Princess An was slightly surprised when she heard the words, but she thought that her old man had always protected her shortcoming, and she felt it was a matter of course. She looked at Nuan Nuan: "I didn't expect Nuan Nuan to be so good at painting?! Let others live!"

As long as she is free, Princess An often goes to the palace to accompany the Queen Mother to play landlords and horses, so she often hears the Queen Mother praise the warmth as a flower!

She has also met Nuan two or three times before, and the two are familiar with each other.

It's just that Nuan is very busy, and Princess An has to take care of Prince An, so she doesn't have much contact with him on weekdays.

He shook his head with a warm smile: "This is a clever victory, and the victory is incompetent!"

Prince An snorted: "It's good if you know! Go back and let Seventeen teach you how to draw! Don't be ashamed!"

The same is a shame! But this is completely different from what he said to Wen Yu!

Even if he is deaf, he can see Prince An's preference for warmth.

Huang Hengxi glanced at Wen Yu and didn't understand why the two were so different with the same surname Wen!

The third prince asked her to win over Princess Hui'an, would it be self-defeating!

For most of the day, Hui'an County Lord didn't look at Wen Yu at the end of his eyes.

The two are obviously not dealing with each other!

And Wen Yu held the shelf and did not come forward.


Princess An was slightly surprised, but she didn't expect Nuan to be recognized by Prince An so quickly.

The lord said it well to examine the daughter-in-law of King Jin.

She persuaded him, but he didn't listen!

However, she also has a good impression of the child of Princess Hui'an, who both the King Jin and the Queen Mother liked, no less!

She smiled and said: "Don't pay attention to the lord! He is a stricter man! Since Nuan Nuan wins, then this wangfei really has to give it a good reward! In a moment, whoever wangfei will go to the treasury to have a look, pick whatever you like!"

When Prince An heard the words, his eyes widened and he screamed, "Princess! Do you know that Princess Hui'an and the Seventeenth Emperor's brother are a nest of snakes and rats!"

Ask Hui'an County Lord to go to the warehouse to pick something, maybe the warehouse will be emptied!


What do you call her and the seventeenth brother snake and rat in a nest!

Will Prince An use idioms!

The warmth that originally wanted to refuse decided not to refuse!

The seventh prince asked curiously, "Then who is the snake and who is the rat?"

He gave him a warm look.

The seventh prince immediately stood at attention: "When I didn't ask!"

Prince An: "Of course the Seventeenth Emperor's brother is a snake! And it's a poisonous snake! Princess Hui'an, be careful that the Seventeenth poisonous snake will eat you, a mouse, to the point of leaving your bones!"

Princess An almost wanted to put a handkerchief on Prince An's mouth!

How can a brother say such unreliable things in front of his sister-in-law!

"Master Hui'an, don't worry about him! He's talking nonsense! Come on, I'll take you over to pick one!"

"Princess, the king has already promised to reward Hui'an County Master, and the princess does not need to reward him any more!"

When the Seventeenth Emperor comes back, he will definitely say that he is stingy, and then ask for a gift again!

King Ning's Tao Ran Residence and Tao Ran Tea Residence were both taken by him!

Where did he get Tao Ran Ju and Tao Ran Tea House?

Princess An: "The things that this princess sent have something to do with the prince! The prince gave it to you, and the concubine sent it to the concubine!"

Prince Ann: ""

Isn't the princess her own? What the hell is she talking about!

He gave her all his life!

After the princess finished speaking, she looked at everyone: "In the chrysanthemum garden, I have prepared refreshments for everyone, please move to the chrysanthemum garden to enjoy! There is also a play troupe invited to play!"

When everyone heard the words, they quickly thanked: "Thank you, Princess."

Princess An smiled and said, "You're welcome, Yi'er, you and the seventh prince, the prince, and the others, please greet Elder Han and everyone!"

After Prince An finished speaking, she looked at Prince An again: "My lord."

Without Princess An saying anything, Prince An knew that it was time to rest, and he immediately said, "This prince knows!"

Then Princess An stepped forward and held her warm hand: "Hui An County Master, go! Go and pick a gift! Lord, why don't you pick your share together?"

"Don't! Princess, please don't! The old man is ready! Princess, take Hui'an County Master to choose your reward! This king will give Hui'an County Master for a while!"

Princess An nodded.

Prince An can't stay any longer, and I'm really worried that Princess An will give away all the gifts for marrying his daughter-in-law!

He hurriedly said to the three Prince An's sons: "Qi'er, Yi'er, Xu'er, you three treat Mr. Han and everyone well, this prince has something to deal with!"

Prince An said to Han Daishi: "Old Han, I'm sorry, let the seventh prince and Yi'er play chess with you!"

Senior Han waved his hand: "My lord is serious! I've been out for a long time, and the old man is tired. It's time to go back!"

Prince An nodded: "This king asked someone to send you back! Rongde, you personally send Mr. An Han back to the house!"


After Prince An explained everything, he hurriedly went to the study to get the gift!

Huang Hengxi glanced at the direction in which Prince An left, thoughtfully.

Princess An left two palace maids to lead the women to the Chrysanthemum Garden.

On the men's side, it is enough that Prince An greets him.

On the way to Chrysanthemum Garden, Huang Hengxi said to the palace maid, "My stomach hurts a little and I want to go to the toilet."

One of the palace maids heard the words and said, "The servant will take you there!"

"Okay, preferably the closest!"

"Okay, who's the servant girl Huang will invite!"

Others continued on to the Chrysanthemum Garden.

In the secret room of the study.

Prince An pressed the mechanism under the candlestick.

He took out a black wooden box from a dark compartment.

In the dark grid, there is still a box made of golden-yellow long golden nanmu wood.

He glanced at it and took it out.

Prince An put the two wooden boxes on one side and one side on the desk.

He looked at the two wooden boxes, one black and one yellow, thoughtfully.

Take the opportunity to send it out?

Prince An thought for a while and put the yellow wooden box back into the dark compartment.

Or send one of them first!

The other thing matters!

So he walked out of the study with a black wooden box.

Prince An hurriedly walked towards the warehouse holding a wooden box.

Halfway through, I saw Huang Hengxi who came back from the toilet.

The palace maid and Huang Hengxi hurriedly salute: "Your Highness!"

Prince An frowned: "Why are you here!"

The palace maid replied: "The slave and the maid take Miss Huang to the toilet."

Huang Hengxi blushed and said, "Maybe I ate the wrong thing, my stomach hurts a bit!"

Her eyes fell on the wooden box and quickly moved away.

Prince An didn't ask many questions after hearing the words, and waved his hand: "If you're not feeling well, go back to the manor to rest early!"

After he finished speaking, he took the wooden box and left!

Huang Hengxi wanted to make a gesture in his heart, thinking that the length of the black wooden box was wrong, it should not fit!

Thinking of this, she is inevitably a little disappointed!

She thought that Prince An would take this opportunity to give the emperor's decree to the county master Hui'an.

After all, Prince An intends to let Princess Hui'an win!

If it is, then you can take this opportunity to destroy or get hold of the emperor's imperial edict.

But maybe not really!

It doesn't have to be a long box after all!

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