The Seventh Prince and Prince Ning had already come here, but they came here after they went to Prince An to greet him.

What a beauty here!

There are famous paintings, and there are beauties. It is a pleasure to appreciate the beauty and the famous paintings.

Wouldn't it be better than going to see the bad old man Prince An and the iceberg face Uncle Seventeen? !

As for Princess Hui'an, although she is more beautiful than the people here, she is not a little bit more beautiful!

But that flower has already been inserted into the bull dung of Uncle Seventeen!

It can only be viewed from a distance, not to be played with.

"Master Hui'an, I'll explain it to you!" The seventh prince hurriedly followed Nuan's side, looking like a dog's leg.

After Li Wanwan appeared from the seventh prince, her eyes were fixed on the seventh prince!

The Seventh Prince introduced these paintings to her just now!

At this moment, Li Wanwan saw that the Seventh Prince had actually left her behind and ran to Princess Hui'an's side so enthusiastically, she couldn't help biting her lower lip.

Didn't King Jin see that Hui'an County Master was like a fox, seducing men everywhere?

Such a vixen should be caught and soaked in a pig cage!

Li Wanwan wanted to get closer to the seventh prince.

She raised her foot and walked behind the Seventh Prince.

Prince An was annoyed that the seventh prince took the lead!

This stinky brat is simply arrogant!

He immediately stepped forward, but was blocked by Li Wanwan.

Prince An glanced at Li Wanwan and frowned: "You let it go! Don't be in front of this prince!"

Li Wanwan: ""

She didn't dare to offend Prince An, so Li Wanwan quickly took a few steps back: "The minister and daughter are disrespectful, and I hope that Prince An will forgive me."

Prince An didn't have time to pay attention to her, and he didn't even look at her.

Prince An squeezed the seventh prince aside: "Master Hui'an, most of these paintings are my father's collection, and some of them are also my collection! If you like those paintings, tell this prince, and this prince will give them to you immediately. wrap up!"

In order to be able to go to the Duke Ang's mansion for dinner every day like the Seventeenth Uncle, Prince An's heir, he also worked hard!

The corner of Prince An's eyes jumped: This unfilial son of a prodigal family! !

Prince Ning seems to have realized something, this is probably the avenue leading to the heaven of gourmet food!

He also hurried forward and looked at Li Wanwan who was blocking her way with disgust: "Why are you standing here in the way? Why don't you get away!"


Li Wanwan's tears were almost forced out by these words!

She looked at the seventh prince with red eyes.

The Seventh Prince has always been very sympathetic to Xiangxiang and cherishing jade.

It's just that the Seventh Prince can take care of this, so he squeezed Prince An away again: "Seventeen Aunt, I'll tell you"

Prince Ning wanted to step forward, but Li Wanwan was dazed with red eyes!

He frowned: "Don't step back!"

Li Wanwan came back to her senses, lowered her head quickly, and stepped back a few steps: "I'm disrespectful to the minister and daughter!"

So Prince Ning also got together, and even pushed Prince An away!

Only Nalan Jinnian was still standing beside Wen Wen, and no one dared to push away.

Prince An was so angry that he blew his beard and stared!

These bastards are simply insane, neither big nor small!

Prince Ning's heir: "The picture of Princess Hui'an is a picture of Xiahe, a great scholar of the previous dynasty..."

Nalan Jinnian was annoyed by the three of them: "Go away!"

These three stinky boys are simply beyond their own power!

Does his girl need their explanation?

Wen Nuan probably knew why they were so enthusiastic, so she said, "I brought some food here today. I made it myself and put it in the carriage, I don't know."

"I'll get out now!" The seventh prince turned around and left.

"I'm going too!"

"I'm going!"

Before Nuan had finished speaking, the three of them had already left the painting pavilion.


Prince Ann: ""

He looked at Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian: "What are those three brats doing?"

Nalan Jinnian: "Probably hungry!"

Prince Ann: ""

What is the Seventeenth Emperor kidding?

Who are they?

Still hungry?

Warm: "It should be greedy!"

Prince Ann: ""

Is it because he has been suffering from amnesia for too long and is not very familiar with the world?

What is there for people of their status to be so greedy? !

"Second Emperor, if you don't take a bite, you will regret it!"

Prince An asked curiously, "What to eat?"

"Pig brain, specially made for you."

Prince Ann: ""

Suddenly want to cut off the head of the Seventeenth Emperor's brother, what should I do?

Nalan Jinnian ignored Prince An who wanted to kill him.

He said to Wen Nuan, "Choose carefully and tell me if you like it."

Well, as long as she likes it, he always has a way to get it from the emperor.

That idiot, Prince An, would also pack and deliver it in the middle of the night.


Prince Ann: ""

With what he knew about the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother, it was possible to evacuate the paintings in this painting pavilion.

In the past, he didn't like it, and he was relieved. Now

He'd better not stay here, just hide for now!

Thirty-six strategies, walking is the best strategy!

Prince An: "I'll go and see what a pig's brain looks like!"

Prince An turned around and left.

In this way, Nuan and Nalan Jinnian have no one else around.

Han Shiyu walked over involuntarily, and pretended to watch quietly at the distance between the two paintings.

Warmth is someone who loves to paint, and she looked at it carefully all the way.

I have to say that paintings that can be passed down through the ages and treasured by the world are all very good paintings!

Nalan Jinnian followed her without disturbing her.

Only when she was talking to himself would he have a serious discussion with her.

Han Shiyu stood in the corner, watching Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan chatting and laughing.

Nalan Jinnian looked at the warm eyes, where is the coldness?

It's so soft that it drips with water!

She couldn't help thinking that if one day King Jin looked at her with such eyes,...

The warmth is over soon.

Nalan Jinnian asked, "Is there any one you like?"

Warm shook his head: "No. I prefer silver!"

Of course there is, but she can copy it.

A gentleman does not take people's favor.

Nalan Jinnian laughed.

At this time, an elderly man led a young woman to Nalan Jinnian: "Old minister, see King Jin! Princess Hui'an!"

The woman bowed her knees and blessed:

"The minister and daughter have seen King Jin, the princess of Hui'an."

The sound is crisp and pleasant.

He took a warm look: what a classical beauty!

As pretty as the hibiscus in May, as elegant as the number nine plums.

The face is like a hibiscus, the temperament is elegant, and the body has a faint scent of ink.

Nalan Jinnian immediately stretched out his hand to help the old man: "Thank you sir!"

Nalan Jinnian introduced Nuan Nuan again: "Nuan Nuan, this is Mr. Han. This is Miss Han."

Warm also guessed.


He is also Nalan Jinnian's teacher.

Wen Nuan gave the other party a junior salute: "Mr. Han, Hui'an is polite."

Han Da Shi immediately said, "Isn't Hui'an County Master Zhesha old man? The old man is a white man, but he can't stand this ceremony."

He has already served as an official, and he is a civilian without official status.

He smiled warmly: "Mr. is the emperor's teacher, and he is also the husband of the seventeenth brother. You should receive this gift from Hui'an!"

Nalan is the most respectful teacher.

Nalan Jinnian is different from Dashu Han, he is concerned: "How is your health recently?"

Senior scholar Han said with a smile: "Thanks to King Jin's blessing, after taking the medicine given by King Jin, this old man's health is much better."

King Jin gave him health pills regularly, and then gave him some healthy vegetables every day. After eating for a while, he quickly became much stronger, otherwise he would not be able to go out today.

"That's good! Sir, I'll have someone send it over after I finish eating."

When Han Shiyu saw her grandfather and Han Gengyu coming, she came over immediately.

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