Da Hui rolled his eyes when he heard it, did this person mean to play monkey tricks?

Such a simple thing called a beast?

Is he insulting its intelligence?

Lin Feng also felt a little simpler when he heard the words: "I'll ask Da Hui if he agrees."

"Da Hui, would you like to compare?"

Da Hui glanced at Lin Feng expressionlessly, then glanced at the tiger opposite, lowered his head and continued to lick his hair.

Such a simple matter, he decides just fine!

Da Hui was a little greedy for the tiger's fur. If he peeled it off and laid it in the nest, Xiao Bai would not be afraid of the cold when he sleeps at night!

It's freezing cold!

Lin Feng knew that Da Hui didn't care, it would be fine!

Lin Feng looked at Xu Yan: "Da Hui said, it's okay to compare! It's too simple, it's not very interesting."

Xu Yan on the opposite side: "."

What are you kidding?


Are they afraid they don't know what they are trying to do?

Embarrassed, he didn't even know how to say: "That's fine, then prepare the props!"

After Xu Yan finished speaking, he glanced at the languid wolf on the opposite side, and turned his head slightly in disgust, with disdain hidden in his eyes.

This wolf is no better than a dog!

The dog will bark twice when it sees a stranger!

Xu Yan turned his head and snapped his fingers at the person not far behind.

Those people immediately brought some props up.

After all, it is well-trained and prepared in advance, and the props are quickly placed.

When the props were set, someone set fire to several rings.

The flames instantly set the entire ring on fire!

Nuan looked at the fire circles, there were three lined up in a straight line at a distance, and a pegboard was placed in the middle of every two distances.

And then there was a ball, which was made of stone.

There are also some horizontal bars, iron wires and the like.

Warm understand, is this a beast?

It's a circus!

Those women and noble women had never met before, and they all talked about it: "What are the fire rings prepared by the animal trainers of Dongling Kingdom for what? Are they jumping for tigers?"

"I think it should be, otherwise what is it used for? But what is the use of that stone ball and those iron shelves?"

"I don't know, I think it should also be used to pick!"

At this time, Xu Yan walked to the iron cage. He reached out and touched the tiger's head. He didn't know what to say to the tiger, and the tiger jumped out of the cage.

Xu Yan brought the tiger to the center of the arena. He respectfully clasped his fists and bowed to the emperor: "I wish the king of Nalan a blessing like the East China Sea, longevity and longevity to Nanshan Mountain, long live, long live!"

The tiger beside him raised his head and roared at the emperor, and then squatted on the ground as a salute to the emperor!

The emperor couldn't help laughing: "Haha. Good! Master Xu really has the skills to control beasts! This tiger has been tamed by you to know how to salute!"

Xu Yan said humbly: "This is nothing, Xu will let it perform now and congratulate the king of Nalan on his birthday."

Xu Yan snapped his fingers at the tiger.

The tiger stood up, followed behind him, and then, under his command, walked in front of an iron rope and started a series of violent operations.

Everyone saw the tiger's four feet lightly stepping on the iron rope, the huge body swayed slightly, and then it stood firm!

Xu Yan put a hydrangea on top of its head, and it walked steadily on the iron rope with a hydrangea on it.

Some younger girls and young masters on the terrace on the second floor were so excited that they couldn't help tugging at their mother's sleeves:

"Mother, mother, look! That tiger is so powerful!"

"Oh my god! Why is that tiger so powerful? Why doesn't the hydrangea on its head fall off? It walks on the wire without shaking!"

"Mother, I want such a powerful tiger, can you buy one and go home too?"

"Oh, my darling, this tiger is a beast, it can eat people, but it can't be bought home!"

"But why doesn't that tiger eat people? It's better than a kitten, even more powerful!"

The tiger headed the hydrangea after walking the iron rope, jumped at the end of the iron rope, passed through a circle of fire, and then landed steadily on the ground, just jumping over the nail plate.

Then it jumped through three rings of fire twice in a row, and then drilled back and forth in a ring of fire with four rings!

It caused the children on the second floor to scream again and again.

"Wow! That tiger is too powerful!"

"The fire is so big, the tiger is so brave! He is not afraid that the fire will burn his fur!"

"The tiger jumps so accurately! It's amazing! Mother, you also bought such a tiger to go home and show it to me!"

The minister looked at the tiger as obedient as a monkey, and did what he told him to do?

The Minister of Rites: "How did Master Xu Yan train a tiger to walk on a hydrangea and jump a fireball?"

This is too awesome!

The Minister of Industry: "Tigers are originally fierce beasts. It is not easy to tame them. To tame them so obediently, it is as difficult as reaching the sky!"

Fortunately, the lottery proposed by Dongling Kingdom this time is not a city, otherwise they may lose a city in Nalan Kingdom!

It's a pity that he couldn't win the Salt Lake!

He couldn't help looking at Da Hui, who was lying at Lin Feng's feet, drowsy by the sun.

Disdain and anger flashed in the eyes of the Minister of the Ministry of Industry. How could Vice General Lin bring a wolf like a wolf and a dog to the stage for a test?

The wolf loses a part to the tiger in terms of ferocity, and then it looks like it is going to die. After a while, it is estimated that the iron rope will not be able to go smoothly. When jumping the ring of fire, I wonder if it will scare urine?

Minister of Officials: "Yes, Xu Yan really has the ability to train a tiger to perform such a difficult movement. It is the only one in the world!"

The Minister of Rites had a worried tone, and he also felt that the tiger was trained to be too obedient and capable: "I just don't know how our wolf will be doing for a while?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Finance was not worried at all, he stroked his beard: "It must be more powerful than this tiger! Don't you see our wolf sitting comfortably?!"

The other officials were speechless when they looked at Da Hui who fell asleep directly in the sun!

This wolf can sleep in front of a tiger, isn't his heart too big?

sit back and relax?

They really don't see it!

But the Minister of War gave a thumbs up to the Minister of Household: "Old man Fang, your eyes are fine!"

Everyone else is blind!

Da Hui is highly skilled and daring, and this little pediatric acrobatics doesn't take it to heart at all!

It's just a waste of its precious time, don't sleep, why?

Are you watching a tiger playing a monkey game?

The Minister of Military Affairs felt that the tiger was blind to the title of the king of beasts!

Even willing to degenerate into entertaining people!

When the Minister of Rites heard the words, his eyes fell on Da Hui, who was lying on the ground and was sleeping soundly.

Under the sun, the wolf slept so well!

He seemed to hear the snoring!

Minister of Rites: "."

The contrast is too stark!

This dog, no, this wolf is really tall, pillow, no worries!

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