Nalan Jinnian called Lin Feng and asked him to go directly to the barracks to lead a team to guard the emperor, and asked Da Hui to bring a team of wolf soldiers into the mountain.

As soon as Nalan Jinnian explained everything, someone came to report: "Master, the king of Lanling is asking to see you."

Wen Wenyan stood up: "Then I'll go first!"

Nalan Jinnian squeezed his eyebrows and nodded.

After finally getting along with the girl for a while, someone came to interrupt!

Recently busy with the Longevity Festival, they haven't been together quietly for a long time.

This Amber, he didn't think of a way to climb over the palace wall to cultivate a relationship with Xiaoba, why did he run to himself?

It wasn't me who married him!

Wen Nuan climbed over the wall and returned to the Mansion of Anguo. The Eighth Princess and Liang Ziyun walked to the warm courtyard. They came to find Wen Nuan and go to Jade Street!

The rough stone I bought yesterday, when I went back and opened it, the quality of the jade is not very good!

The two happened to see her come over the wall.

The eighth princess widened her eyes: "Is this still possible? Nuan Nuan, do you often go over the wall like this to find Uncle Seventeen in the dark?"

It's so convenient too!

She finally understood why Uncle Seventeen asked her father to reward the Nuan Nuan family with this mansion!

It turned out to be to steal incense and jade!

According to the grade at the time, the Nuan Nuan family was not suitable for such a large mansion.

Of course, now that you are the grandfather of the country, it is suitable.

Wen Nuan was originally on the ground with his feet firmly on the ground, but Chen Cang was startled by the darkness of the eighth princess and almost threw himself on the street!

Fortunately, she responded quickly and stabilized her figure instantly!

Otherwise, you'll just fall down and eat shit!

The eighth princess hurried up to support her: "Nuan Nuan, even if I see the secret, you don't have to be scared like this! Don't worry, I won't leak it out! I promise to keep my mouth shut!"

Wen Nuan rolled his eyes: "What nonsense! I have to look for Brother Seventeen to get over the wall today. It's not like this usually!"

The eighth princess nodded: "I know, Nuan Nuan, you look like a woman from a good family. You will never go over the wall on weekdays. If you want to go over it, it must be the seventeenth emperor! He doesn't go over often, it should be ten nights. There will be eight or nine evening parties!"

Uncle Seventeen looked like a butterfly, no, he was a flower thief!

The flower thief loves to climb over the wall!


Simply brilliant!

The eighth princess knows her uncle Wang very well!

Liang Ziyun covered her mouth and snickered, only the Eighth Princess could say such shocking words!

Fortunately, there are no other people here, otherwise Nuan Nuan's reputation will be lost!

However, I still have to remind the Eighth Princess: "Eighth Princess, be careful with the partition wall!"

The eighth princess quickly covered her mouth, yes, Uncle Jin might be eavesdropping on the other side of the wall!

Turn around and don't know how to clean up!

I might even pack myself up and send it to Lanling Country!

Wen Nuan quickly changed the topic, otherwise, if we continued, the eighth princess would ask herself if there was no dark knot in the beaded tire!

"Eighth princess, sister Ziyun, why are you here again?"

The eighth princess immediately wanted to go to their purpose of coming here, and looked at Nuan Nuan apologetically: "Nuan Nuan, let's continue to go to Jade Street to buy rough stones! I was disturbed by those who don't have long eyes that day, and I haven't bought enough yet. The rough stone you picked the other day, let me tell you, the quality of the jade is really good! It’s a huge profit! The emperor saw it, and he said, let you help him pick a few more pieces that are of high quality and low price. The original stone!"

When the eighth princess said that, she patted her purse: "My father gave me all the money! One thousand taels of silver bills! He also said that it is enough to choose from the piles of inferior rough stones of several hundred coins! Today, the thousand taels are not worth the money. It's over, it doesn't matter, I will spend it slowly in the future, and one day I will be able to spend it all!"

The father is too cruel!


The emperor is so generous!

A thousand taels are willing to take out!

One thousand taels bought inferior rough stones, and then sold high-quality jade stones. Her daily purple energy for the next year will be used to purify the rough jade stones!

I really thought that treasures could be found in inferior rough stones!

This opportunity is rare to come across once in a lifetime!

He said with a warm headache: "How can there be so many high-quality and cheap rough stones, and what I choose may not be good! This gambling stone is always risky!"

The more you go, the more likely you are to be suspicious.

But yesterday I went to dress up as a man, and I didn't open the rough stone on the spot. Everyone didn't know the quality of the rough stone and jade they bought, but I'm not afraid!

But Nuan also knew that the emperor was joking, so naturally he would not really let himself buy cheap and cheap rough rough stones.

It was only morning, and there was still an hour and a half before noon.

"Let's go! Let's continue to pick a few rough stones."

Yesterday there were indeed some small rough stone fields that had not been left.

I must spend the thousand taels today. Of course, the quality of jade is good or bad, otherwise the emperor will use himself as a cash cow!

Especially when he is short of money!

Warm pulled the two of them out.

The eighth princess asked, "Nuan Nuan, don't we need to change clothes?"

Her menswear is ready!

"Don't use it this time! You can't use it every time!"



King Jin's Mansion

After Nalan Jinnian took a sip of tea, she didn't show any courtesy to Amber, and asked Amber directly across from him, "What's the matter with Brother An?"

Amber smiled and said: "I haven't been to Nalan for a long time, and the capital has changed a lot! How about we invite a few people to walk around? I invite everyone to gather at Taoran Residence! Seventh Prince, Prince An, Prince Ning and the others also made an appointment! You can also invite Princess Hui'an to go with you!"

He knew that the eighth princess left the palace today and went to the mansion of An Guogong.

It is difficult for him to have contact with the eighth princess himself, but the An Guogong's mansion is the home of the Hui'an county master.

The Princess Hui'an is the future princess of Nalan Jinnian!

Well, I made an appointment with Princess Hui'an. The eighth princess happened to go to her house again. Wouldn't the eighth princess go together?

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him, asking them all to be fake, Xiaoba estimates that she is now going to Anguo Gong's mansion to find a girl to play with!

About Xiaoba is the real thing!

Nalan Jinnian thought for a while: "You can ask Princess Hui'an if she is going!"

Anyway, there are people who are stupid and have a lot of money, so go to Tao Ranju and knock him out and add some pocket money to that girl's purse!

Amber stood up immediately: "It's not too late, I have already booked a private room in Tao Ranju! Let's go now!"

Nalan Jinnian didn't expose him either and stood up.

He probably also knew what Xiao Ba came to find that girl today!

It's good to let the two get along, if Xiao Ba really doesn't like it, there is still a chance to regret it!

It's just more troublesome, I don't know...

Let's see and talk!

So the two went out.

At the other end, outside the gate of Duke Anguo's mansion, the three of them were just about to get into the carriage.

A happy voice sounded from behind: "Eighth princess, Princess Hui'an, Miss Liang, where are you planning to go?"

The eighth princess looked back and saw that he had no expression.

Wen Nuan glanced at Nalan Jinnian, and then said, "What a coincidence, King Lanling, we are going to Jade Street."

I forgot that today is Christmas!

Climb up again and wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Okay, it's only two minutes before twelve o'clock????

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