The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 920 The thoughts of the two aunts and nephews

At the other end, Di Junxian lowered the curtain of the carriage and leaned against the wall of the carriage.

Just now, he caught up with Princess Beiming, comforted him in the carriage, and was about to return to his carriage to leave, when he saw Wennuan and Nalan Jinnian walking out side by side chatting and laughing. Their expressions, as well as the intimate way of getting along, can see that the two have a good relationship.

Di Junxian felt that he saw a pair of immortal couples!

The handsome man and the beautiful woman are a match made in heaven!

It's so beautiful that people can't wait to break them up!

Why is Hui'an County Master from Nalan Kingdom?

How good would it be if Beiming was in the country?

Nalan Jinnian is really lucky!

What lingers in Di Junxian's mind at the moment is the two people chatting and laughing, and Nalan Jinnian moving intimately to protect the warmth and get on the carriage to help her take off her cloak!

He felt very uncomfortable when he saw this picture!

Very jealous!

There is an urge to cut off Nalan Jinnian's hand!

If at this moment he didn't know that he was attracted to Princess Hui'an, then he would be too stupid.

The first time he fell in love with a woman!

But I didn't expect to be the county master of another country!

How to get her?

When he unified Nalan Kingdom, I am afraid that both of them will be married.

"The palace of Nalan Kingdom is so small, the guards don't know what to do? You said that I sent someone to tie the monarch of Nalan Kingdom, how high is the success rate?" Princess Beiming suddenly said.

Di Junxian was frightened by the words of Princess Beiming!

"Aunt Huang, don't mess around! Nalan's palace is extremely heavily guarded! No one can rob the king of a country from the palace! Otherwise, Nalan's king would have died long ago!"

Binding King Nalan?

Then they don't have to go back to Beiming!

She really dares to think!

Even if Di Junxian thinks that he is capable, but in other people's territory, they have brought so few people this time, how could it be possible to take away the king of a country!

Although Nalan Kingdom is not comparable to Beiming Kingdom, Nalan Kingdom is the second most powerful country on the mainland!

Besides, there is a faint trend of surpassing Beiming Kingdom now!

But the Queen's words reminded him!

The monarchs of Nalan Kingdom can't be robbed, but a county lord can still do it!

He can rob Hui'an County Master back to Beiming Kingdom, and then change her identity!

Princess Beiming said with a pity face: "That's true! It seems that we can only wait for the son of Ben Gong to level Nalan Kingdom!"

"Well." Di Junxian responded perfunctorily.

He began to think about the plan to steal the warmth, how to be foolproof.

Nalan Jinnian is not easy to deal with.

Suddenly, he thought of something and looked at Princess Beiming: "Aunt Huang, Nalan King is quite old! Why do you like him? Is King Jin of Nalan bad?"

If Huang Gu went to pester Nalan Jinnian and split his heart, the odds should be better.

Princess Beiming: "This princess has never conquered the king of a country! I want to try it!"

The monarch of a country has 3,000 beauties in the harem, and the technology is good!

As for King Jin of Nalan Kingdom, of course it's not bad!

But Xiao Xianrou, she has tasted too much, she doesn't understand the style, she is also a little tired, and wants to change the taste!

Emperor Junxian: "If there is no accident, the future of Nalan Kingdom should be Nalan Jinnian's enthronement."

None of the sons born by the emperor of Nalan Kingdom are very useful, and they are not expected to be emperors.

There is also the monarch of Nalan who loves Nalan Jinnian very much. He also heard that Nalan Jinnian may be the son of the monarch of Nalan and the Queen Mother of Nalan.

So King Nalan will probably pass the throne to Nalan Jinnian!

The eldest princess was surprised when she heard the words: "Oh?"

Nalan Jinnian?

Thinking back to his appearance and figure, it is really perfect to impeccable!

It's just that she glanced at him, and when she met his eyes, she felt a chill in her heart, feeling that the man was not easy to mess with.

Now she doesn't dare to mess with it!

"Wait until Beiming Kingdom has leveled Nalan Kingdom and tie people to my harem!"

As soon as Di Junxian heard it, he knew that the eldest princess didn't want to mess with Nalan Jinnian now.

It's a pity!

But he didn't say much, so as not to be noticed by her that he was planning to take advantage of her.


Royal Palace

The emperor looked at the jade stones that were opened one by one on the ground with a look of disappointment: "This monarch of Xihua is too stingy! Did you give me garbage?"

He's not a rubbish dump here!

Originally wanted to seek comfort, the emperor expressed that he was even more sad!

Nalan Jinnian strode in at this time. He glanced at the jade on the ground and knew that he had guessed right!

As expected, Xihuaguo only sent a few pieces of jade that were acceptable!

Ninety percent of these jade stones are of average jade quality, and more than half of the remaining 10% are of medium quality jade. As for the high quality jade, it is less than ten pieces!

But it doesn't matter, the little girl turned the jade king into a rare treasure, and the emperor has already earned it!

These poor ones are just right, and he can pass by in an open and honest way!

When the emperor saw Nalan Jinnian walking in, Ma appealed bitterly: "This monarch of the Xihua Kingdom is really an iron rooster! Look at these jades, except for the two selected by the Hui'an county master, none of them are good! to send beggars?"

"I think that what I gave to the Lord of Xihua to celebrate his birthday was worth 100,000 taels! He just repaid me like this! It's a big loss! When the next Longevity Festival of Xihua Kingdom, I will wrap all these jade stones. Layer of lime, send it back to him!"

Nalan Jinnian: "."

The emperor must have eaten too much of the little girl's food. How can his brain become better and better?

Anything like this can be imagined!

Nalan Jinnian coughed: "It's alright! Didn't the emperor get a piece of purple jade that is a rare treasure? There is also a precious jade that is priceless! It's not bad! It's all precious jade! There are hundreds of jade stones here!"

The emperor gave Nalan Jinnian a blank look: "When did I say that all the gems he gave were precious jades! But there are only two pieces, and these are all inferior jades. Isn't this too stingy?"

He just wanted half of it to be Baoyu!

The Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother is not at home and does not know how much his daily expenses are! Just waiting for the longevity festival countries to pay tribute!

Nalan Jinnian's eyes fell on those jade stones, and he nodded seriously: "It's really stingy! The birthday gift that the emperor gave to the monarch of Xihua Kingdom was worth more than this! It's still the emperor's generosity! The bearing of the king of the country!"

"No!" Not every emperor is as generous as he is!

There is only one emperor like him in the world!

Nalan Jinnian said calmly: "Today is the emperor's birthday, don't be angry, the emperor will deal with these inferior jades, and the emperor will use these jades to exchange two pieces of precious jade for the emperor. come back, how?"

The emperor's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Is this true?"

The seventeenth emperor’s younger brother’s intestines are nine and eighteen, and there must be a way to exchange two precious jades from Xihuaguo!

It was the Seventeenth Emperor who cared the most about his brother!

Sons, daughters, half sons and so on are all clouds!

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