Lin Tingxuan sneered: "Don't cry! When you arrive at the yamen, you will know that you are not wronged! I have found evidence of your poisoning!"

Hearing this, Mrs Tan was startled and cried even louder: "Tingxuan, I know that you are a general now, you told Master Guan that I was poisonous and dumb Tingya. Mother doesn't even have a place to seek justice! I don't care, but you can't ignore your father! It doesn't matter if I'm wronged! It doesn't matter if you don't let me enter the general's residence, I'm just pitiful sir!"

Mrs Tan stood up and said loudly to Lin Tingxuan and Lin Tingya, "Tingxuan, are you planning to leave your own father alone? Ha? Do you two brothers and sisters leave your own father alone? It's okay if you wronged me for hurting Tingya. What does it have to do with your own father? Why don't you even care about your own father! There are all parents in the world, are you still human? General? I bah! What kind of general is someone who his father doesn't want!"

Just as Lin Tingxuan was about to say something, Wen Nuan came over and snorted coldly: "General Lin has done his best to his father and your stepmother! If not, do you have a chance to stand here today and frame Zhongliang?

You say wronged? Three-year-olds do pick flowers and plants to play with, and even eat them by mistake!

It's a pity that aconite and hogweed are not the flowers that can be grown in the courtyard, nor are they nationally owned by Nalan. These two kinds of flowers are only available overseas! Overseas flowers and plants appear in the big mansion in Beijing for no reason? Do you think that no one in Nalan country knows anyone?

Indeed, the doctor does not know! It's a pity that Skynet has not missed it!

In this matter, General Lin has found the flower farmer and servants of the year, and it has been confirmed that you planted it after marrying into the Changping Uncle's Mansion!

Not only did the midwife who delivered the birth for General Lin's mother so many years ago also found it, she said that it was you who asked her to do the hands and feet that General Lin's mother would collapse and die! Originally, General Lin planned to put you in jail and seek justice for Miss Lin and his mother!

Unfortunately, your son tried to kill the emperor by killing him. This is a big crime involving the nine clans! The entire uncle's house has been raided, the beheaded beheaded, and the frontier is sent to the frontier!

Why are you standing here today? That is the face the emperor looked at General Lin, and saved you and Uncle Chang Ping from the death penalty! Just demote you to commoners!

He also left a house and Zhuangzi for Uncle Changping to live in. If you are not grateful, forget about it, and still frame Zhongliang here, why should you be blamed! "

Tan's face turned pale. She didn't expect that anyone would know about aconite and big hogweed, and she didn't expect that Lin Tingxuan actually found the flower farmer and midwife of the year. Anyone who knew about it, she made an excuse to sell it from a distance. !

is this real?

If Lin Tingxuan really found a witness, he would never let himself go if he was so ruthless!

Take yourself to jail, and you may even be killed!

She can't die, she has to avenge her son!

At this time, several arresting officers from the governor of Shuntian came over: "Where are the fugitives?"

Tan was startled, and dared to be taken back by the government!

Lin Tingxuan will definitely kill himself!

Tan shied away from the crowd and ran out in a hurry!

Lin Tingxuan flicked his fingers, and a piece of broken silver popped out, and Mrs. Tan knelt down on one knee!

Several arresting heads immediately stepped forward to catch her!

The leading arrester said to Lin Tingxuan, "General Lin, did you report the case? Please come back to the yamen with us!"

Lin Tingxuan nodded: "Okay!"

Although he couldn't forgive him, he couldn't even watch his own father behead his own head, but he wouldn't frown even if Mrs. Tan!

Lin Tingxuan said to Nuan Nuan, "Sister Nuan, will Tingya go to your place first?"

"It's natural!" The warm and refreshing response!

Lin Tingxuan said to Lin Tingya again, "You and Sister Nuan should go back first."

After Lin Tingxuan finished speaking, he left with the catcher!

Mr. Tan was caught by the two arresting heads and shouted frantically: "Let go of me! I was wronged! Lin Tingxuan is now in a high position, and he deliberately wronged me! He also wronged my son!"

Tan's mouth was blocked by a headhunter holding a sweat towel.

The group left quickly!

The onlookers were discussing:

"It's really the most poisonous woman's heart! Treating a three-year-old child with poisonous weeds is like killing people invisibly! This poisonous woman shouldn't be spared! If I don't plead for mercy, I chop off my head, so as not to harm the world! "

"That's right, it's not a pity that such a poisonous woman should die! It's a black heart! The son he raised is not a good person, even the emperor dares to murder her, and General Lin pleads for her to save her life, and he is still here to deliberately ruin the reputation of General Lin! People should be beheaded in the first place."

"But the stepmother is the stepmother, and the father is the father, so the father can't ignore it!"

"Haven't you heard that the Zhaizi and Zhuangzi are left behind! You don't care?! It's so easy to save the crime of beheading! My son can give me a Zhaizi and Zhuangzi, and I can call him Dad!"

Everyone has different opinions.

Nuan didn't care what everyone said, she Lin Tingya said, "Sister Tingya, let's go!"

This is not the place to talk.

The two nodded and walked towards the carriage.

I didn't care too much about everyone's words.

He is a man and a man, and he is worthy of the world!

There is no way for the official to impeach him!

There was no lively watching, and the crowd dispersed.

After the two walked a few steps, they saw Uncle Chang Ping, Uncle Chang Ping saw Lin Tingya and saw him turn away at once.

Chang Pingbo hurried a few alleys before he stopped.

He squatted down in the corner and hugged his head.

Sorry for the first time!

He woke up and didn't see Mrs Tan, so he came out to look for Mrs Tan, but he didn't expect Mrs Tan to make trouble in the street and ruin his son's reputation.

He wanted to enter the general's mansion, but he knew how important reputation was to officials!

So I just wanted to talk to Lin Tingxuan in private.

When Mr. Tan started making trouble in public, he was angry. Originally, he wanted to go forward to pull Tan's family away, but he didn't expect to hear Lin Tingya's words. It turned out that Lin Tingya was poisoned and dumb by Tan's family?

This shocked him!

Is Tan's so vicious?

Thinking of the ignorance and dislike of the two brothers and sisters Lin Tingxuan over the years, thinking of the clothes that Tan had given to Tingxuan with his back to him, and the food, it is hard to imagine how the two brothers and sisters grew up in a place that I don't know for so many years. ?

Chang Pingbo wanted to live in the General's Mansion, but he couldn't live there anymore.

If he hadn't been fascinated by the Tan family back then, and had given birth to Lin Jingxuan's rebellious son, Lin Tingxuan's mother would not have died in anger.

That way his title won't be taken away!

It's all Tan's fault!

Thinking of this, Chang Pingbo stood up and hurriedly ran in a certain direction.

Lin Tingya also saw Chang Pingbo.

Lin Tingya asked unconsciously, "Nuannuan, that's it"

After Lin Tingya regained consciousness, she hadn't seen her father, but that man looked somewhat similar to her eldest brother, and looked at herself with that look, so she guessed that the man was

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