escaped! The entrance to the secret passage has been blasted with a thunderbolt, and after our people entered, the secret passage begins It collapsed and was buried in mud, and our people were almost buried alive."

The secret passage collapsed, and it took a lot of time to dig it out.

The most important thing is does it still make sense after digging up?

Since the designer thought so thoughtfully.

Wen Ran added: "The woman who did it is very beautiful, and she is very cunning! We thought that person was from the second prince's concubine, and we went to the second prince's mansion, but we didn't find anything unusual."

Hearing the words warmly: "Why do you doubt the second prince concubine?"

The second prince has a very low sense of existence.

She seldom goes out on weekdays, and when she sees her, she is always at the palace banquet, and even at the palace banquet, she rarely speaks.

It gives people a quiet and cowardly feeling, which is probably related to her background. She is the concubine of the Prime Minister's Mansion. At that time, the second prince accidentally fell into the river. She rescued the second prince, and the two were married.

Moreover, her appearance can only be regarded as delicate, without the bright and beautiful third prince concubine, in the capital of the beauties, her face is too ordinary.

Coupled with the dull temperament that doesn't like to talk, it's easy for people to ignore her.

But speaking with people is gentle and polite.

"In order to find the veil with your blood on it, Big Brother Feng and I feel that we will take Xiaobai to a free clinic in the whole city." Wen Ran recounted what happened during the free clinic at the Second Prince's Mansion.

And said that the second prince's pulse is a bit strange.

Hearing the words warmly, he pondered for a while: "I want to meet the second prince concubine for a while, but the second prince concubine has never liked to attend the banquets of various houses, and wants to see her"

Before Wennuan could finish speaking, Wen Ran immediately said, "It's not difficult, Brother Feng has already paved the way."

Wen Ran explained it again.

Hearing this, Nuan was relieved, and suddenly remembered something and asked:

"What did Grandma Nan say?"

She had just returned from the south and entered the palace directly, and immediately encountered the Tengu Shiri, and then fainted, and she did not go to see Granny Nan.

After saying that, she stood up: "I'll go see Granny Nan first!"

Otherwise it would be too rude.

Wen Ran nodded: "Okay!"

The group came to the guest house.

Nuan first gave Granny Nan a junior salute.

People who have left their hometowns and have come all the way here to save themselves should be respected both in terms of emotion and reason.

Granny Nan has long wanted to see the warmth, and now she is staring at the warmth.

Warm and not afraid, let her look generously.

Granny Nan watched the warmth for a while, then looked at everyone: "You all go out."

Miss Xiaonan immediately greeted everyone to go out: "My mother-in-law has something to say to Princess Hui'an, let's go out!"

Wen Ran, Feng Nianchen and others followed their words and went out.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at Nuan Nuan, nodded Nuan Nuan, and then walked out.

After everyone had gone out, Granny Nan asked, "Isn't Princess Hui'an from here!"

This is an affirmative sentence.

When Wennuan heard the words, surprise flashed in her heart, but she pretended to be stupid: "My ancestral home is Jianghuai Prefecture, and I really am not from the capital."

Granny Nan glanced at her without arguing, and she continued: "Master Hui'an, the old lady has an uninvited feeling, can you use Zizhu to help me save my grandson? If the master of Hui'an is willing to save my grandson. En Dade, the old woman is willing to be a cow and a horse in return!

I can help Princess Hui'an to destroy the soul who wants to capture you and control you, and I can also help you stabilize the soul, so that no one can see your secret in the future and try to harm you. "

"The Princess Hui'an has memories of the past and the future. If you want to know a lot of things we don't know, people like you will be in great trouble if you are discovered by people with bad intentions."

Grandma Nan looked warm and waited for her answer.

Regarding Zi Qi, Grandma Nan read it from the ancient secret book of Shimen, saying that Zi Qi is auspicious Qi, it takes millions of years to gather into a strand. If it is stored in Zizhu, it will be used by others.

That purple qi can purify all things, and even bring the dead back to life, but resurrecting the dead is a life-changing change, and a purple pearl full of purple qi can only be used once.

She also knew that it was difficult for a strong man, but she was really desperate, this was her only hope, and she didn't want to give up!

That's why Granny Nan said what she was capable of, and she could help her stabilize her soul.

Hearing it warmly, I was even more shocked!

God, this grandma Nan can fly straight into the sky!

To actually know his secret at a glance at himself is simply infinite mana.

And the previous Master Fahua seems to know something.

Nuan suddenly felt that this world was too dangerous, and she wanted to return to the modern age.

Those people who took her blood, practiced, and wanted to control her soul also took a look at themselves, and then discovered their secrets?

Although Nuan Nuan was surprised, but his face did not show, what Grandma Nan said, Nuan Nuan would never admit it!

He said warmly and calmly: "What kind of purple beads, I don't have that thing! What kind of stable soul, I don't know what Grandma Nan said?! I think I have three souls and seven souls. Who wants to harm me? I was harmed since I was a child. Big, don't be afraid, just let the horse come over! Who will kill the deer?"

Zizhu is indeed not warm, there is nothing wrong with this.

Grandma Nan was not angry when she heard it.

Warm does not admit that this is normal.

She didn't argue, but said, "The Princess Hui'an used the purple qi of Zizhu to melt the blood droplets, and the violet qi of Zizhu can purify the evil energy, and only this time saved your life. I know it was my strong man's difficulty. After all, using Zizhu's purple energy to save a life, that purple energy is exhausted, and it is normal for you to be reluctant. Don't worry, although I know it, I won't tell anyone else. It's just that there are two people together this time. I don't know who the other person is, but her mana is not bad, so she probably knows your secret too."


So her denial is pale, and people don't believe it at all!

How does this feel so bad? !

But grandma Nan's understanding of purple qi is probably not the same as the purple qi in her own body.

The purple energy that warms oneself is not the purple energy stored on the purple beads, it will be exhausted.

She felt that her body could automatically generate purple qi, and this purple qi had been slowly increasing and became more intense as she treated and saved people for two years.

Instead, it is inexhaustible, inexhaustible, and regenerated.

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