Holding the lucky cat with warmth, I couldn't put it down.

She was thinking that the ceramic factory should also produce a batch of lucky cats!

Nalan Jinnian saw Nuan holding a cat and couldn't let it go, her thin lips pursed tightly.

He had given her a jade mine before, and she was not as happy as she is now!

But it's not easy to like cats carved from jade. Another day he will send hundreds of cats in different shapes!

Jade cat, golden cat, silver cat, Persian cat..., real cat, fake cat, big cat, kitten Nalan Jinnian thought about it.

What Wen Jiarui received was a copybook from a master of the previous dynasty. This master had a lot of calligraphy, but he only gave a copybook to a prince of the previous dynasty, and also to a certain emperor of the previous dynasty.

The word stickers that the emperor has copied, we can see its value!

Wen Jiarui simply couldn't put it down.

Wen Jiarui carefully touched the copybook, and then handed it back to Lin Tingxuan: "This copybook can be used as a family heirloom, I can't accept it, Tingxuan, take it back!!"

Lin Tingxuan took Wen Jiarui's hand: "Uncle Wen, keep it! I'm a military general, and I don't dare to be interested in this thing. If this book is a martial arts secret book, I won't give it to you! It's useless to put this thing on me."

Wen Jiarui: "Then it will be passed on to future generations."

Lin Tingxuan smiled: "In the future, the child will still have to study with his grandfather. Bring him over and let his grandfather teach him! It's all a family, can't you put this book there?!"

Warmly glanced at Lin Tingxuan, and became more and more able to speak!

She couldn't help laughing and said, "Father, keep it! I will use this copybook for teaching the second sister's children in the future! In addition to the second sister's children, I can also teach the eldest sister's children. You can make the best use of everything in your hands, otherwise only the children of the second sister's family will be able to use it in the future!"

The warm and gentle face rubbed red.

Wen Wen gave a warm look: "I think you want to leave it to your own children!"

Warm but thick-skinned: "That's okay! Dad, keep it and leave it to my children! Don't use it for their children!"

Wen Jiarui lost his temper by the warm words. Seventeen is still there, and he has a child before he can even open his mouth!

Don't be ashamed!

"Okay, then I'll put it away." Wen Jiarui quickly stopped the topic and carefully put away the copybook.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the warmth, he and the warm child?

It turns out that this girl has begun to fantasize about herself and her child?

Nalan Jinnian couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth.

He looked at Nuan and still hugged the lucky cat, did he like cats so much?

After that, the child's nickname will be called Hua Mao!

Gentle, Wen Ran and the others also received gifts, even the Wang family, Wu family, Wen Chun, Wen Hou and others who were not in the mansion received them.

Each gift is given according to personal preference, it can be seen that the heart is used.

The family received the gifts and ate happily.

After eating, Lin Tingxuan proposed to take Lin Tingya back to the general's residence.

Now that Lin Tingya's health is better and her temperament has become brighter, it is not an option to always live in someone else's house.

Although the Wen family didn't mind, they even treated Lin Tingya like a relative.

But this is the kindness of others, and I cannot be content with myself.

It was because of Lin Tingya's special situation.

Wen Jiarui said in surprise: "You are in the military camp all day and can't take care of your family. How can Tingya be able to take care of us when she lives here! Does Tingya feel uncomfortable living somewhere?"

Lin Tingya waved her hand quickly: "No, Uncle Wen's family treats me like family, I'm more comfortable here than in my own home. It's just that I'm in good health, and my elder brother has returned to Beijing, so it's not good to disturb me for a long time. ."

"Just live comfortably, there's nothing to disturb you! That flower farm you and Sister Nuan built together, isn't it more convenient to communicate in our mansion? Besides, Tingxuan is often in the military camp, and you live in the General's mansion, No one to take care of."

Lin Tingya smiled: "Uncle Wen, there is no one to take care of the General's Mansion. I want to go back and take care of it. It can be regarded as taking the opportunity to learn the housekeeping. In a few months, Sister Wenxin will come through the door. We don't live here either. together?"

She wanted to go back to live, but she wrote the letter to Lin Tingxuan.

She had also mentioned this to the Wenxin sisters before.

His eldest brother will get married in a few months. He is busy with affairs in the barracks, and her sister can help with these matters.

There must be scenery and scenery to marry the warm sister into the door!

But I can't let Sister Wenxin be wronged.

It's just that these words are hard to say.

Wen Jiarui didn't disagree with that being said.

Besides, if Lin Tingya can learn to be a housekeeper before getting married, it will be good for her too!

"Your Aunt Wu will go back to Beijing tomorrow. If you don't understand anything, just ask her. You move back to the General's Mansion. If you feel bored in the General's Mansion, then come back to live. This is also your home!"

Lin Tingya nodded.

Lin Tingya didn't move out immediately, but waited for Wu's and Wang's to come back before moving out. It was a kind of respect.

In the evening, Lin Tingya started to pack her things, and found that there was nothing when she came. After living here for just a few months, there were actually several boxes of things.

Lin Tingya's maid said as she cleaned up, "Miss, An Guogong's family is really a good person. The eldest son is really lucky!"

In the past few months, they really treated the young lady as a girl in their own family, and treated her without distinction.

Lin Tingya smiled: "Yes!"

So she had to go back to the General's Mansion to prepare for the wedding for her eldest brother.

She wants to take advantage of these few months to earn more money and hire her eldest brother!

morning the next day

Lin Tingxuan's official position was mentioned again, because Huainan Mansion was surrendered by Wang Xiao, and it was not directly captured by him, so only one rank was mentioned.

The other generals and lieutenants also raised a rank, and Wan Yun went from a lieutenant general of the fourth rank to a general of the fourth rank.

Lei Ting sealed the congruent third-rank general and temporarily guarded Huainan Mansion.

This time, the Huainan Mansion was able to be recovered without a single soldier. It was the result of the secret cooperation between Lei Ting and Wang Xiao, and then the emperor gave a lot of rewards.

But for a young second-rank general like Lin Tingxuan, he is the only one in the entire Nalan Kingdom!

The future is simply endless!

So after the court, many officials came to him to congratulate him and invited him to drink.

Although Lin Tingxuan is engaged, Lin Tingxuan still has a younger sister!

Many officials have thought.

Lin Tingxuan had to rush back to the barracks to attend the memorial ceremony for the fallen soldiers, but he refused.

He hurried back to the barracks to prepare.

Old man Lin was waiting not far from the palace gate to talk to his son!

Unexpectedly, he was riding so fast that he couldn't catch up.

Tan shi pushed him: "catch up!"

Old man Lin saw the emperor's chariot come out.

"The emperor is out of the palace!"

The two were so frightened that they quickly hid.

After the court, the emperor hurriedly changed into his clothes and left the palace.

Just in time for the breakfast at Wennuanjia, after breakfast, Nalan Jinnian went to the military camp with Wennuan to attend the soldiers' memorial service.

Then the emperor got his wish for a breakfast and lunch!

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