The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 839 It turns out that this is how fishing bait is used!



A loud bang resounded through the sea.

A ship was blown through a large hole, kept flooding, and slowly sank.

The sinking ships made the soldiers cornered, they tried their best, jumped into the water, jumped into the water, used ropes with ropes, shot arrows with arrows, built wooden boards with wooden boards.

In short, try your best to climb on the ships of Nalan Kingdom, destroy the ships of Nalan Kingdom, come and die, and die together!

For a while, there were fierce battles at sea.

The blood slowly turned red.

Naran also had two ships destroyed by the enemy.

After all, there are too many people on the other side, and it is impossible to guard against it!

Wen Nuan said to Lu Ye, "Pour all these bait into the sea!"

Lu Ye was stunned for a moment, then immediately said, "Yes!"

Although I don't understand what is the effect of pouring the bait into the sea now?

But the performance of Hui'an County Lord just now really impressed him.

So he did not hesitate to do as she said.

Let the men pour the buckets of bait into the sea.

Although the soldiers didn't understand why they poured the bait into the sea, it was a military order, and they did it without asking.

By this time the enemy ships had been completely destroyed.

Two of their own ships were flooded.

Hui'an County Master should do this to free up some space for the soldiers of the other two ships to board this ship!

Nuan directly kicked an enemy who had climbed up, then turned around and said to Nalan Jinnian, "We can withdraw!"

Nalan Jinnian waved his sword to separate a cold arrow, and he directly ordered: "All soldiers obey orders and withdraw!!"

The soldiers on the ship were still fighting against the enemy troops who were trying to climb aboard.

Soldiers of the Nalan Kingdom in the water are also fighting against those who want to destroy the ships!

However, the enemy's ships have been damaged in various ways, and they don't need to accompany them to sink their ships here.

If they just leave, they won't be able to survive!

When Lu Ye heard the words, he immediately picked up the horn and blew it.

The horn sounded.

The boat is moving!

All the soldiers of Nalan have received orders!

The soldiers of the two boats that got into the water immediately jumped onto the boat that didn't get into the water.

The soldiers fighting against the enemy in the sea heard the sound of the horn, and immediately stretched out one hand and pulled the rope around their waists.

Soldiers on the boat immediately pulled them back to the boat.

The soldiers who swam over to destroy the distant enemy ships almost pierced through the ships behind.

As soon as they heard the sound of the horn, they immediately felt the rope around their waists tighten, and then they were immediately pulled away by a huge force.

The enemy found that Nalan's ships had begun to move.

Someone immediately said loudly: "They want to run! They destroyed our ship, they want to run away by themselves! Brothers, don't let them run!"

So the enemy went even more desperately to climb on their ship, to stop those Nalan soldiers who wanted to return to the ship, and desperately wanted to die with them.

Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian and other soldiers with excellent archery skills took bows and arrows and shot them out one by one, killing the enemies who prevented the soldiers in the sea from boarding the ship, and those who tried to climb on the ship.

At this time, many schools of fish appeared in the sea.

Those fish frantically grabbed those bait to eat.

Even attracted some biting fish.

The feet and bodies of people in the sea were attacked by schools of fish.

The sea became more chaotic for a while.

The people in the sea shouted:

"Something bit me!"

"Oh my God! So many fish! These fish bite!"

"Ah! Go away, what the hell is biting me!"

"Fish, piranha! God, why are there so many piranhas!"

Countless schools of fish began to attack people in the sea.

In such an instant, those enemy troops have been overwhelmed!

Taking advantage of this moment, the soldiers of the Nalan Kingdom accelerated and pulled up their companions in the sea.

After all the soldiers who went to sea were pulled up, the speed of the ship quickly accelerated and left this sea area.

Lu Ye dropped a wooden barrel and directly hit the last enemy army who wanted to climb up into the sea.

All the enemy troops clinging to the ship were also dealt with.

Soon, all the ships of the Nalan Kingdom left the chaotic sea.

The soldiers of Nalan Kingdom looked at those people still fighting with the fish, and finally understood, that's how the bait was used!

Lu Ye: "Master Hui'an, you are too powerful, otherwise, we still don't know when we will be able to escape! I will also use bait to deal with the enemy in the future!"

Being entangled by so many enemy troops and enemy ships, it is not impossible for them to leave, but there must be many wounded soldiers!

Warm just smiled and didn't say that not all bait can have this effect!

She only said, "I'll go see the wounded soldier."

Then she walked away.

Nalan Jinnian followed behind her.

Lu Ye looked back at the distance:

At this time, the enemy still had two ships that had not entered the water, and they were ships of Xihua.

At this time, the people in the water, whether they were from Xihua Kingdom or Beiming Kingdom, were madly trying to get on the boat.

But there were already people on the boat, and there could be so many people there.

The generals on the ship could only order to leave immediately.

"Go! Let's go!"

The helmsman on the boat immediately set sail, paddled hard, and tried to leave.

But these two ships were the last straw. Of the thirty ships, only these two remained!

How could the people in the sea easily let these two boats leave, and everyone tried their best to climb on the boat.

The leader of the boat blushed with anxiety: "No more people can come up, otherwise our boat will be overloaded! Anyone who climbs up again will be shot down!"

However, everyone wants to live.

These two ships belonged to the Xihua Kingdom, and the soldiers on the ships would naturally attack the soldiers of the Beiming Kingdom without mercy!

But what about your partner!

Can't hold it!

You can only beat people down!

So the imagination of a dog biting a dog bone appeared.

It was even more intense than the ships that attacked Nalan just now.

After all, there are now two ships left. Other ships sank and disappeared without a trace, only half of the hull remained, and only half of the hull remained.

In the face of death, human nature is the most untested!

Everyone wants to survive.


The liveliness and warmth here are no longer concerned.

After the fierce battle just now.

They also had many soldiers wounded.

Those who were slashed by the enemy, those who were bitten by fish, and those who were shot and wounded by chaos.

There were many wounded soldiers.

Wen Nuan is working with the military doctor to heal the wounded soldiers.

At this moment, Nuan rescued a soldier who was stabbed in the chest with a sword.

Center the heart.

At this moment, he has fallen into a coma, and he is like a gossamer, or he can't feel any breath.

She cut off his coat directly and took off all his clothes.

Showing bloody wounds.

Lu Ye walked in, the corners of his mouth twitched, this gesture of undressing was really neat!

He subconsciously glanced at Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian was expressionless.

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