The Longevity Festival has just ended, and the Minister of the Household Department will be able to take a rest tomorrow morning. Hearing the warm words, his eyes lit up: "There is no need to invite Hui'an County Master! This old man please! Then we will see you tomorrow at Jade Street!"

The Minister of the Ministry of War also knows what the Minister of the Ministry of War thinks!

The Minister of War also wanted to go, but it wasn't his turn to take a rest tomorrow.

The time for officials in Nalan to take breaks varies from department to department.

"Master Hui'an, another day, the old man will invite you to eat at Jade Street!"

Smart as warm, how could she not know what the two were thinking, she smiled and replied, "Okay!"

Gentle and warm, the eight princesses are about to get married, and the jade that has been raised by Wennuan is going to be distributed to them for makeup. If there is nothing to do tomorrow, Wennuan plans to go and see if I can buy some ready-made jade pendants with good carvings and cheap ones to go back to raise them. .

At that time, I will raise it for a few days, and I will make a gift for the gentleman and give it to the Ning family.

The Ning family is a big family with a large number of people. There are a lot of gifts that need to be prepared on the day of the tea ceremony on the second day of marriage. Gentle has already prepared a lot!

But the Ning family is the richest man in Jianghuai, and I haven't seen any good things before, so be prepared, so as not to make people look down on gentleness!

The head of the Hanlin Academy didn't understand why the two were rushing to invite Hui'an County Master to dinner. The father of the Princess Hui'an is here!

Besides, although Princess Hui'an is young and their age span is a bit big, they can all be her grandfathers! But there are still differences between men and women!

So he said: "An Guogong, another day, this old man invites you to eat at Jade Street!"

Both the Ministry of Housing and the Ministry of War gave him a strange look!

Head of the Imperial Academy: "."

It's weird, why are you looking at him like that?

You two are ignorant, why don't you allow the old man to be sensible?

The head of the Hanlin Academy glared back!

The head of the Minister of War turned to the left and looked at the sky: Stupid!

The head of the Minister of the Ministry of Commerce turned to the right and looked at the sky: Stupid!


Several warm people here walked out while talking and laughing.

The other colleagues of the Minister of Industry walked behind them.

The Minister of Industry was extremely aggrieved!

Ziyucheng, he has already written a memorial to recommend his son to be the county magistrate there!

I didn't expect that the emperor would directly let Wenhou take over in the morning!

If it were the previous cities, forget it! He was also reluctant to leave his son too far away from the capital to become a small county magistrate!

Like these won cities, the opportunities are great, but the dangers are also high!

If you are not careful, you may not be able to eat and walk around! Not worth the loss!

But Ziyu City, anyone without a brain knows that it is for gold panning!

"Everything good has been occupied by their family! The emperor will not think that the family of Anguogong can support the entire court!" The Minister of Work said sourly.

These old ministers have been conscientious and dedicated for so many years, and they have worked hard for the court, and this is not much credit?

Someone heard this and quickly pulled him: "You don't want to die!"

The emperor also dares to arrange!

Prince An, Prince Ning, and the Seventh Prince made an appointment to go out to the Duke Ang's mansion for dinner. After receiving the reward, this Duke Ang will definitely celebrate with something delicious!

At this time, the three happened to pass by the Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Without even looking at him, the seventh prince suddenly said: "Of course Duke An's family can't support the entire court! But without the Hui'an County Lord, they can't win back so many cities! Who would raise a Hui'an County Lord like this? Daughter, any good thing will come to his house!"

Prince Ning: "Don't worry about widowhood but injustice! This is not a little achievement, and the emperor will give someone a bunch of rewards, that's really unfair! If this is possible, then the prince will also go to the emperor to ask for rewards!"

Prince An: "Let's wash and sleep! You have everything in your dreams! The city is so easy to win, how many people have been in the imperial court for decades, and they have not won a single one. Fei one soldier and one soldier unite the world!"

Seventh Prince: "Don't dream! There is still a chance in reality, the Shikoku envoys haven't left yet! If anyone wants to get a reward, then go to the envoy to challenge, and come back after winning the city, then there will be all kinds of rewards!!"

Prince Ning said, "Haha. What the seventh prince said! However, if it's easier to challenge and win the city, it would be easier for Princess Hui'an to dream than to dream. As for others, I'm afraid they can't even dream!"

"That's right, some things you can't even dream of!"

While talking, the three passed by the Minister of Industry!

The Minister of Industry's face was blue and red, I don't know if he was ashamed or angry!

What he wanted to say, but the identities of the three were not something he could offend!


When Nuan returned to Duke Anguo's mansion, the imperial edict of the reward came down.

After Eunuch Li issued the decree, Wen Nuan glanced at Chen Huan and Chen Xi, and the two immediately gave a purse to each of the soldiers who brought the reward.

Mrs Wu smiled and said to Eunuch Li: "It's lunch time, the hard-working father-in-law and a few adults have gone for a trip. The father-in-law and a few adults will return to the palace after eating! I will ask for some food boxes for the father-in-law to bring. Go back to the emperor."

Eunuch Li just likes to come to the Anguo Gongfu to issue the decree!

It's not a mouthful anymore!

Mrs. An Guogong prepared food for the emperor, so would she give herself less? !

But he can't stay and eat!

He smiled and said to Mrs Wu, "The Sa family can't eat in your house. The emperor is waiting for the Sa family to return to his life. The emperor is waiting for Mrs. Wu's craftsmanship!"

The emperor didn't have a memorial to approve last night, so he urged him to prepare the reward for Hui'an County Master, and then after going to court today, he stepped on the meal point to send the reward over, the purpose is to have a meal in the An Guogong's residence!

Otherwise, how could this just be the early morning, and the imperial decree and rewards will be delivered later!

It takes a lot of time for the Imperial Academy to prepare the imperial decree and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to count the rewards!

Hearing the words, Mrs Wu didn't keep him either: "Then I won't keep my father-in-law. I prepared some food for my father-in-law, and it's still warm! It's freezing cold today, father-in-law eat it while it's hot on the carriage!"

Eunuch Li hurriedly said: "Sajia thanked Mrs. Guogong!"

Then Eunuch Li bowed to the Wang family, Wen Jiarui, Wennuan, Wenchun, Wenhou and others to leave.

Wen Nuan handed Eunuch Li a bottle: "I saw my father-in-law walking a little awkwardly yesterday. Recently, Eunuch Li has worked hard to take care of the emperor! You should take one pill every day from this bottle! It can relieve it!"

Eunuch Li warmed his heart, and took it as if he had obtained a treasure: "Thank you, Princess Hui'an!"

Look at how careful the master of Hui'an is. Recently, he is too busy as the chief of internal affairs, and he has committed the same old problem again. He has hidden it very well. I didn't expect the master of Hui'an to find it!

The last time I took Princess Hui'an's pills, I didn't have a seizure for more than a year.

But recently, because of the longevity festival, I have been overworked, and my waist hurts again.

He also wanted to ask Hui'an County Master to ask for some pills, but he didn't expect that Hui'an County Master would take the initiative to give it!

Such a caring person, no wonder the emperor and King Jin like it so much!

Eunuch Li decided to go back and continue to say more good things about Hui'an County Master in front of the emperor!

If anyone dares to offend Hui'an County Master, he will stumble in front of the emperor!

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