The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 926 Didn't I congratulate you just now?

Wu Shi and Nuan Nuan naturally nodded in response.

It was the first time we met, and besides, there were still a few girls around. It was not suitable to continue talking about the topic of betrothed or not, and everyone talked about other topics.

Moreover, when Princess An and Princess Ning picked their daughter-in-law, they would need to send someone to investigate before they went back.

The prince concubine is the royal jade, and often participates in the palace banquet, which represents the front of the royal family, so naturally they will not make a decision hastily.

Wen Ling's back was straight, and she was a little nervous.

The last time she came to the fourth uncle's house to live for so long, except for King Jin, almost no dignitaries visited!

She didn't expect so many to come this time, and the prince, princess, and prince all came!

These are the real royal family members!

And these ladies inquired whether they were engaged, whether it was intentional.

Wen Ling didn't dare to expect to marry the prince, but if she could marry better, she also hoped!

Can marry a good husband, who doesn't expect this? !

Just don't know if they can't see themselves.

Wen Qian didn't have any ideas. How could she marry into such a high family as a woman who had quit her relationship?

Wu Jingmei also has no idea. There must be a lot of rules in these high families. She has been loved by Ye Shi and Wu Qihua since she was a child.

She was afraid that she couldn't stand the rules on the left and the rules on the right!

It's okay to sit, and it's okay to stand!

Eating is the rule, sleeping is the rule!

Just like now, she only felt that her waist was almost broken, and she couldn't eat enough!



Everyone in the room was chatting and laughing while eating. Outside the room, Aster put away the imperial decree and items she had been rewarded, and then walked to the flower hall and continued to serve and warm her body.

She met the servants in the house along the way, and everyone happily congratulated her.

After finally arriving outside the flower hall, the maids all stood outside the flower hall waiting for the masters to finish their meals.

When everyone saw Aster coming, they all congratulated:

"Aster, you really won a city for our Nalan country?! It's amazing! Why didn't you say it yesterday?!"

"Aster, you didn't tell us any news at all! If we knew that you were so powerful, we would have prepared gifts for you!"

"Yes! Yes!."

Everyone looked at Aster with admiration.

Lin Tingya's maid Yingmei looked at these maids, then glanced at Aster again, her eyes twinkling.

Aster smiled: "It's all the credit of the county master's health tea, I just made a tea!"

"Aster, you are too modest! That's why you are so powerful that the county master will let you come to power!"

"It's not! It's not great, and the county master won't let you go up and compete with those comers!"

Warmth can be rewarded, and the servants of the entire Anguo government are not surprised!

After all, the county owner of their family can get the emperor's reward in three days or two. This is already a commonplace!

Some of the servants of the Anguo Gongfu even made a bet on how many cities the warmth could win this time!

And Aster was able to get the emperor's reward, which shocked the servants of the entire Anguo Mansion!

The people who work with them on weekdays and serve as servants together won a city for the court without a word, got the emperor's reward, and got rid of the slave status and was named a noble girl. Can everyone not be shocked?

This is simply a role model for them to be the next person!

The pinnacle of life is nothing but the same!

Aster still felt that this was given to her by the county master of Hui'an, otherwise she would not have the ability to win, and seeing that everyone was still praising her, she said: "It's all an opportunity given by the county master, if everyone works hard and study hard, in the future Maybe you have such an opportunity too! Let's stop arguing now, if we disturb the noble people inside to eat, it will be bad!"

Everyone quickly nodded, indicating that they were no longer arguing.

After the meal, Princess An and others took their leave.

Lin Tingya didn't leave immediately. Lin Tingxuan was inconvenient to see Wen Wen, so he wrote a letter and asked Lin Tingya to give it to Wen Wen.

Lin Tingya and Wen Wen came to her small courtyard.

In the room, Lin Tingya handed the letter to Wen Wen,

Wen Wen opened it and took a look. In the letter, it asked Wen Wen Nuan what checkpoints were prepared on the day of marriage. If she asked, he could also prepare in advance.

The last time Lin Tingya mentioned something in front of Lin Tingxuan, Lin Tingxuan worried all day that he would be stopped by warm questions that day, and then he would not be able to marry a wife!

He asked Lin Tingya, Lin Tingya said she didn't know!

Warmly shook his head and laughed.

Seeing this, Lin Tingya asked curiously, "What did my eldest brother write in the letter? Is it a love poem?"

Wen Wen gave Lin Tingya a surprised look: "Do you think Brother Lin can write love poems?"

Do you look down on him too much?

Lin Tingya: ".Yes, he won't!"

You can write tactics, but love poems will never work!


Lin Tingya's maid Yingmei and her warm maid Qingdai waited outside the house.

Qingdai was thinking about what to give Aster.

Sister Aster seems to be able to do everything, and Nvhong can do better than herself, and she can make cakes herself, even better than herself!

What are you going to send?

Would it be insincere to send money directly?

Yingmei glanced at Qingdai, who was thinking about things, and seeing her tangled face, she said, "Sister Qingdai, what's the matter with you?"

Qingdai raised her head and looked at her: "No! I'm just thinking about something."

"Think of something, say it, or I can help you find a way!"

After thinking about it, Qingdai felt that it was right, and there was nothing to say about it, so she said, "I'm thinking about what to give to Sister Ziwan."

"So that's how it is! It's not easy, just give her a silver hairpin if you have the money! If you don't have it, she's pretty good at embroidering a purse yourself!"

Qingdai nodded: "That's right, I'll go to the silver building to see what good jewelry is available, and I'll pick one for Sister Ziwan!"

"Girl Aster won the city, got the emperor's reward, became a noble girl, and has her own mansion in the capital, which is really enviable!"

"Yeah! Sister Aster is amazing!"

"Actually, if you also entered the palace that day, you would be with Miss Wen Er, making snacks. The cake craftsmanship is so good! The Beiming Kingdom also brought a cook there that day. If you challenge him, maybe you can also serve the imperial court. It should be the next city! In the future, like Aster, you don’t have to be a maid, a cow and a horse! It’s a pity that Miss Wen didn’t bring you into the palace!”

Qingdai glanced at her in surprise, why did she sound uncomfortable: "What's the pity? I don't dare to enter the palace, and if I do, I don't dare to compete! I don't think that now You are acting like cows and horses! Masters treat us servants so well! Miss Lin treats you badly?"

Seeing this, Yingmei didn't say anything else, so as not to make people suspicious, she just smiled and said, "Miss is of course kind to me! I'm just joking! Who doesn't want to get ahead?!"

At this time, she saw Aster passing by outside the yard, and she hurriedly said, "I'll go and say congratulations to Miss Aster!"

Qingdai: "."

Didn't you congratulate you just now?

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