The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 693 Princess Hui'an, what good things have you done?

Village head: "Lin Lin, you..."

Wen Nuan couldn't help laughing and interrupted the village chief: "Okay, you two don't have to be too polite! I don't care about that. Please sit down!"

The two sat down as they said.

Aster served them refreshments.

"Village Chief, Zi Lin, have you had breakfast?"

"Back to the county master, I have already eaten."

Feng Zilin unfastened the basket on his back and handed it to Wen Nuan: "I've eaten it too! Sister gave it! This is what my mother asked me to bring to my beautiful sister."

Feng Zilin also brought the pancakes made by the Feng family's aunt who got up in the middle of the night, as well as many dried vegetables from the farmhouse.

He took it with a warm smile and glanced at it: "Aunt Feng has a heart, my sister likes to eat these dried vegetables the most."

Wen Nuan handed the basket to Aster: "Take it to the kitchen and make a few samples for Dad to try at noon today."

Since there is purple energy, there are healthy vegetables to eat in all seasons, and their family has not eaten dried vegetables for a long time.

But dried vegetables can also be made into dishes of various flavors, and the taste is not bad!

"Yes!" Aster took the basket and stepped back.

Feng Zilin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he liked it warmly.

Warm and straight to the point: "The village chief, have you discussed it with the villagers?"

"It has been discussed. This is a great thing for the villagers. After the villagers found out, they agreed immediately! I also discussed it with the village chief of the next village, and they agreed."

"That's good!"

Wen Nuan handed the cooperation document to the village chief: "The village chief has a look at the cooperation document! If there is no problem, you can sign it and sign it."

The village chief took it over and looked at it carefully.

It was about the interests of the villagers, and he didn't dare to be careless.

The clauses written in the document are very detailed, which not only protects the interests of the villagers, allowing them to "guarantee their income during droughts and floods", but also safeguards the interests of warmth, in case someone does harm.

All kinds of situations have been thought of, and it is reasonable.

As a scholar and the master of the academy, I often ask him to write documents for people, or ask him to help me check if there are any problems with the documents.

But none of what he has seen is complete and formal, with no loopholes!

This is the best cooperation document he has ever seen!

none of them!

"Master Hui'an, did you order this document?" The village chief asked cautiously, with adoration.

He recognized it as yesterday's word gap.

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

The village chief shook his head hurriedly: "No problem, the master of Hui'an County! This is the most perfect cooperation document I have ever seen!"

My own decades of talent are not as good as a girl who has not yet reached her age.

He smiled warmly: "If there is no problem, the village chief will sign it!"

"Okay!" The village chief signed his name on it, and then pressed his finger print.

After seeing him sign, Wen Nuan thought of seeing the fields in Fengjiacun yesterday, and said: "I took a look at the paddy fields in Fengjiacun yesterday, and found that the water conservancy conditions are very good, suitable for rice fields to raise fish. I contracted the water of your two villages. When the pond is used to raise crabs, the villagers’ table will be without fish. I know a method of raising fish in rice fields, does the village chief want to try it?”

"Raising fish in rice fields? Does the Lord Hui'an mean that one mu of land can grow fish while growing rice? Is this okay?"

This simply refreshed the knowledge of the village chief!

If someone's rice fields are not carefully tended, they are worried that there will be no grains when they are harvested, and there will be no food to eat in the coming year!

Wouldn't this put the fish in the field and eat away all the seedlings, or kill them?

Nodding warmly: "Yes, and raising fish in paddy fields can increase rice production by 10% or 20%. The paddy fields in Fengjia Village have sufficient water sources, good water quality and convenient irrigation and drainage, which is very suitable for fish farming in rice fields."

The village chief's eyes widened: "Increase production by one or two percent?"

Now, because of the unified distribution of rice seeds by the imperial court, the yield of rice per mu has reached thousands of kilograms! The life of the villagers has improved a lot, except for families with special circumstances, such as the Lin Lin family, who sold all their fields. There are no fields, and there are patients in the family, so life is not easy.

Those who have fields and land, and those with few children at home, have saved food and sold it!

If the production can be increased by 10% or 20%, after this, every household in the village will not have a problem with white rice and dry rice!

The village head bowed his hands to Nuannuan: "I beg Huian County Master to give some advice. I am willing to give it a try! Can I try it first, and then let the villagers try it?"

"Yes. If the village chief wants to try raising fish in rice fields, then you need to plant rice in the spring."

Relying on her excellent memory, Nuan explained the method and principle of raising fish in rice fields from watching TV in her previous life.

The village chief also knows how to farm, and there are many ponds in the village. He also knows a little about some attributes of grass carp, carp and crucian carp. He said that it is feasible!

At the end, Nuan said: "I will write down the method to the village chief! If the village chief has any unclear points, you can come and ask me! You can arrange the fields and let me take a look."

The village chief stood up and bowed his hands to Wen Nuan very solemnly: "Master Hui'an, I thank you for the villagers of Fengjiacun and Oujiacun! Your actions have really benefited one side of the people! This invitation, Our villagers in Fengjia Village will never forget it! We will do our best to keep the crabs well!”

Warm quickly avoided: "The village chief is polite, we are mutually beneficial and happy cooperation!"

At this moment, a loud voice sounded: "Hui An County Master, what good things have you done?"

The loud voice startled the two people in the room.

Seeing the person coming, Nuan hurriedly stood up and saluted: "Huian has seen Master Nalan."

The emperor was wearing regular clothes, and Wen Wen naturally changed his tune.

The village chief heard the warm address to Mr. Nalan, and saw that this man was in his fifties, his facial features were clear and three-dimensional, his sword eyebrows slanted into his temples, a pair of piercing black eyes under the thick eyebrows, with sharpness, a stern body, and a dignified appearance. , A silver-white robe can't cover his disdain for the world!

Behind him were a few people who were also dressed in style, exuding elegance or restraint.

Those people ranged in age a bit, some in their 50s and 60s, some in their 30s and 40s, and some in their twenties.

Regardless of age, it can be seen that Grandpa Nalan is respected!

The Seventeenth Master I saw yesterday stood beside this Grandpa Nalan.

He vaguely guessed his identity in his heart, and quickly lowered his head and did not dare to look directly.

He was a little excited, but he never thought that he would be lucky enough to see the current emperor in his life!

The emperor stopped her directly: "Okay, family, don't be too polite! I'm here to invite you out of the city to see."

The emperor looked at the village chief on the side and asked curiously, "Hui'an county master, who is this?"

Warmly introduced: "Grandpa Nalan, this is the village chief of Fengjia Village ten miles outside the city!"

Warmly said to the village chief: "The village chief, this is Grandpa Nalan."

The village chief immediately saluted: "The students have seen Grandpa Nalan!"

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