Warm: "Why go to Zhuangzi?"

"You'll know in a while." The words were horrified.



"I'm very busy, I'm busy making money! You delay me making money, will you pay me?"

Nalan Jinnian smiled: "Well, I'll take you to see the silver! I'll give it to you!"

Warm and more curious.

Just didn't say anything more.

Nalan Jinnian told about Wen Jiarui and Wang Xiao's mission to Dongling.

Nuan didn't care too much: "What reward will you have when you win the city and come back?!"

Nalan Jinnian: "How about having your brother hand over the seal of Yancheng's Director of Yancheng to you?"

Wen Nuan was surprised, she nodded without hesitation: "Okay!"

Such a great deed, how could warmth refuse?

You must know that "the wealth of the world, salt and profit are half, palace clothing, military salaries, and salaries of hundreds of officials are all given to you."

"The capital of the country has the widest benefit than salt."

Salt is the economic lifeline of a country.

Salt is a very sensitive thing in this dynasty, so she has never taken the initiative to think about it.

However, if the emperor offered to give it, she would be able to produce a large amount of salt.

It just so happens that Nanyang Mansion is not his own fief?

Nanyang Mansion is near the sea, and she can build all the salt fields.

In that case, this "general of eaters" will no longer have to be "received by everyone"!

A few pennies can buy half a catty, and people can eat whatever they want for a month.

And those salt officials and salt dealers are rich and leaking oil!

The warmth seemed to see a tsunami-like wave of silver coming towards her.

While speaking, the carriage stopped.

Wen Nuan put his hand on Nalan Jinnian's and jumped out of the carriage.

In front of the eyes is a vast pond with small wooden blocks floating on the pond.

There are more than a dozen small boats working on the pond.

The warmth guessed that beneath the floating small pieces of wood were pearl mussels raised in fishing nets or bamboo cages.

"Pearl farm?"

Lin Feng gave a warm look in surprise: Is there something that Princess Hui'an doesn't understand?

It can be seen that this is a pearl farm?

This farm was run by Yuan Li, the first time he came here, he thought it was a fish farm!

Nalan Jinnian gave Wen Nuan an admiring look: "Well."

It can be seen at a glance that it is a pearl farm, not a fish pond, so this girl is the only one.

"Let's go, I'll show you the pearls just mined."

This pearl farm, he ordered people to build for six years, only successfully raised pearls this year.

Nalan Jinnian took the warm hand and walked forward.

Because it is on the edge of the pond, the ground is a little slippery.

The two did not walk fast.

Not far away, someone hurried over.

"Young Master, Master Hui'an!" Butler Yuan came to the two of them and saluted respectfully.

Wen Nuan was a little surprised to see Butler Yuan, whose skin was darkened by more than one level. She nodded slightly: "Butler Yuan, long time no see! So you came here to raise pearls!"

"Back to Princess Hui'an, it's been almost two years since I came here."

The tone was respectful, and the body bowed forward, not daring to make trouble at all.

Shortly after returning to Beijing, he was sent by the master to look after this pearl farm!

The wind is blowing, the sun is shining, and God knows where he has endured such hardships in the pampered palace!

Nalan Jinnian ignored Steward Yuan, he pulled his warm hand: "Let's go ahead and see if the pearl mussels that the fishermen brought up are big."

"Okay!" Warm thought, she didn't need to spend time and effort to carve those jade pendants, jade pendants.

Take some pearls back here, nourish them with purple energy, you will have pearl bracelets and pearl necklaces!

Well, customers who book 100,000 taels still have to send jade pendants, jade is priceless.

But there are not many people who are willing to recharge 100,000 taels at a time, so she is much more relaxed.

Butler Yuan immediately said: "Master, Princess Hui'an, please, be careful of slippery roads."

The two stared at the path under their feet and walked forward cautiously.

Soon the two came to the open space in front of a wooden house.

There are already fishermen opening pearls here.

A lot of pearl mussels piled up on the ground

There are several women sitting here opening pearls.

Some have children with them.

A pearl mussel that was only bigger than an adult's slap, when it was broken apart, it revealed a small powdery white pearl inside.

A fishing boat is still rowing on the vast pond, fetching mussels and transporting them back to the shore.

Butler Yuan said to everyone who opened Pearl: "The owner is here, everyone will greet the Seventeenth Master and Miss Wen!"

Everyone quickly put down the tools and pearl mussels in their hands, and pulled up the children beside them to salute.

They glanced at Nalan Jinnian and Princess Huian, only to think that the two of them were brighter than the sun in the sky.

There are a few, the children stared blankly with innocent eyes!

This brother and sister is so beautiful!

Nalan Jinnian raised his hand: "Don't be too polite, you guys are busy!"

Everyone still gave a simple gesture: "I have seen the Seventeenth Master, and I have seen the Princess Hui'an."

Wen Nuan looked at the children, then glanced at the nearby pond, and reminded: "Children are playful, it's better not to bring them to the water."

There is such a big pond here, adults are busy with work, sometimes they are too focused, and they forget about children.

Those women who brought their children were at a loss immediately, and hurriedly assured: "Yes, we won't bring them next time, we won't bring them! Girl, don't drive me away!"

The wages here are high, sitting here opening pearls, and not tired, although the hands sometimes break, but one hundred yuan a day, such a job is nowhere to be found with a lantern!

"Yes, we won't bring the child next time! Don't drive us away, girl. The child is very obedient and won't run around or steal pearls."

Nuan Nuan knew that they had misunderstood, and smiled and reassured: "I'm just worried that something will happen to the child, and I won't drive you away."

A little girl was afraid, but she still endured the fear and said timidly: "Beautiful sister, I will not run around. I will open pearls and help my mother earn coins! Don't drive me away, please! My brother is sick. Now, I want money to buy medicine to see the doctor."

The child's mother's face changed with fright, and she immediately said, "Don't get me wrong, Miss, the child doesn't get paid! I think it's too much to give 100 fen a day, so I asked the child to help, she doesn't need to pay the salary. Really! Steward Yuan, right?! I said that the child is only here to help, no wages!"

She can't live without this job!

After working for more than ten days, the son's medicine money will be there!

The little girl didn't know, she only knew that her mother said that she brought her to open pearls together and earn money to treat her brother's illness, and she came happily!

Other women also rushed to ensure that the children did not need to be paid.

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