The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 873 Vegetarian? What kind of joke is this?

After finishing speaking, Concubine Li looked at Concubine Shu again: "Concubine Shu, do you think I'm right?"

Now Concubine Shu is in charge of the imperial dining room, and the people in the imperial dining room are all from the emperor. It is not easy to find out a little bit of information, lest it be spread to the emperor's ears, and the emperor suspects that she is uneasy.

So she asked people to pay attention to the eunuchs and palace maids who were purchasing on the street, so she knew that most of the ingredients prepared for this palace banquet were vegetarian dishes.

Nearly two hundred people came to attend the palace banquet, including royal relatives, civil and military officials, and women and noble daughters.

According to the menu of Princess Hui'an, the meat dishes prepared by the imperial kitchen are only enough for fifty people!

Although the emperor is frugal, the emperor also loves his face.

She went to deliver ginseng soup to the emperor one day, and saw that the emperor was trying the dishes of the palace banquet. Most of the dishes on the table were meat dishes, but this time, she bought a lot of vegetables and fruits, and very few meat dishes.

Heh, now... isn't this the opposite of yang and yin?

When the time comes, those who will be served are all vegetarian dishes, so everyone can eat grass, huh, huh

In a big country, there is no meat at the palace banquet, which is a big loss!

Those who didn't know thought that the Nalan Kingdom was so poor that it was about to perish!

Concubine Shu smiled gently: "What the concubine said is true. The dishes of this year's palace banquet are indeed different from the past. They are all fresh dishes."

Li Wanwan pretended to be curious at this time and said: "The palace feast dishes prepared by the concubine before include rich bear paw, two-headed abalone, deep-sea lobster, pan-roasted sea cucumber, grilled bird's nest, fried shrimp yellow, fat crab yellow..., Hump, fried deer tail, fried tongue..."

Li Wanwan reported a list of dishes from the mountains and the sea, which made everyone drool.

When she was done, she smiled and said, "But everyone is tired of eating this thing! Everyone wants to eat something fresh!"

When everyone heard the words, they were curious: "What new dishes are there? It sounds like people are looking forward to it!"

"Every year, the dishes of the palace banquet are an eye-opener for the courtiers and women. The palace banquets in our Nalan Kingdom are really worthless. Every dish is a delicacy. Swimming, everything! The color and fragrance are all available, which will make your index finger move!"

"Your Majesty, Long En is mighty. Every year, for the dishes of the palace banquet, we prepare some precious food that we can't eat on weekdays! The minister's wife is looking forward to enjoying the palace banquet at the end of the year!"

"No, what the court lady misses the most is the cup of golden-swept swallow's dessert. The bird's nest stewed in the imperial kitchen is very fragrant! Pure! That taste is really unforgettable."

"What the court lady is most concerned about is the bear's paw,"

"My courtier's favorite is the big lobster."

"What the minister's wife can't forget is the plate of fish and tongue, and..."

Everyone, you talked about the dishes at the palace banquets in the past.

Concubine Li smiled: "This time, the imperial concubine Shu has listened to the opinion of Princess Hui'an and changed the dishes! This palace looked at the list and found that the ingredients for this palace banquet were nothing special. Many of them were vegetarian dishes. But we have eaten too much delicacies from the mountains and seas, and we are tired of it, so let's try something lighter."

When Concubine Shu heard this, she glanced at Concubine Li, and it was impossible to tell whether there were more meat or vegetarian dishes in the ingredients on the menu.

As soon as Concubine Li's words fell, the expressions of the wives froze.

Palace banquet!

The palace feast on New Year's Eve!

Vegetarian? What kind of joke is this?

Even in the homes of ordinary people, there are fish and meat in the New Year's Eve dinner on New Year's Eve!

Unless the family is so poor that they can't open the pot on weekdays, or they don't eat it themselves, they also want to worship their ancestors!

Concubine Li was very satisfied with the changes in everyone's expressions, and she continued, "Everyone will have a good taste when the time comes, and then give some suggestions, because the dishes at the palace banquet tonight were prepared for the Wanshou Festival state banquet, and then the Wanshou Festival will be served. The dishes will also refer to the dishes tonight.”

Will the dishes of the Wanshou Festival state banquet also refer to such dishes?

That's pretty much all vegetarian, right?

Isn't this shameful?

Their Nalan Kingdom is one of the largest countries in this continent!

When these dishes are brought to the table, it is foreseeable that they will be ridiculed by those messengers!

Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry thought of something and asked with a smile: "Is the concubine, is it healthy food? This palace banquet is mainly about health food, right?"

If it's a healthy dish, that's fine!

You must know that although the health food is vegetarian, it is incredibly delicious, and it can really strengthen the body. She once had a mouth sore in her mouth. She was lucky that day and bought a health food heart at the auction. The blister disappeared the next day after eating it, and it was all good!

In the past, every time I had a mouth sore, it was painful for a week.

I really want to eat healthy dishes every day, but one dish is hard to find!

Yangshengtang's healthy dishes are also available in limited quantities every day, while stocks last.

There are so many people queuing every day, it's too difficult to want to eat a meal!

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard that it was a healthy dish: "It turned out to be a healthy dish! This is good!"

"Yes, vegetarian dishes are more effective than meat dishes! It's better to eat more vegetarian dishes!"

"No, Princess Hui'an and Concubine Shu are really too caring!"

"Your Majesty Longen is mighty! This healthy dish is hard to find! Now that winter is coming, there are even fewer healthy dishes. I ate it once three months ago, and I still haven't bought it yet."

The crowd applauded.

Li Guifei naturally knows that healthy dishes are good things! In this palace, the emperor, the empress dowager, and the eighth princess can eat every three days!

Unfortunately, those dishes are not healthy dishes.

She glanced at Concubine Shu and said, "Sister Concubine Shu, are those ingredients all healthy dishes? Then we are really blessed."

Concubine Shu smiled: "No, it's just an ordinary dish."

Those healthy ingredients were left by the emperor to eat slowly by himself!

He said that it would be enough to ask Hui'an County Lord to pay tribute to the palace every day.

This palace banquet is a warm-up for the state banquet. When the time comes, the emperor will be reluctant to use health dishes to greet those envoys who are ambitious and uneasy!

Therefore, the emperor and Hui'an county master said that they should all be changed to ordinary ingredients, and those already healthy dishes should not be wasted, just send them to the small kitchen of Zichen Palace.

When everyone heard this, they were not only disappointed. Some people really look forward to being able to enter the palace to eat a delicious meal. Although it has been cooled down and affects the taste, those precious ingredients cannot be bought if you want to buy them. what!

Li Wanwan was invited in by Concubine Li. Although Prime Minister Li had already taken office, there was a concubine's aunt in the palace, and it was much easier for her to enter the palace than others.

So she also came this time, and she whispered to Huang Hengxi in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Gong Yan vegetarian dishes? The menu provided by Hui'an County Master is indeed a peasant girl, and she doesn't know the whole thing!"

Huang Hengxi replied in a low voice: "This is a matter hosted by Concubine Shu and Hui'an County. One is from a palace maid and the other is from a peasant girl. It's not like they are petty when they do big things together!"

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