After several people bought the rough jade stone, the shop owner asked the staff to help send the rough stone to the carriage at the entrance of the street, and a few of them walked out of the rough stone yard.

Di Junxian walked out with a few people, and he said gracefully: "It is a fate to meet. In order to thank this young master for helping me pick the rough stone, I invite everyone to go to the restaurant for dinner."

Nuan Nuan refused directly: "No need! It's getting late, we have to go back to the house. Besides, the son has already thanked him, so there is no need for this meal! Farewell!"

Of course, if I hadn't met Di Junxian, Nuannuan would have planned to continue shopping, but when I met Di Junxian, Nuannuan guessed that he had already guessed their identities, so he was not interested in going on.

Di Junxian did not insist, but said with a look of regret: "Since this is the case, then I will not hinder the few! Farewell!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing was the happiest, he said cheerfully: "Thank you for the rough stone sent by the son, and farewell!"

After the two sides said goodbye, the warm couple left.

Di Junxian looked at her back and didn't look away for a long time.

Feng Di couldn't help asking: "Seventh son, do we want to open this rough stone?"

Di Junxian came back to his senses: "No, let's go!"

This is the rough stone she picked for herself. At that time, no matter whether the jade is good or bad, he will let someone open it, and then carve it into a portable price and common objects!

Of course, it's a pair!

Feng Di squeezed the veil, but did not refuse, she smiled: "Okay!"

Di Junxian took the lead and strode away.

Feng Di and Jia Jingxuan walked behind him.

Feng Di said to Jia Jingxuan, "Do you think that the young master just picked the rough stone?"

Jia Jingxuan pursed her lips: "I see Xuan, I think those people are deliberately taking advantage of others!"

Look at them, they had a fight in the jade field and got a first-class jade for free!

In the end, without paying even a penny, I got a few pieces of jade.

This kind of person is called a liar in the arena!

The corner of Feng Di's mouth was slightly raised, and she thought so too, but she didn't dare to tell the seventh prince in person, so she could only use Jia Jingxing's mouth to remind the seventh prince.

People like County Master Hui'an are simply rascals and liars!

Greedy people!

Di Junxian naturally heard the words of the two, he understood Feng Di's thoughts, but he didn't care!

He knew that the girl from Princess Hui'an was not that kind of person!

This is the problem that the pattern limits the horizon.

Feng Di does not have the pattern of Hui'an County Master at all.

He understands the reason why Princess Hui'an does this!

Because he does it himself!

She is the county owner of Nalan Kingdom. When encountering a black-hearted shop owner, Yu Gong will naturally punish him, but the black-hearted person in this shop is not the boss, but the shopkeeper.

The boss was an honest person, so she only asked the boss to compensate for a piece of high-quality rough stone, and reminded the boss of the way of doing business.

The result of her doing this is that the boss will definitely not use the shopkeeper again, and the shopkeeper will no longer cheat other customers.

As for her promise to help her pick a piece of jade, that was because she knew her identity, and the reward was proposed by him.

The benefits that can be earned in plain sight are not earned by fools!

That's not greed!

It's what she deserves!

For a stone gambler who can see the Jade King at a glance, the reward for a piece of rough stone is less.

Princess Hui'an is a very principled person.

Di Junxian realized that she was very similar to him, and the more he came into contact with her, the more he appreciated her!


At the other end, Nuan Wen walked to the street, and she gave the high-quality jade stone given by the owner of the original stone field to the Minister of the Ministry of Commerce.

The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce waved his hand: "I can't have this rough stone, I want this piece enough!"

Today, he earned a piece of rough stone without spending a penny. He has already made a lot of money!

Wen Nuan smiled: "The shopkeeper is trying to deceive you with money, and the boss will pay you for the rough stone! So please take this rough stone! The quality of this jade is also good. If the master refuses again, I will not accept it next time. Help you pick jade!"

Hubu Shangshu is not a cowardly person either. He took it over and said, "Thank you so much for the Princess Hui'an this time! Come on, this old man invites you to a restaurant. Let's eat the best braised pigeon in the capital!"

The Eighth Princess said excitedly: "Does that Lord Fang want to invite us to Tao Ranju or the Health Building? The Health Building is out of town, and Tao Ranju is closer!"

Minister of the Ministry of Housing: Does the eighth princess look down on him too much?

Tao Ranju, health building?

That's what he didn't even have the money to ask for in his dreams!

"It's not Tao Ranju and Yangshenglou. The braised pigeons in that shop are not comparable to those in Taoranju and Yangshenglou! It's very delicious!"

He actually wanted to invite Hui'an County Master to Tao Ranju and Yangsheng Building, but Naihe only had 10 taels of silver in his purse.

Ten taels of silver are enough to pay for tea at Tao Ranju, and only enough to order a plate of healthy dishes at Health Building!

It's too bad to have no money!

Make him have no friends!

Twenty years ago, my wife said that his position was low and that when he made friends, others would think that he was trending, so it was a matter of course that he gave him five cents a day!

Twenty years later, the wife said that he did not need to make friends in this position. If he made more friends, he would form a party for personal gain, but it was not a good thing!

So of course, continue to give him five wen every day!

Fortunately, the white head's appointment is only for a lifetime. If he encounters her again in the next life, he will definitely turn around and leave, hiding far away!

One of his first-class jade cabbage was arched by the gold swallowing beast!

Warm: "Oh? Then I really have to try it!"

The Eighth Princess is also very interested: "Which other braised pigeon is so delicious in Beijing, why don't I know?"

Liang Ziyun: "It should be the braised pigeon from Tianxianglou."

Lin Tingya was not familiar with the restaurants in the capital, so she didn't say anything.

"It's not Tianxianglou, it's a small restaurant, you'll know it when you arrive!" The Minister of Hubu said with an embarrassed expression: "When the old man earns money, he will definitely invite Hui'an County Master to the Health Building for dinner!"

He smiled warmly: "I opened the health building, go there to eat, there needs to be adults please! Let's go, I haven't eaten pigeons from other restaurants."

The eighth princess nodded: "Yes, hurry up, I can't wait to try it!"

So the group went to eat braised pigeon!

It was a small restaurant in a civilian area in the west of the city. Although the restaurant is small, the environment is fast and the price is affordable. It tastes very good for a braised pigeon for fifty cents!

After the quarrel between Shangshu and his wife, they often come here to eat, a plate of fried vegetables, plus free-to-eat white porridge, only need five cents!

This time, a few people ate a total of fourteen pigeons and other dishes, which only cost one or two silver!

The Eighth Princess touched her chubby belly: "It's delicious, and it's a good deal!"

Warm also nodded, that braised pigeon was really good.

After they were full, they left the restaurant.

As soon as Nuan Nuan walked out of the door of the restaurant, she habitually glanced at both ends and saw a familiar figure disappearing around the corner.

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