In another carriage of the Ning family were Mrs. Ning Er, Mrs. Ning San and the He family.

Mrs. Ning looked at them and sneered: "Now you are on a high branch? I was short-lived with those ladies just now, so I was not happy! Don't forget who helped you through the difficulties! Your son"

He hurriedly interrupted her and said, "Hey, second sister-in-law, what are you talking about! Don't look at the monk's face, but also look at the Buddha's face, those are Madam Shangshu! This confronted them head-on, offended them, and to us It's not good either! Who knew that the Wen family would invite so many Shangshu ladies."

The He Shi also said: "Yes! This is clearly to give the Ning family a favor! But with their identities there, we shouldn't offend them! We are in business, and we pay attention to harmony and make money, and saying good things is just for the good of the Ning family! Besides, second sister-in-law, if you want to embarrass her, it's not too late for her to pass the door! It's not good in front of so many Shangshu ladies!"

Mrs. Ning San said, "What kind of climbing is this! Second sister-in-law, don't be too impulsive. You offended those Shangshu ladies, and it's not good for Huai Hao and Huai Min!"

Mrs. Ning snorted coldly, knowing that she couldn't offend, and said stubbornly: "Those Mrs. Shangshu are all Quanfu people invited by the general's residence! What's the matter with the Wen family!"

He's and He's rolled their eyes in their hearts, what about the invitation from the general's house, didn't you see that one or two were protecting the gentleness?

But this Wen family's daughter is so good-looking! No wonder one is better married than the other!

At such a young age, Princess Hui'an was so young that even a woman couldn't take her eyes off her appearance. Her figure was better than her sister's, and her waist was as thin as a water snake. No wonder it caught King Jin's eyes.

This daughter is still going to be born well!

If you have a good life, marry a powerful person, your family will rise to heaven!

When a man marries a wife, it all depends on his face!

If you don't look at the face and marry back, you will go to steal the good-looking outside!

Both of them made up their minds to dress up their daughters well.

When their daughter marries Shang Shu's son in the future, they will be satisfied too!

Mrs. Ning San: "Those Mrs. Shangshu should also look at King Jin's face. Anyway, let's not offend him."

Offended, that is to cause trouble for the Ning family!

How can there be no eggs under the nest!

Their three bedrooms are not eligible to inherit the head of the family, forget it! But she didn't want to get into trouble either.

Mrs. Ning Er: "Hey, I'm not afraid of her! What about King Jin? There can be several concubines of this King Jin, who knows what will happen in the future? You didn't see Jiang's squeamishness! Can I not be angry? It's not that she married a daughter of An Guo's mansion! It's not a princess, the princess! Seeing her arrogant appearance, she is so angry!"

It's a pity that her son never met a daughter of a royal family!

Otherwise, see how the big room is still pulling!

Mrs. Ning San didn't say anything. The person married was indeed not the princess or the princess, but the sister of the princess!

As far as Princess Hui'an's stunning appearance and her graceful attitude are concerned, it is estimated that in ten or eight years, no woman can compare to her.

It is possible for King Jin to be spoiled for a few years. After all, the appearance and figure are there, aren't those men the most beautiful and exquisite?

After giving birth to the world's son, won't the status be stable? !

Besides, the Princess Hui'an was married by the emperor, and the status of the concubine is unshakable if she doesn't commit any crimes!

Mrs. He: "Haha. Sister-in-law's temperament is not like that. Her eyes are always on her forehead! Don't be angry, it's not worth it to be angry!"

He Shi: "That's right, don't be angry! Huaijie married the daughter of Duke Anguo's mansion, so it's no wonder she's squeamish!"

Mrs. Ning Er: "Just her daughter-in-law, what is there to worry about! Let me tell you, after getting married, she will regret it! The next day after getting married, I will show you a big show!"

Hearing this, Mrs. He raised her curiosity: "What big drama? Why does sister-in-law regret it? Second sister-in-law, do you know something?"

He Shi nodded: "Second sister-in-law, tell us quickly!"

Mrs. Ning San glanced at Mrs. Ning Er.

Second Madam Ning just wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything, she pretended to be mysterious: "You will know when the time comes! The future head mistress of the Ning family? Bah, she is definitely not worthy! When the Jiang family regrets it. !"

Now a broken shoe is a treasure, I don't know how green the green hat on my son's head is!

He Shi and He Shi glanced at each other, and their curiosity was completely aroused. What is it?

The two chased Mrs. Ning and asked, but Mrs. Ning didn't say anything.

She doesn't completely trust these three scumbags!


After sending off the Lin and Ning families, Mrs Wu said worriedly, "The rest of the Ning family are better! This second lady of Ning is really not a good person to be with!"

Sister Rou's temperament is submissive, and she will only swallow her anger when she is angry. How can she rest assured.

If Sister Nuan married such a family, she wouldn't have to worry!

Sister Nuan is the only one who gets mad at others, and she doesn't get mad at all if she suffers!

Besides, Sister Nuan is more skilled than Sister Rou, and when her legs move, no one dares to make a sound!

Hearing the words, Wen Nuan said, "Don't worry, mother, Mrs. Ning is only a second-bedroom person. The eldest sister doesn't need to look at her face at all. Besides, after the eldest sister gets married, she will live in the mansion in the capital, and they will return to the Jianghuai mansion."

Gentle also comforted: "Mother, don't worry, I won't let anyone bully me!"

The environment changes a person, and over the years, she is no longer the gentle and submissive she used to be.

In the past, when she went to the Qian family as a child bride, she didn't dare to swallow her anger and resigned. If she was driven away, the Qian family wanted the family to pay the money, and she was afraid she couldn't afford it!

That's because she doesn't want to suffer, and she has to suffer.

But it's different now. She has her own weaving workshop and Siji Rou Chang. Next month Siji Rou Chang will open a branch in the next county. The business is getting bigger and bigger, and she doesn't have to rely on her husband's family. Why is she angry? Why hold your breath?

She is good-natured, but she is not a fool!

Wang Shi: "Sister Rou, just remember, this person always likes every inch! No matter what you marry, as long as you don't like it or wrong yourself, don't ever step back! Stick to your own principles and bottom line! If you take a step back, others will think that you are easy to talk to. One after another, you will be asked to give in again and again! This is the experience of grandma! And remember that your family will always be your support! If you have anything to say, we will I will definitely get justice for you!"

Nodding warmly: "grandma is right, come back and tell me what happened, I will find a way to solve it for you!"

Gentle laughed: "It's as if I'm married into a Longtan tiger's den! I know!"

Warmly protested: "Why do you only worry about eldest sister and don't worry about me!"

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