The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 801 Selling the Prime Minister's Mansion is not enough to pay!

The former Prime Minister's wife was depressed because of Prime Minister Li's appointment ahead of schedule. Recently, she felt that her health was unhealthy. She lay either on the bed or on the imperial concubine all day long, hurting spring and autumn.

It feels like life is meaningless!

When she heard the maid's words at this moment, she said angrily: "Buy it as soon as you buy it! What's the point of panic?"

Wanwan had already told her when she was out shopping today.

I heard that he was going to see the Seventh Prince.

If she can get into the eyes of the Seventh Prince, then their family will be able to raise their eyebrows again one day!

The maid handed her the stack of bills in her hand and whispered, "Madam, this is the bill presented by Butler Li! The amount is a bit large! Butler Li said that the accountant dare not report it! There is not that much money on the account."

Mrs. Prime Minister looked at the thick stack of bills in front of her, her eyelids twitched!

The accountant dare not report?

Don't have that much money on the books?

So how much did you buy?

She sat up a bit, took the bill and looked at it.

Three hundred thousand taels!

One hundred thousand taels!

Five thousand taels!

The one with the smallest denomination is also 10,000 taels!


The Prime Minister's wife's eyes were darkened, and her whole body was so irritated that she fainted!

The maid was so frightened that her heart skipped a beat, and exclaimed, "Madam!"

Then she calmly stretched out her hand and pinched the Prime Minister's wife hard!

No need to call the doctor!

Madam has been dizzy a lot lately, she has experience!

The Prime Minister's wife woke up leisurely.

The maid immediately said, "Madam, what about those bills?"

The Prime Minister's wife wanted to faint again when she heard the word bill.

The maid immediately said: "Madam, don't be dizzy! Those bills haven't been settled yet! Do you want to return it?!"

The word "return" immediately woke up the Prime Minister's wife: "Return! Hurry up! It's impossible for Wanwan to be so ignorant to buy so many things! It's not that she doesn't know the situation at home now! Those people must have sent it wrong!"

Hundreds of thousands of taels, the Prime Minister's Mansion is not enough to pay!


So Steward Li hurried outside the house with a stack of bills, and said to the young men who came to deliver the goods: "My young lady didn't buy these things, did you make a mistake?! This is Li's house! Prime Minister Li government!"

Little Er: "That's right! It's a girl from Prime Minister Li's house who's already in office. Miss Li bought it! You can ask Miss Li to come out and recognize the goods in person!"

Butler Li: "...My girl hasn't come back yet!"

Why do you have to say that you have been hired?

"It's okay, we can wait here for Miss Li to come back!"

Butler Li: ""

Wait for the lady to come back?

How can that work?

The lady will return it when she comes back!

With so many of them piling up at the gate of the mansion, people from other mansions will definitely come out to watch the fun. The whole world will know that tomorrow, their mansion can't afford anything, so have they returned it?

Butler Li changed his mind and said, "Really? But my wife said that she had already bought these things for my lady! My lady probably didn't know! Now the two of them have bought too much, and they can't use up so many things! We don't want them anymore, and return them. Go! Take them all away!"

Several people who delivered the goods have already received a reminder from the shopkeeper that the delivery will not be too smooth this time!

So many things, they all sent over!

If they can successfully get the Prime Minister's mansion to accept and pay, they will have another 12 taels of money for running errands.

So the little Er in the silver building was the first to widen his eyes and said in surprise:

"Have already bought it? Return it? It shouldn't be! There is only one treasure in the world of our Ruian Yinlou store, and the yellow diamond is even rarer in the world! How could it have been bought! Could it be that the dignified prime minister's residence has no money to pay for it? ?"

The little Er of Siji Rou Chang frowned: "Isn't it? How can you buy so much without money! Return it?! Isn't this harmful? Do you know that the stock in our store is sold out today! How many people are interested in these clothes? , but it was decided by you one step ahead! If you don't have the money to pay, what to buy! Isn't this hindering other people's business?"

"Really, what about the daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion?! You can't even get that little money! If you can't afford it, don't pretend to be a big head! It's a waste of time for us!"


Several juniors were complaining outside the door.

The street where the Prime Minister's Mansion is located is full of first- and second-rank ministers of the DPRK.

Today, the families of those ministers have bought a lot of things on Yongan New Street in the outer city, and it is time for delivery.

When they were so noisy, many Xiao Er and the servants of other mansions came to see them.

Those people were all discussing: "What happened in the Prime Minister's Mansion, why is it so noisy?"

"It seems that I don't have money to pay for something I bought. I don't want it. I want to return it!"

"No way? If you don't have money, why buy so many things? Isn't this a swollen face and a fat man?"

"It should be bought by Miss Li, and then Mrs. Prime Minister thinks that she has spent too much money, so return it! Prime Minister Li is now in office, and then the flower field is ruined again. Maybe the money will not be able to turn around for a while!"

"Tsk tsk, isn't it! That aristocratic family doesn't have any background?"

Steward Li heard everyone talking, and the neighbors all looked over, his face was dark, if people from other houses knew about this, their house had no money to pay, and they would not be able to raise their heads when they went out in the future!

And the lady who loves her face so much will kill him!

He hurriedly said: "Why are you doing this! Can't return it? I said that my wife has already bought a lot of similar things for my girl! How can there be forced buying and selling? Isn't this robbery?"

"Return the goods if you return them, but the goods have already been delivered to your door, and you will have to pay compensation for the return, which is one-thousandth of the silver of the purchased goods! This is the norm! You also need to accompany the return shipping fee of one or two silvers! I have a total of 30 yuan here. Ten thousand taels, one thousandth is three hundred taels! A total of three hundred and one taels!"

"I have one hundred thousand taels here, and one thousandth is one hundred taels! The shipping cost is one tael, a total of one hundred and one taels!"

"I am here"

Butler Li broke out with cold sweat on his forehead!

This compensation is several hundred taels! ! !

Madam knew she was going to faint!

The eighth princess held the tree stick tightly on the tree, and said in her heart: I must let them take out the money!

Nuan looked at the carriage from far and near and hooked his lips.

Wen Nuan picked a leaf from the tree and threw it to the second Zhang Yuan in the silver building.

Zhang Yuan is a more clever person, and after tempering him warmly for a period of time, he made him a little manager!

It is the person she intends to focus on training.

Zhang Yuan suddenly found that a leaf fell on his shoulder, and he looked up subconsciously.

Then I actually saw my little boss! ! !

Is Xiaodong trying to scare people to death by climbing so high?

Nuan raised his index finger to him, motioned him not to make a sound, and then pointed in a certain direction.

After making sure that he saw his movements, Nuan hid in the dense foliage again.

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