"Let's go to the hospital to have a look! You hurt your feet, no matter how big or small. If the root cause of the disease is found, it will be bad! Are all the people rescued that day?"

"They were rescued, and Lord Shuntian Fu Yin also notified their families to pick them up. Fortunately, we met a girl, otherwise we would be miserable!"

Thinking of what she saw just now, Lin Tingya couldn't help but ask, "Then why didn't you go home?"

When the woman heard this, the expression on her face darkened. She pulled out a far-fetched smile and said, "I don't have a home anymore. My family is dead. I'm from the north."

The woman told her story.

This woman's name is Yao Yingmei. She is from the north. She and her father are the only two people left in the family. Their family was originally in the city. Her father opened a noodle shop. It's been too long, the shop has no business, and then the price of food is getting higher and higher day by day, and the rent of the shop can't be paid. The father and daughter can't afford to eat!

His father decided to sell the house and took her south to a small county near the capital to get through this difficult time.

Unexpectedly, on the way, her father had an emergency. Then she buried her father with the money from the house sale, and continued south with the rest of the money. Halfway through the journey, my baggage was robbed, and most of the money was lost, and then I reported to the official and couldn't find it!

At this time, she only had a few taels of silver left on her body. She was worried that the flowers would soon run out and wanted to find a job as an embroiderer. Then she met a woman who told her that there was an embroidery shop in the capital, Zhao embroidery, every month. Five taels of silver, and food and shelter!

She thought that she was going to the capital and left with her. Unexpectedly, she overheard their words halfway through and knew that she was not going to be an embroiderer, but would be sold to Hualou, so she ran away!

Later, he met Lin Tingya and rescued her.

Lin Tingya said in surprise: "Since you have been rescued, why do you still go to the Zuixiang Lou to perform?"

Yao Yingmei heard this, a flash of embarrassment flashed on her face, her little face flushed instantly, she whispered: "After I left the yamen that day, I have no money on my body, and I don't even have a place to live. I went to the embroidery village to find work, but the owner of the embroidery village saw my embroidery, and she said that my embroidery was not good, and she didn't want me. Then I wandered around the streets of the capital, seeing that it was dark and there was nowhere to go. I'm on the street. I saw a restaurant recruiting a pianist, and they included room and board, so I went in and applied for the job, and only then did I know that it was a spring house."

Her voice became lower and lower: "I originally turned around and left immediately, but the old man said that at first glance, I knew that I was a helpless girl who didn't even have a place to stay! She said that after the curfew in the capital, people are not allowed to go around. Wandering, and I am a woman, out of the city, I may encounter something in the suburbs, she said that she can take me in, I can play the art and not sell my body, just play the piano in the house to the guests. I think she said something. Reason, I really have nowhere to go, so"

She didn't go on.

Lin Tingya understood when she heard it.

This world is more difficult for women.

In the face of the helpless, who is about to live on the streets and sleep in the wilderness, the prostitute is undoubtedly like a piece of driftwood encountered when drowning.

Even if there is a venomous snake on that piece of driftwood, you can't help but hold on to it.

Caihong is a person full of sympathy. After hearing her story, her eyes were red. She was also sold as a slave by her parents because of the flood in her hometown.

How many poor people have been afflicted this day!

"Then what will you do in the future?" she asked involuntarily.

Yao Yingmei lowered her head after hearing this: "I don't know either, but I thought about going to the tooth shop, selling myself, and being a servant girl in the future! It's better to be a slave than a prostitute!"

She laughed at herself!

Caihong: "That's true!"

Just like her, after meeting the young lady, although she had a miserable beginning, she was always bullied when she was a nun, and she had to do a lot of things, but the young lady had a kind heart and never beat or scolded her, and now she lives even more. The best day ever!

She is very satisfied!

What Caihong thought, she looked at Lin Tingya: "Miss, don't you want to buy a few more servants for the house? Or you can buy Miss Yao!"

Lin Tingya: ""

She really wanted to buy a few maids and wives. Now that she has been trained, she will be able to use it when Sister Wenxin gets married in the future.

But she was planning to buy from Guanja, not someone from unknown origins!

Yao Yingmei knelt down immediately after hearing this: "Girl, are you buying someone? You buy me! You are my savior, I don't want your money, I am willing to be a cow and a horse for the young lady! As long as the young lady takes me in That's it! I can do laundry and cooking!"

As she spoke, she kowtowed hard!

Lin Tingya: "but I, I didn't plan"

"Miss, take me in! I beg you! I'm really desperate and have nowhere to go!" Yao Yingmei kowtowed so hard that her forehead turned red all of a sudden, and tears fell from her eyes.

Seeing this, Cai Hong also said: "Miss, or you can buy her!"

Lin Tingya has a headache. She is not a person who refuses people very much: "You should get up and talk first! All the servants in my house have signed death contracts."

Most people are unwilling to sign a death contract when they sell themselves.

"Miss, are you willing to take me in? I can sign a deed of life or death! I can also recognize a few words and do arithmetic, so I can help Miss a lot!"

Lin Tingya thought for a while, if this woman's body is really what she said, she would be innocent.

Of course, Lin Tingya didn't believe it directly. She would just ask her elder brother to send someone to check her life experience.

Lin Tingya nodded: "Also, if you want, then sign the death contract!"

Yao Yingmei's eyes flashed, then she lowered her head and kowtowed again: "Thank you girl!"

In the blind spot where the two of them couldn't see, she pursed her lips and saw that Lin Tingya was also guarded against herself.


the other end

After the Nuan sisters separated from Lin Tingya, they went directly back to the Duke Anguo's mansion.

A few of them just got off the carriage, and a carriage slowly stopped in front of them.

The driver said respectfully with a hint of excitement: "Eldest girl, second girl, third girl, Lin girl!"

Wen Nuan looked at Chuan Qiong and said with a smile, "Chuan Qiong, second brother is back?"

Wen Hou jumped out of the carriage from behind and came forward: "Sister Nuan, I'm back!"

The sea breeze blew in Nanyang Mansion for a period of time, and the gentleness of the whole person became a lot darker, and he grew taller, and it may be because he did some work to settle the people in the war and deal with the aftermath of the party, and the whole person looked stable and mature. few.

Warm: "Second brother, didn't you say that you will arrive the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Wen Hou smiled and said, "I happened to meet my father when I came back, so I wasted some time."

Wen Wenyan worried and said, "Is everything going well on Dad's side?"

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