The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 904 The Emperor's Wife Is Too Smart!

Alas, as the ruler of a country, every day when I open my eyes, I just think about the people I support. Do you have the money to eat today?

He is so hard!

The emperor couldn't help but pity himself again.

Zihua County Lord of Xihua Country said at this time: "King Nalan, our emperor has carefully selected a bunch of high-quality rough jade stones to give to the Lord of Nalan Kingdom, but the surface of those rough jade stones looks like an ordinary piece of jade. The stones of our Xihua Kingdom are all worried that people in your country will think that the birthday gifts that our Xihua Kingdom sent are stones!”

The emperor smiled and waved his hand: "How could it be! Xihua is rich in beautiful jade, especially Hetian jade, which is famous! No matter how stupid we are in Nalan, we will not think that your country is giving us stones!"

The Lord of Zihua County nodded: "Our emperor also said that Nalan country is full of talents, and people can tell at a glance whether these rough jade stones are stones or jade, how can they be regarded as stones!"

The emperor smiled: "Haha. The lord of Xihua is wrong, I know that the lord of Xihua will not really give me a stone!"

Even if you can't see it, you know that Xihua will not send stones, and the monarch of Xihua is not a fool!

Wouldn't it offend people to give a stone as a rough jade stone?

Xihua Kingdom is a vassal state of Nalan Kingdom. Unless the two countries are torn apart, they will not do such a thing!

Just like the current low and turbulent relations between countries, but the surface is also maintaining harmony!

Because even if the Beiming Kingdom really wants to get their hands on the four countries in the Central Plains, they have no confidence to rule the world now!

Zihua County said with a smile, "Thank you for the trust of Nalan King in our Xihua Kingdom! However, no one can guarantee whether it is jade or stone before this rough jade stone is opened! Therefore, I would like to ask the full court of Nalan Kingdom. Civil and military officials, do none of you think we are sending stones?"

Looking at her warmly, this Zihua County Lord is always entangled in whether anyone thinks they are sending stones and holding on, she is intentionally leading something.

Are you trying to lead an official out to gamble on stones?

Nalan Jinnian looked at the pile of jade with no expression on his face.

It's good that it's the first-class Hetian jade, or it's not better. He asked the emperor to come over and give it all to the little girl!

It seems a little bad to think so.

At most, when the time comes, carve a piece of jade pendant and give it to the emperor as compensation!

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty almost rolled their eyes.

Are they idiots?

How could you think that Xihuaguo sent stones!

Minister of Rites: "Zihua County Master is joking, how can he think it is a stone, Xihua is a country that understands etiquette!"

The implication is that if the gift is a stone, it means that you don't know the etiquette.

Is Xihuaguo good?

The Minister of the Household put on a high hat and said, "I have never seen a rough jade stone, but I also know that the monarch of Xihua will not joke about stones! Your country is rich in jade, and his eyes are naturally vicious. After all, these rough stones must be high-quality jade!"

The Minister of Industry: "These rough jade stones are different from ordinary stones at first glance! Although there are not many jade mines in Nalan, there are still people who understand stones! I can tell at a glance that they are rough jade stones!"

The Minister of Industry likes to play with stones, so he still knows a little bit.

I also go to Jade Street on weekdays to gamble on stones. I even tried to buy a piece of high-quality jade at a low price. Although it is not big, it has made a lot of money.

Zihua County Master looked at the Minister of Industry and said with admiration: "This lord is really amazing, and he can see that these are rough jade stones at a glance. I think you have quite a lot of research on rough jade stones! Nalan Kingdom is indeed full of talents. what!"

The Minister of Industry said politely: "Occasionally play, I know a little bit, and I don't dare to be powerful. On this gambling stone, there are many people in Nalan who are more powerful than this old man!"

At this time, the Zihua County Lord put his hands together and said to the emperor: "King Nalan, Nalan is worthy of being a big country, and there are many talents! Our emperor said that there is a jade king in these jades. If someone in Nalan can find it at a glance Come out, then we Xihua Kingdom will send another jade mountain to Nalan Kingdom! Why don't we ask this adult to come and recognize it?"

Minister of Industry: "."

Recognize the Jade King among so many stones?

Does the Princess Zihua look down on him too much?

The Minister of Industry was a little regretful at this time, and he would have stopped talking just now if he knew it earlier!

The challenge is coming! After hearing this, the officials of Nalan Kingdom could not help but straighten their backs, thinking of ways to deal with it.

A jade mountain?

There is no free lunch in the world!

Xihuaguo's provocation came, and everyone was waiting for her next post.

Want them to have a city in Nalan Kingdom!

It's just that although the Minister of the Ministry of Industry knows a little bit, and once bought a piece of high-quality rough jade stone at a low price in Jade Street, but choosing the king of jade from a pile of rough stones?

Okay ah?

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty did not believe in the Minister of Industry and Commerce!

The emperor also knew that most of Xihuaguo was gambling stones this time. He thought that they wanted a city, but he did not expect that the idea of ​​​​they were trying to produce thousands of pounds of rice and wheat per mu!

Zihua County Master did not wait for the emperor to reply, and looked at the Minister of Industry: "Sir, can't you recognize that these stones are rough jade stones at a glance? Why, do you dare to come up and recognize it? If this lord recognizes it King Jade, then our Xihua Kingdom will send another jade mine to Nalan Kingdom. If this lord loses, Nalan Kingdom will teach us Xihua Kingdom how to cultivate and plant rice and wheat with a yield of thousands of kilograms per mu. It doesn't matter if you don't recognize it, it's just a breeding and planting method of rice and wheat that can yield thousands of kilograms per mu. There is no loss to Nalan Kingdom! Lord Nalan, you said is not it?"

The Minister of Cabinet almost rolled his eyes!

There's nothing to lose by farting her!

The loss is huge!

And isn't this causing trouble for Nalan Country?

Simply endless trouble!

Really fart nothing to lose!

The emperor smiled: "The Minister of the Ministry of Industry cannot go up and make this bet with the county master. Not only the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, but also other people, I can't agree to the conditions that the Lord of Zihua said!"

The county master of Zihua smiled: "Nalan is a big country, so no one will recognize the rough jade stone? It's a lie if we want to come to our monarch to say that Nalan is full of talents! Even a person who can gamble on stones is a lie. Isn't it? Tsk tsk, does this also match the city's outstanding people? And the lord just now is just bragging!"


Who is bragging!

Just pissed him off!

The adrenaline of the Minister of Industry is rushing upwards!

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were also furious when they heard it!

The people of this country of Xihua are really savage, and every time they speak, they are so uneducated!

The emperor's smiling face still remained: "Zihua County Lord has misunderstood! We in Nalan have no shortage of people who recognize this rough jade stone! It's just that the rice and wheat that yield thousands of kilograms per mu can't be bet, because the wheat and rice that yield thousands of pounds per mu are not different. Nalan country! It belongs to Hui'an county master!"

The eyes of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty lit up!

The emperor is really smart!

This is just perfect!

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