The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 803 Madam, he has tried his best!

"Is the Qiufeng of the Seventh Prince so easy to fight? Besides, Prime Minister Li has already taken office, and Li Wanwan's status is not worthy of the Seventh Prince! She is afraid that she still wants to fly to the branches and become a phoenix?"

"It's not difficult to understand. Who doesn't like a man as handsome as the Seventh Prince?"

"Then you have to weigh how many pounds and how many taels you have!"

"You forgot, there is a noble concubine in the palace?"

Everyone's words entered Li Wanwan's ears, and they really could say anything.

Li Wanwan was wronged, angry, and resentful!

A variety of emotions are intertwined, and tears almost fell!

It was nothing but a bolt from the blue for her!

Zhang Yuan looked at Li Wanwan, whose face was pale, and couldn't help but say, "Miss Li, could it be that your house has no money to pay? Or I'll go back and ask our shopkeeper if we can take credit? Wait until the end of the month to settle the bill? Such a big mansion is in Here, we are not afraid of running orders!"

Li Wanwan's body was shaking when she heard the words.

All these things are not paid for?

How could the seventh prince tease her like this?

She glanced at the people around her, ashamed:

This, how can this be done?

Li Wanwan suddenly thought of the expressions on Wennuan and the Eighth Princess who were standing on the side looking at her. She thought they were jealous.

Only then did she realize that they were laughing at herself!

It must be the Princess Hui'an!

It must be the bitch of Hui'an County Master who instigated the seventh prince to tease him like this!

If you can't get the money to settle it, isn't that being looked down upon by her?

The next time I see her, I might be ridiculed by her!

Or maybe they're just there waiting to see themselves as the joke of the city this time!

She will never let Princess Hui'an succeed!

Thinking of this, Li Wanwan's mind became hot, and she sneered: "Joke, how could I not be able to take out such a small amount of money!"

After Li Wanwan finished speaking, she looked at her maid: "Go and tell Madam that I bought all these things, and ask the cashier to prepare a bank note for settlement!"

She deliberately bit the word "I bought it"!

The maid has served Li Wanwan for many years, and naturally she could hear what she meant.

This is to say in front of Madam that these things were picked for her by the Seventh Prince!

Madam knew that it was the Seventh Prince who picked it, so maybe she would pay for it with money!

The maid quickly ran in.

on the tree

The eighth princess asked Nuan Nuan quietly: "Nuan Nuan, do you think Li Wanwan will buy those things?!"

Wen Nuan watched another carriage approach from afar, and she nodded: "Yes."

Because Li Wanwan and Prime Minister Li couldn't afford to lose this person!

If they return it today, then the whole capital will know that the Prime Minister's residence is too poor to buy anything.

This had a great impact on Li Wanwan's marriage and the entire Prime Minister's Mansion.

Capital turnover is not a trivial matter, even in modern times, if any family has a poor capital turnover, I hope they can hold it tight.

Of course, whether it can be covered is another matter.

Butler Li just wanted to die!

After being so manipulated by Li Wanwan, he couldn't even return it if he wanted to!

But so much money can't be taken out of the house!

Li Wanwan was just trying to make them wait, she went back to the mansion herself, and didn't want to stand here to be embarrassed when Prime Minister Li's carriage came back.

He had already known by the coachman's reminder that the gate of the mansion was full of people.

His first instinct was that the Prime Minister's wife and Li Wanwan were causing trouble again!

So before the carriage stopped, he jumped out of the carriage.

"What's going on? Why are so many people gathered here?!"

Butler Li saw that Prime Minister Li came back, and his eyes lit up!

good luck!

The lord is finally back home!



Li Wanwan and Butler Li couldn't wait and spoke in unison.

Prime Minister Li's eyebrows jumped!

Li Wanwan gave Butler Li a warning look.

Butler Li: ""

Madam, he has tried his best!

Miss Nai He is the master, he can't be disrespectful.

Li Wanwan said to Li Chengxiang, "Father, these people are here to deliver."


Not to collect debts?

Prime Minister Li made up his mind: "Then let someone send them in! What kind of decency is it to be blocked outside the gate of the mansion!"

Those who didn't know thought that something big happened in their house!

Seeing so many people watching the fun!

Butler Li wanted to say something, but Li Wanwan killed her with one look.

Butler Li: ""

What Butler Li dared not say, Zhang Yuan did not think it was a big deal. Before he went out, the shopkeeper specially gave him an extra bill, and he handed the bill to the Prime Minister: "Sir, this is the bill, please sir, you will After the account is settled, we will send the goods in."

The other juniors also handed the bill to Prime Minister Li.

Prime Minister Li: ""

Bill, pay money?

Haven't paid yet?

He was really relieved too early!

really! real! It's for debt collection!

With so many people watching, Li Chengxiang took the bill with all his might, and then those eyes that were so old that they could hardly open their eyes glared like copper bells.

Prime Minister Li screamed in shock, "300,000 taels?!!"

He felt the twinkling of gold stars in his eyes!

Zhang Yuan said with a smile: "Sir, yes, the things in our silver building are definitely worth the money! Miss Li is very discerning!"

"The same is true of our store! No one regrets buying it! It costs a few hundred taels to return it! Hundreds of taels are not a small amount, right!"

Prime Minister Li looked at the bills one by one and felt a surge of energy surge up!

I almost couldn't breathe!

With so many silver taels, the government simply can't take them out!

Li Wanwan hurriedly supported her: "Father, let's put things in first and then talk about it! Many people are watching!"

She said the last sentence so quietly that only two people could hear it.

She knew that her father had the best face!

Prime Minister Li immediately woke up when he heard many people watching!

Even though he was about to die of anger and pretended nothing had happened, he glanced at Li Wanwan, and then said to the delivery man: "Everyone, bring the things into the house first, you can drink tea in the house, wait a while, I will Let the accountant settle the bill for everyone."

When the head of the family speaks, Butler Li can't help it!

So Zhang Yuan and others were invited in.

Li Wanwan breathed a sigh of relief!

It's just that it didn't take long.

Prime Minister Li still has a little money in his private house!

Prime Minister Li had no choice but to let people in! But he was almost dying of anger, how could this possibly make Gongzhong pay for it!

Gongzhong also doesn't have that much money!

How about taking out your own private room?

So, he whispered to Li Wanwan: "Didn't your mother save you a sum of money every year these years? You can pay with your money! You also know that the accountant at home has no money recently."

Li Wanwan is like a bolt from the blue!

Those silvers were the ones that were kept at the bottom of the box when she got married!

She is going to marry the prince and become the prince's concubine!

Which imperial concubine is not a ten-mile red makeup!

The money at the bottom of the press box is not one million taels, which is shameful!

She still hasn't saved enough, she is still hundreds of thousands of taels!

If she takes it all out, what will she do when she gets married in the future?

Li Wanwan felt cold at the thought of this.

Like a walking corpse, he walked into the gate of the mansion.

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