Aster put down the tray and knelt down with a thud: "I heard the princess just now, I don't want anything! This is enough! It is enough!"

"Get up and say, didn't you say that I don't have the rules to kneel here?"

Kneeling to the sky and kneeling to my parents, I warmly admit that I have no blessings.

Aster quickly stood up: "I don't kneel, I don't kneel"

"The emperor will definitely give you a reward. In addition to breaking away from slavery, there should be some other rewards. This is what you deserve, and you earned it by yourself. If you have any requirements, you can say it, and I can help you win it. ." Wen Nuan explained to her.

If an ordinary person wins a city, it is a first-class merit, and it is enough to seal a township.

But Aster's identity is a sin slave, letting her get out of slavery and giving her some honorary rewards is already a very big reward in terms of laws and customs.

After all, people in this dynasty are divided into three, six, nine, and so on, and there are distinctions between the noble and the lowly.

It is a great honor to bestow the title of Xiangjun. Xiangjun has a certain influence on the people. They lead the salary of the court, and they can also do some things in this name.

Aster is in the end the descendant of the sinful minister, and even the collateral is implicated in the big crime. If she is named the Xiangjun at once, the imperial court will have some scruples.

Aster: "Enough, this reward is enough! I never dreamed of it! I don't need anything else!"

Nodding warmly: "You have learned the art of tea well. With the emperor's reward, you will definitely be able to make a lot of money by going out to open a teahouse by yourself."

The emperor will definitely reward some silver, houses, and then the moon silver and rewards given to the maids are generous. The food they eat is all packaged in the Anguo Gongfu, and there are few places to spend money, so the warmth knows that there must be some aster. For the money, plus the reward, she also has the capital to do some business.

Aster shook her head: "No, I don't want to go out, I want to stay with the county master and serve the county master until old age! The county master, you don't want me!"

All her skills are given by the county owner, she knows herself, and if she leaves the county owner, she will be nothing!

Seeing her like this, Nuan didn't say much: "Okay, let's talk about it later! After all, it's a pity that your ability is buried now!"

"It's not a pity, I think it's the most worthwhile to serve the county master! The county master, please don't drive me out of the house! Otherwise, this is a reward, this is clearly a punishment! If so, then I don't want the reward! I Just be the maid of the county master!"

One of her maids has learned how to serve people since she was born. After she goes out, how does she know what to do?

She is not a woman as powerful as the princess!

If you leave the county master, you will not be able to do anything!

No one will treat her like a human!

Besides, she got rid of the slave status because of the help of the county owner, but she left the county owner, so wouldn't she become an ungrateful person?

She can't do this kind of thing!

Nuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What punishment? Nonsense! I didn't drive you away, the An Guogong's mansion will always be your home! When you get married, it will still be your parents' home! You can do whatever you want!"

Aster is obviously not confident in herself, and her servility is deeply ingrained!

But in the end, it is a person who has been cultivated by himself. Talent should not be wasted. Later, he will open a teahouse outside the city, let her learn to take care of it, and give her dividends at that time.

Women, if you have the ability and money in hand, you will not be afraid of anything!

Aster's face turned red instantly: "What did the county master say! I don't want to marry, I want to stay by the county master's side for the rest of my life."

I don't believe these words are warm, and besides, she doesn't want her maid to die alone!

Warm and thinking of Wan Yun, she has to take care of this lifelong event!


the next day, morning

The emperor said to the minister of Honglu Temple: "Aiqing, have all the envoys arranged to escort them away?"

The minister of Honglu Temple cupped his hands and replied, "Go back to the emperor, many of the envoys from the four kingdoms have already left! It's just that the seventh prince of Beiming, the third prince of Dongling, the third prince of Xihua, the sixth prince of Nanjiang and others know that the eighth princess is about to have a relationship with Lan. The King of Ling Kingdom and his relatives, they said they would leave after attending the wedding of the Eighth Princess."

After hearing this, the emperor snorted coldly, why did he leave after attending the wedding of the eighth princess!

This is clearly because the purpose has not been achieved, so it will stay to find opportunities to achieve the purpose.

Take the people of Dongling as an example. The comatose national teacher was brought here. He didn't want to rescue him, so he took him back directly. How to explain?

And Xihuaguo, who lost so many things and left without getting the breeding method of rice and wheat that yields thousands of pounds per mu? How happy!

And the southern border...

So the emperor had already guessed this so that he would not leave immediately.

The little eighty percent of the family just gave them a good excuse to stay!

Just stay!

When it comes to weddings, they have to go with the gift!

That way, Little Eight will have more dowry!

Very good!

It's just a waste of money for them.

But don't be afraid, the wool comes out of the sheep!

When the time comes, let the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother pull a bunch of wool down from them!

Nalan Jinnian suddenly felt a little itchy nose, he glanced at the emperor.

The emperor didn't expect that he just thought about it, and the seventeenth emperor's younger brother felt it. He quickly turned his attention and continued: "Since the envoy has not left, the security of the capital cannot be relaxed! We must ensure the safety of all the envoys! "

The emperor explained it.

The courtiers took orders.

Of course, in the final analysis, security is still the most important thing!

Wucheng Soldier and Masi, who has been working overtime for more than a month, greeted all the eighteen generations of ancestors who came from various countries in his heart!

Next, the emperor and the minister discussed the matter of receiving the city lost by Xihua and the Salt Lake lost by Dongling.

This is not the first time for this kind of thing, and Nalan Kingdom is quite familiar with it.

After the explanation was clear, we began to discuss merits and deeds!

"Yesterday on the Longevity Festival, our Nalan Kingdom won a grand slam! Haha, the Menghan BMW has it, the Salt Lake has it, and there are two more cities, and the Nalan Kingdom's waist has grown bigger! It's all the credit of a few Aiqings! It's like the Princess Hui'an! Haha... I have a lot of rewards!"

"Hui'an County Master listens to the reward!"

Warm out: "The minister is here!"

"The master of Hui'an is knowledgeable and talented, proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, both civil and military, and unparalleled in wisdom and courage. In the Longevity Festival, he won 10,000 horses with sweaty horses for Nalan Kingdom. The cavalry is the god of war! Quantity and ability are the greatest guarantees for a country to defend itself against the invasion of the enemy country! Fine cavalry is the magic weapon to win thousands of miles across the battlefield! Cavalry, cavalry, both cavalry and soldiers!

We in Nalan have very strong soldiers, but no good horses! All are now! This is all the credit of Hui'an County Master! Not only war horses, but also cities, which have opened up territory since ancient times."

The emperor praised the warmth fiercely, and said that his saliva was dry, and he didn't stop!

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