Seeing Wen Ran being so fierce, Jing Huan hurriedly said, "Of course my cousin is cute, but you're not too young!"

Are you young? ! ! !

Where is she so young?

Looking at the people in the room, apart from the younger cousin Jing Xi, Wen Heng, the younger cousin of the third uncle's family, is the youngest!

Wen Ran: "Bah, you're not too young! You're still an old lady!"

She is obviously a flower bone!

"That's not what I mean, I mean that you are compared to my sister. You have grown up! You can't be cute anymore! It doesn't mean being old! But don't get me wrong, cousin! Don't be angry!" Wu Jinghuan was really in a hurry !

How to say more and more wrong!

"You won't be cute when you grow up?" Wen Ran stared at him tightly, as long as he dared to say yes, she would sprinkle some tickling powder on him to make him regret it!

Jing Huan glanced at her hands pinching her waist, and she looked like a shrew, and shook her head vigorously: "Cute! But my cousin is also very cute! The cutest!"

No wonder!


In the future, I will definitely keep my sister away from my cousin.

Avoid learning!

Look at this bitch!

The water in the capital does not support people!

Jiang Ran's cousin was raised crooked.

It wasn't like this before!

Wu Shi glared at Wen Ran: "Sister Ran, don't bully cousin Jing Huan to be honest!"

Wen Ran stuck out his tongue and stopped teasing this cousin!

She said to Wen Jiamei, "Little aunt, I want to hug my little cousin!"

"Come on, give it!" Wen Jiamei carefully handed the child in her arms to Wen Ran.

Wen Ran stretched out his hand.

When Jing Huan saw Wen Ran's slender, pink and beautiful hands, she became nervous when she remembered something: "No! But cousin, are your nails hiding poison?"

He remembered that the last time he came to Beijing, he saw his cousin Ran paint something on her nails.

He asked her what she was, and she said nonchalantly as a poison fan! It's so poisonous that it kills you if you touch it.

However, my cousin's beautiful hands were poisonous!

She hugged her sister, and accidentally got the poisonous powder in her nails onto her sister, what should I do?

Wen Ran: "..."

pissed her off!

This cousin Jing Huan is still the cowardly and incompetent death he used to be, and he is more cute!

He smiled warmly: "Sister Ran, I said, don't always hide poison on your body!!"

"Little aunt, little cousin, give it to me!" Wen Nuan said and took over the infant child.

Wen Ran pursed her lips: "It won't fall off again! Third sister, you're done hugging me until I'm done!"

Mrs Wu hurriedly drove away the children: "Okay, you've been standing outside the city for a day and you're all cold, hurry up to wash your hands with hot water, and then hug your little cousin! Your little cousin is just over two months old and can't stand the cold! Jing Huan knows all this common sense! Wen Ran, you can only hold your little cousin after you have cut your nails!!"

Wen Jiamei smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous! It's just that the three fathers and sons are nervous! Didn't Nuan Nuan send back a lot of parenting books? It was mentioned above that it's best to wash your hands and put on clean ones when holding a newborn child. Clothes. The three fathers and sons all memorized those books! Anyone who doesn't wash their hands at home, or change clothes when they go out, is not allowed to hold Xiaoxier. Xiaoxier has been made too squeamish by the three fathers and sons! She has to sleep. People hold it!"

Wen Jiamei and Wu Qiye's child was named Jingxi, Jing means a talented woman, this is the middle word after Wu Jingmei.

Before marrying Lei's family, the Wu family's background was always good, and the names of the children in the big house were paid a tael of silver to hire talents.

Jubilee means happiness and good luck.

This is the name given by Mr. Xu. Everyone likes it. I hope this child will live a wise and happy life!

Wen Nuan hugged Xiaoxi and said with a smile: "That proves that they all love little cousin!"

Wu also praised: "This Jing Zhi and Jing Huan are really good brothers! Love your sister so much!"

In this way, she was relieved. She was worried at first that the two brothers Jing Huan would be unhappy.

I am worried that the two children will be afraid that after the sister-in-law has a baby, the second brother will be partial and do not love them.

She also specially reminded the second brother and Jiamei about this problem, don't ignore the feelings of the two children!

Don't worry now.

As a parent, you want your children to grow up physically and mentally, and brothers and sisters to be united.


When the family had dinner, they talked about something about the village.

Wen Nuan thought of what Feng An had reported just now. He said that Mr. Wen and Mrs. Zhu returned to Wenjia Village last month. Mrs. Zhu also went to the second uncle and the third uncle to make a scene. Later, Mr. Wen brought people back.

He asked, "Second Uncle, Third Uncle, Zhu's went to your place to make trouble? Didn't it affect the shop's business?"

Wen Jiarui paused when he heard the chopsticks holding the vegetables and looked over: "What happened?"

No wonder the second and third brothers went to Beijing so early.

They all said before that they would only come to Beijing to attend Sister Rou's wedding after the Lantern Festival.

Both Tan's and Tian's expressions were a little stiff.

After the Zhu family returned, it was a disaster for the two of them!

If not, they wouldn't excuse the gentle two sisters to get married soon, and then the family came to the capital early.

At least not until after the new year.

After all, the shop's business is also busy.

But Zhu Shi is too capable of tossing people!

Every day when Mr. Wen didn't pay attention, he ran to their shop and scolded her, saying that they didn't support her!

Live with them!

Ask them to hand over all the money earned by the shop to her.

I will also sell all the servants in the house!

Let them serve the whole family at home.

He even went to the shop to point fingers at the shopkeeper and the little second!

Every once in a while, the shop has been unable to do business properly!

The worst thing is that the mother of a scholar who was discussing marriage with Wen Qian happened to meet once, and the marriage was immediately blown up!

The family is also considered to be a scholarly family. The three generations of the ancestors were all born as talented scholars, and they all served as masters in the academy. It is estimated that the Jinshi and the first will not be able to escape.

Moreover, the family background is also good. The family has 100 acres of fertile land, there are two shops in the county, and Zhuangzi also has two. This family background, as long as the family does not have prodigal sons, it can be said that there is no worries about food and clothing.

The most important thing is that Wen Jiagui likes the child's temperament, he is humble and polite, his family style is good, and his family is reasonable.

That's why, when the lady saw Zhu Shi like this, the marriage was gone.

People pay attention to family style!

The marriage was over, and Wen Jiagui was so angry that he went back and talked about it.

When Mr. Wen found out, he was furious and didn't allow Mr. Zhu to go out, but he got better later.

But Wen Qian's marriage was a blow.

It was a year of searching, and it was hard to find the most suitable person.

Wen Jiagui and Wen Jiaxiang also didn't know how to speak for a while, and their faces were embarrassed.

I don't understand how they put on such a mother-in-law.

It was Wen Jiagui who spoke first: "It's okay! It's not that you don't know my mother's temperament. Now that her father is in charge of her, it's fine."

Wen Ling pursed her lips: "My sister's marriage was all lost by grandma! Dad, you're fine!"

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