The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 820 What kind of divine operation is this?

Seeing Nuan at this moment, she couldn't draw anything, just like a child scribbling and scribbling, Li Wanwan sneered in her heart, and then said with a deliberately surprised face: "Master Hui'an, where did the future you draw come from! Why can't I understand it? ?"

Wen Nuan didn't raise his head: "With your IQ, it's normal that you don't understand!"

If she understands, she suspects that she is an idiot! Warm belly.

Li Wanwan: ""

I'm so mad, this bitch, stabs people when he opens his mouth!

Han Shiyu glanced at the warm painting, her heart settled, she smiled, and said in a gentle tone: "The painting of Princess Hui'an is very innovative!"


Nuan couldn't help but glanced at his painting and breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that there was no mistake in the painting!

In her paintings, the only thing that can see the original shape is the street at the feet of the characters. Does this show something new?


"Miss Han's eyes are really unique!" He replied with a warm smile.

Korean Poetry: ""

Is Princess Hui'an praising herself?

She was a little confused about the sincerity of what she said in her expression and tone.

She lost her parents since she was a child and is used to observing words and expressions, so she is more sensitive and has always grasped the joys, sorrows and joys of others very accurately, but she really can't understand what Princess Hui'an said!

This is the first time I have met.

Huang Hengxi: "Master Hui'an, why do you paint a little everywhere on the canvas?"

And it felt pitch-dark, could it be that she painted the night?

Warmly replied: "Well, it's easy."

Huang Hengxi: "..."

Lin Yan: "Master Hui'an, shouldn't you be on guard against everyone, worried that we will peek at your paintings and then learn to draw from you?"

After hearing this, the others glanced at the warm painting.

Where did she get the confidence to think that they would peek at her paintings and learn from her?

She was still playing with mud in the field when they started to pick up the pen and practice drawing!

Warm: "Will you do this?"

Lin Yan raised her chin slightly: "Of course not! It's not like we can't draw."

Warmly smiled: "Does the county owner need to be on guard? Can't I get used to painting like this? 1!"

Lin Yan: ""

Although the others felt that the warmth was absurd, they were just guarding against them.

But warm said, they have nothing to say!

Nuan ignored her and continued to paint seriously with his head down.

One stroke, very slow, but very stable, just like beginners worry about drawing mistakes.

Huang Hengxi and the others pursed their lips: She just pretends to be serious!

Li Wanwan saw everyone's disdain for warmth, and the unhappiness in her heart finally dissipated.

Only Han Gengyu looked at the warm painting, but she was shocked.

Although she can't see what Wennuan is painting, she knows that Hui'an County Master will never aimlessly. She paints one piece in the east and another piece in the west, no matter what her painting skills are, her ability to be confident is admirable. .

If you are not confident, how can you draw one piece in the east and another in the west?

Even if Princess Hui'an's painting skills seem immature now, so the speed of writing is slow and it seems cautious.

But just having the ability to have a good idea of ​​the painting and then draw the painting in your heart at will, is also admirable!

Every painter has a beautiful painting in his heart, but not every painter can paint the painting in his heart as casually as the Princess Hui'an.

Han Gengyu believes that she is quite good at painting, but she can't be as warm.

Of course, the last picture drawn by Princess Hui'an is like, and whether it can be perfectly spliced ​​together, I don't know yet.

But Han Gengyu felt that the warmth would definitely work.

The person who paints needs to be calm and unaffected by other people. Princess Hui'an paints seriously. It's like she has integrated into another world, and her whole person has changed!

You will be infected by her seriousness, take the initiative to lower your voice a little, for fear of disturbing her.

In this regard, Princess Hui'an is the best among so many people.

Not even her.

Han Gengyu had a vague expectation for the warm painting.

She didn't bother her, restrained her thoughts, and continued to draw her own paintings.

Han Shiyu glanced at Han Gengyu's paintings, and the alarm bells in his heart was a masterpiece. Han Gengyu's paintings were obviously more innovative than his own!

She took a serious look, she had an idea in her heart, and she didn't have time to care about warmth.

Even if she wants to make friends with Princess Hui'an, so that she can get in touch with King Jin more, it is not urgent, but it is not as important as this fight now!

That 300,000 taels of gold is really important to an orphan like her!

In the future, whether her dowry will be able to make red makeup in ten miles depends on this time!

The time for another stick of incense is almost here.

The seventh prince put his elbow on the arm of Prince Ding'an: "Send someone to see the painting of Princess Hui'an, is it ready!"

Prince Ning nodded: "Hurry up, if you haven't painted it yet, then add a stick of incense!"

Prince An said something to the maid who was waiting beside him.

The maid responded and walked away.

Soon, several maids brought hot tea and some snacks, snacks, and fruits to the talented and beautiful women in the pavilion.

When one of the maids passed by the warmth, she glanced inadvertently, and then moved away without a trace.

At this time, the time for the two sticks of incense was almost over, and everyone was still making their last efforts.

After you draw it, see where you need to modify, and try to make it as perfect as possible.

I haven't finished drawing it yet, I'm hurrying to finish it, otherwise don't even think about getting the 300,000 taels of gold!

At this time, they didn't have the heart to look at others.

The maids didn't disturb everyone, they came gently, and they left on tiptoe.

Then one of the maids returned to Prince An's side.

The seventh prince couldn't wait to ask: "How is it, has Princess Hui'an finished painting?"

"Do I need to add another stick of incense?" Prince Ning also hurriedly asked.

Prince An only said: "You shut up, and let no one answer the question!"

The two shut up immediately.

The maid replied: "Hui Shizi, Princess Hui'an's painting is finished with only the small part in the middle! No extra time is needed."

Is the middle part still not finished?

What kind of divine operation is this?

The three looked at each other!

Prince Ning: "The middle part is still unpainted! Or the middle part is being revised."

Seventh Prince: "So, there is no need to add time!"

After the painting is over, the food is paid, it is time to go to the Anguo Gongfu for dinner!

God knows, in order to be able to give away 10,000 taels, this prince is sitting here until his waist is straight! Turn around and eat a few more and make a fortune to make up for it!

Prince An nodded: "Yes, no need to add time!"

Maid: "The Princess Hui'an has a small blank space in the middle! She is still painting! It shouldn't take much time."

Three people: ""

Blank in the middle?

The Seventh Prince thought for a while: "The blank space must be the sky!"

Prince Ning nodded: "That makes sense!"

Prince An was uneasy: "Go and have a look again, and make sure that Hui'an County Master can finish the painting, and whether you need more time for an incense stick!"

It's just that when the maid was halfway there, Wen Nuan put down the pen.

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