The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 881 It is an example for the people of the world!

The night is getting darker, and the palace banquet is coming to an end amid the delicious food and laughter.

The emperor glanced at the sundial and said, "The longevity festival is coming soon. The Qing family thinks that the state banquet of the longevity festival, how about entertaining all countries with this kind of dishes?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing immediately said: "Back to the emperor, Wei Chen feels very good! But the state banquet for the Longevity Festival is a big event, and you can add more dishes!"

The dishes prepared in this way are rich and colorful, and can save a lot of ingredients without causing excessive waste. Although it is more difficult to do, it takes a lot of effort and manpower, but there are so many cooks in the imperial kitchen, and the most important thing is manpower.

Other courtiers also echoed: "Your Majesty, this palace banquet is rich and novel in style, graceful and pleasing in appearance and extremely delicious in taste. The ambassador is just right!"

"The dishes of this palace banquet are extremely good in color, flavor, and shape! Just so that the envoys of the other four countries can take a good look at the fineness of our Nalan country's food!"

The emperor was satisfied when he heard the praises from the whole hall.

This is the first time that the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are satisfied!

"Okay, since all the Qing's family thinks it's good, the dishes of the Wanshou Festival Palace Banquet are also arranged in the same way! Of course, the sixty-six dishes are still not enough to show the style of our great country. We have thirty-three health dishes at home, nine The nineteen-course menu means that the Nalan Kingdom will last forever, and it will last forever!"

Thirty-three healthy dishes?

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard it, and there is no reason to disagree!

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing said loudly, "Your Majesty is wise!"

He holds five coins every day, and he doesn't dare to think about the health building. He can't save enough for a year to eat a healthy dish!

He decided that the day before Longevity, he would not eat!

Otherwise, the ninety-nine dishes will definitely not be finished!

Then they echoed in unison: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Thirty-three healthy dishes, that's simply inhuman!

The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty and the wives of life were all happy, but only Concubine Li could not laugh!

And because I ate too much, I just felt more heartbroken.

She knew that with the help of Princess Hui'an this time, Concubine Shu had completely secured half of the control of the harem.

With half of her power less, she now only manages the Royal Garden and Laundry Bureau.

What the hell?

What about her second prince?

Why did you marry that bitch in the first place!

She didn't even know that she was a nail in Southern Border!

Originally thought that the queen was dead, and that she was the only one in the harem, which was equivalent to the queen. I didn't expect the emperor to be so unsympathetic!

She and the second prince are also loyal!

The second prince is the prince, will he collude with the people of the southern border?

Now that the situation is getting more and more unfavorable for them, how can the second prince just sit on the throne?

Li Guifei looked at the queen mother, she also wanted to become the queen mother in the future!

If you can't be the queen in this life, the queen mother must too.

Wait, now there is no queen, why can't she be queen?

After she became the queen, the second prince naturally became the heir apparent, so at least half of the court officials would directly support the second prince!

After all, the throne is inherited, and the most important thing is orthodoxy!

Concubine Li couldn't help but start thinking about her road to becoming a queen.

The emperor smiled and said: "Zi Shi is coming, the new year is coming, the palace banquet is over, everyone go back to keep the new year!"

Abundant food and clothing for the common people is the basis of every country's prosperity and strength, and it is also the standard for measuring the prosperity of that country.

Why do all countries try their best to entertain envoys from other countries at state banquets?

I can't wait to use all the ingredients of the time, in short, as extravagant as it is, to show the national strength of my country.

Only when people have enough food and clothing will they begin to pay attention to diet, pursue deliciousness, and pursue refinement!

And their Nalan country, in addition to being exquisite and delicious, has already begun to pursue health preservation!

In terms of food, among the five kingdoms, who will compete with each other?

Their Nalan country is well-deserved, a great country! ! !


The emperor is so proud!

I only look forward to presenting the prosperous and prosperous Nalan Kingdom and the prosperous Imperial Kingdom under his leadership to the world!

The emperor was full of pride at the moment.

But the people in the hall looked at the leftovers in front of their table, the delicate and delicious dishes, a little reluctant!

Sixty-six dishes are eaten by one person. After all, it is a bit too much. Everyone has eaten enough to their heart's content, but they are still not finished!

Especially those wives and women, they tried their best and only ate more than 40 dishes.

The people here are either high-ranking or distinguished, and they have never eaten any food. Sixty-six dishes are not many in a palace banquet. I have tried hundreds of dishes, but I can't finish them every time. , and I feel tired after eating for a while!

But there has never been a time like now, making them feel that their stomachs are too small, and they can hold too little food!

And is this palace banquet over too early?

Slow down again, and your food will be digested in their stomachs, and you can still continue to eat!

The Minister of Hu looked at his remaining ten dishes, and he said cheekily: "Your Majesty, cultivate your body by being quiet, and cultivate your virtues by frugality! It is shameful to waste! These dishes are the essence of the world and the sweat of the people. The wisdom of Hui'an County Master, the energy of the royal chef! Wei Chen thinks that it should not be wasted, please ask the emperor to give Wei Chen a few food boxes, and Wei Chen will pack it and return to the house!"

The emperor laughed when he heard the words: "Yes! Little plum, give Mr. Fang a food box!"

The Minister of the Household: "Your Majesty, the minister wants a multi-layered one. If there is one, it doesn't matter if you take a few more food boxes! Isn't the Minister of Rites too much leftover? The ministers will pack it back together! There is also a minister of the Ministry of Industry, and the minister can also pack it back!"

The Minister of Rites blew his beard and stared: "Your Majesty, please give Weichen a food box, and Weichen will also pack it!"

Other ministers also echoed: "Your Majesty, please give Weichen a food box, and Weichen also wants to pack it! It's a shameful waste!"

One person is shameless, and a group of people are shameless, that is a normal phenomenon!

It is indeed shameful to waste, and saving is glorious, so the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty feel that they have done the right thing at this moment!

It is an example for the people of the world!

The emperor waved his hand: "Yes!"

Hearing the words, the emperor turned his head and asked Xiao Lizi, "Have the old food containers been disposed of?"

The emperor knew that every new year in the palace would change a new batch of food boxes.

The emperor never cared about where the old food boxes went.

Eunuch Li immediately said: "Back to the emperor, it should not have been dealt with."

The emperor nodded: "Then just pack it back for everyone!"

So it's not a waste.

Father-in-law Li should be ready now!

So that night, when everyone left the palace, they all brought one or two food boxes.

In addition to the old and welcoming the new, Naland ushered in the 166th New Year in deliciousness!

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