The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 823 The Lord of Hui'an is such a big dog!

Everyone was also stunned by the exaggerated expressions of the seven princes.

They looked down at the warm painting again: Dawn of hope?

Where does this see the light of hope?

Wen Yu glanced at the warmth, her eyes were very strange.

Originally, he was the focus of everyone, but first, Han Gengyu and the two sisters stole his limelight, and then he warmed the plague god, and now the three seven princes.

The seven princes and the others didn't see the painting of the God of Plague at all, and they praised the painting directly. It was clearly known that it was the painting of the God of Plague, and it was specially touted!

It's not because this god of plague is the future Princess Jin, they praised her like this because of King Jin's face!

Otherwise, where is this black paint?

She didn't think there was anything worth admiring at all!

It's pitch black all around, and the meaning is not good!

What the hell is the light of hope!

What the hell the future looks bright!


Does this mean that we have to go through the darkness now before the dawn of the future?

Isn't this a satire on the darkness of the imperial court?

Wen Yu opened her mouth to sneer, but when she thought of Wen Wan's end, she felt a pain in her neck!

She didn't dare to speak out.

This god of plague can't be provoked, not to mention that the third prince asked himself to befriend her!

Wen Yu glanced around, and found Li Wanwan, who was crowded in the corner by the crowd, and looked at the warm Li Wanwan with a gloomy face.

At this time, Li Wanwan, who was standing in front of her, took a step back, and she took the opportunity to take a few steps back, and then came to Li Wanwan's side.

Wen Yu didn't look at Li Wanwan either, but just looked at the warm painting with a probe, and then mumbled in a surprised voice, pretending to be talking to herself: "The dawn of the future? Does this mean that the present is dark, and the future will have dawn? What a mess! Where is the darkness now! The world is peaceful and prosperous! How good is this painting?! I can't see it at all."

She didn't dare to speak too loudly, just to make sure that Li Wanwan could hear.

Li Wanwan, who was behind Wen Yu, was almost stepped on by Wen Yu. She just wanted to scold her, but after listening to her words, she thought: It's dark now?

Under the leadership of the current emperor, Nalan Kingdom is now peaceful, prosperous and strong, the country is prosperous and the people are safe!

It even opened the remote areas of the Xinjiang without spending a single soldier and a single soldier, and added a few more cities!

Princess Hui'an actually painted a painting that implied that it was very dark now?

Isn't this a satire that the imperial court is dark now?

Also, the men and women in the school go to school together and sit on an equal footing, which is simply betrayal!

This is the meaning, in the future, women can also hold up the sky, can be officials, or even empresses?

Isn't this the woman rebelling?


This is simply outrageous!

The more Li Wanwan thought about it, the more excited she became!

His fingertips trembled with excitement.

She couldn't help but took a few steps forward and carefully looked at the warm painting.

Truly a light in the dark!

The people inside did not dress like the people of Nalan Kingdom.

And men and women are really on an equal footing!

Doesn't this imply that the dynasty has changed?

This is simply outrageous!

Huian County Lord is such a big dog!

But Lin Wanwan didn't dare to say it directly.

She was also frightened by Princess Hui'an!

Of course she was afraid, but that didn't mean she didn't hate Princess Hui'an.

Everyone is somewhat bloody, and they want to bully back when they are bullied, just to see if there is a chance.

So she just didn't dare to confront Hui'an County Master, not because she didn't want to take revenge.

After all, with the protection of King Jin, Princess Hui'an is not so easy to break down, but she believes that there will always be someone who wants to break her!

Thinking of this, Lin Wanwan thought of her own aunt, the imperial concubine, in the palace.

There is probably no one in this world who hates Princess Hui'an more than the concubine.

After all, the second prince can be said to be useless now!

Even the power in the hands of the noble concubine has been divided into half.

Now she is in charge of the harem together with Concubine Shu, who is the mother concubine of the Seventh Prince.

Thinking of this, Li Wanwan couldn't stay here any longer.

Anyway, she was also pushed down by the Hui'an County Lord, and she didn't even touch the pen, and she has nothing to do here.

She couldn't wait to share the secret she discovered with others at the moment, so she left directly.

The seven princes and the three of them are looking at the warm painting seriously at the moment.

Especially the Prince An, this painting competition, he originally wanted to see the real painting skills of warmth.

The style of this painting is novel, and although the painter is a little immature, it does have the charm of an unknown master.

If it is said that she has no connection with Master Wuming, Prince An will not believe it.

Could Princess Hui'an be the apprentice of Master Wuming?

Prince An took another look at the painting where Wen Yu was just now.

After all, Wen Yu's words just now hinted that he knew the unknown master, intentionally or not.

Wen Yu's painting style also imitates the style of the unknown master, but lacks the charm of the painting of the unknown master.

Said she was the apprentice of the unknown master?

Prince An does not believe it!

Her painting is skilled, but lacks aura~!

The whole painting looks good or not, but it lacks some soul.

Master Wuming would accept an apprentice without spiritual energy?

The paintings of the unknown masters, the brush strokes are like flowing clouds, the painting skills are consummate, and the swaying brush and ink all show the painter's freedom, unrestrained, open-minded, eclectic, confident and unpretentious, mysterious and unpredictable.

The more you appreciate the paintings of the unknown master, the more people are addicted to his paintings.

Prince Ning was also attracted by the warm painting, he admired it carefully, and repeatedly said, "Wonderful, really wonderful!"

This is true!

The seventh prince did not expect that Nuan would actually draw such a picture. Sure enough, the women who could make Uncle Jin fall in love were not ordinary people!

Why didn't he go to Ningyuan County to recuperate with Uncle Jin!

In that case, I might have met Princess Hui'an first!

What's the matter with Uncle Seventeen's pile of cow dung!

After confirming his guess, Prince An looked around at everyone, and then his eyes fell on Han Gengyu's face: "Miss Han, did you draw this painting?"

Han Gengyu shook his head: "Back to the seventh prince, this painting was not painted by a little woman, but by the master of Hui'an County."

The Seventh Prince came back to his senses and looked at Wennuan with a look of surprise: "Aunt Seventeen, did you draw this painting?"

Aunt Seventeen?

The corners of everyone's mouth twitched, looking at the warmth.

Wen Yu almost rolled her eyes, shameless!

Warmth was also struck by the Seventeen Aunts, how could this be called regardless of the occasion! !

"The Seventh Prince is joking, isn't that making people laugh at the minister's daughter? The minister's daughter is not the Seventeenth Emperor's aunt of the Seventh Prince!"

The seventh prince waved his hand: "Isn't this a matter of time! You are the seventeenth emperor's aunt who was personally ordered by the father to marry the seventeenth emperor's uncle. This prince calls you the emperor's aunt earlier, and you don't have to give the money when you change your mind. Anyway, this prince only recognizes you as a seventeenth imperial aunt! Do you have any opinions? Do you make jokes?"

Speaking of the seventh prince, he looked at everyone.

Everyone: "No!...No!"

"Haha... The Seventh Prince is right, sooner or later it will be a sentence."

How dare they have an opinion!

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