After the warm three left.

The Prime Minister's wife said to Li Wanwan, "Do you think Hui'an County Master and King Jin don't know about the expansion of the city?"

Li Wanwan: "Mother, do you believe it? There will be such a coincidence in this world? It's just that some people are used to being pretentious!"

Deng Luoshan also came over and said in a low voice, "No! It's impossible for the emperor to make a sudden change in such a big event as expanding the city? It must have been discussed with King Jin long ago. If she didn't know, she would come here to build such a big shop. It's so fake! It's nauseating to look at!"

King Jin also doesn't know what he likes about her!

Others also came over. They just saw Mrs. Prime Minister Li and Li Wanwan walking up the trail and came to inquire: "Mrs. Prime Minister, do you know anything? Are you really expanding the city here?"

The Prime Minister has a high official position and naturally knows a lot!

Mrs. Prime Minister: "How do we know, it's just guesswork! But have you seen those buildings? It belongs to the Hui'an County Master! You can't be wrong! Otherwise, the Hui'an County Master will build a shop here? Ouch, Don't tell you, I have something to do, go back first!"

Now that the family has a lot of money, she has to buy a few more pieces of land as soon as possible, and then build a shop for her daughter's dowry.

If you buy a shop in the city, you can spend enough money to buy land and build two shops!

The Prime Minister's wife and Li Wanwan hurriedly got into the carriage and left.

When the others saw this, they didn't even look at it, and hurried back to the city to go to the yamen to buy land.

This is a matter of whether the family's foundation can be raised in the next few years.

The ladies of each province are very attached to it.

Everyone came outside the yamen, let the steward go in and ask, say hello, and come out to ask their own opinions to see which one to buy.

Everyone is waiting in the carriage!

For the first time, outside the yamen of Shuntian Mansion was more lively than Tao Ranju!

Soon a group of stewards poured in and out again!

"Ma'am, it's not good! The unowned wasteland outside Xicheng has been bought out!"

"Ma'am, it's too late, the land has already been bought!! Only a few small pieces of land are left."

The ladies of the various governments in the carriage were extremely shocked: "What, it was sold out so quickly? Who bought it? Did you find out?"

"Hui'an County Lord. All those lands are under the name of Hui'an County Lord. They were all bought by Hui'an County Lord alone!"


Everyone in the carriage fell silent.

I was so angry that I couldn't say a word!



I have never seen such a greedy person!

With such a big piece of cake, Princess Hui'an ate it all by himself? !

There's not a single bit of cake left for you!

Li Wanwan was thinking about how many more shops she could use for her dowry, but when her wish came to nothing, she was so angry that she almost wept: "Mother, look, I'm right! County Master Hui'an said he didn't know outside the city. We've bought all the land! What else can we buy!"

That bitch is too greedy, too much!

The Prime Minister's wife is also very angry, this is really too much!

The Prime Minister's wife snorted coldly: "How dare you eat such a big piece of pie alone, and you are not afraid of choking her to death!"

When it comes to the end, the Prime Minister's wife gritted her teeth!

Hmph, it's not that you can't spit out what you eat!

If you can't spit it out, let it rot in your stomach!

The Prime Minister's wife said to the steward: "Buy those small plots of land first! See if there are any good plots in the east, north, and south of the city, and buy them all!"

The steward immediately turned around and ran into the yamen.

The prime minister's wife reassured Li Wanwan: "You don't have to be sad, this city, who said it must be built in the west of the city? Your father is the prime minister, and he must be involved in the planning of the outer city. Then you can find a reason not to build it in the west of the city! Huian County What is the Lord? The family just came to the capital, and their heels didn't stand firm, so they wanted to swallow such a big pie by themselves! How many people's interests have this been harmed?!

How many people did she offend at once, do you believe that the civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty will be dissatisfied? If the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty did not agree to build a city in the west of the city, would the emperor still insist on building a city in the west of the city? Do not worry! I can guarantee that this outer city will never be built in the west of the city! Don't worry girl! "

"The Lord Hui'an came out of the mountain, and he was not greedy enough. He didn't know that the big cakes were eaten by everyone. He offended so many people at once. , pick a good piece of land! When the time comes, my mother will build you a few more majestic shops than the ones built by Hui'an County Lord outside the city!"

The Prime Minister's wife was furious and talked too much!

Don't vent, don't find reasons to comfort herself, she's afraid of being bombed in place!

Li Wanwan laughed when she heard this: "Mother is right, the capital is intertwined, and even the emperor needs to balance the forces of all parties. She is a newborn who thinks that relying on King Jin to seize the opportunity? Too naive!"

The Prime Minister's wife shook her head: "Rural girl, she has no heart, she is insatiable! Thinking that after buying it all, she will be able to stand side by side with our big family in the future?! It's a pity that she has to swallow her small intestines!"

Li Wanwan thought of seeing Princess Hui'an before, because King Jin loves her, she doesn't have to wait in line when she enters the palace or the city. .

She smiled: "The Princess Hui'an is the future Princess Jin, so she doesn't want to be side by side with us! They want to go to the sky and be side by side with the sun in the sky!"

"Hehe, that's true! From humble beginnings, but the eyes are on the top of the head! Don't you know, my mother heard from Zhuangzi's people that those village shrews always like to occupy land! Hui'an County Master is from this background, and so on. As, it can be seen that she still can't get rid of the country's little family, the eyes of the country, the stomach of the country! King Jin likes her, it is probably her beauty! Falling in love with words! She did this today, offending the ministers of the entire court, making enemies for King Jin, and when King Jin reacts to him, he will love him! After all, she is probably a little clever and made a little credit, but Insatiable greed, growing appetite, this is a big taboo! She bought so much land, disrupting the balance between the court and China, can the emperor have no opinion on her in his heart?"

"Mother speaks clearly!" Li Wanwan said as she took the Prime Minister's wife's hand.

At this time, the steward ran out again: "Ma'am, those small plots of land have been bought by stewards of other governments!"

The Prime Minister's wife and Li Wanwan: ""

The anger in my heart is even more uneasy!

"Let's go, let's go to the east of the city to see, there is a lot of wasteland in the east of the city, let's buy all the wasteland in the east of the city first!"

At that time, let the master plan and build the outer city in the east of the city!

One or two dare to grab the land with her!

Not only the vacant land in the east, south, and north of the city, she bought all!

"Yes!" The steward immediately got on the carriage and headed east of the city.


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