The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 956 Seven Star Heartbroken Poison

The sixth prince of the Southern Border frowned when he heard the words: "King Jin is joking, how could I know those two assassins!"

The eighth princess sneered: "Uncle Seventeen, now that the assassin has been caught, normal people wouldn't say that they know the assassin! Otherwise, they might be suspected of being the one behind the scenes! Hmph, needless to say anything else, let's just check. !"

Nodding warmly: "That's right! I'll go see what poison the sixth prince concubine of the Southern Border was poisoned to death!"

At this time, the imperial physician accompanying the envoy team from Nanjiang this time stood up: "Master Hui'an, our sixth prince and concubine have been poisoned by the Seven Star Broken Soul Grass! This poison is made of a seven star flower and Broken Soul Grass. Made of other poisons, it is extremely poisonous and overbearing! A little bit of it can kill you!"

A sneer appeared in the corners of his warm mouth.

This is really a coincidence!

As soon as they picked the seven-star flower, someone in the Southern Border Country was poisoned to death!

Oh, the people of the Southern Border Country are really calculating!

"Whether the sixth prince concubine of the Southern Border has been poisoned by the seven-star soul-broken grass, this county has mainly read it, and has to conduct an autopsy to determine it!"

The Imperial Physician of the Southern Border Country frowned: "Hui'an County Master, the Sixth Prince Concubine has a distinguished status, so it's not appropriate for him to check! The old minister has already seen it, and our Southern Border Country's Miss Ruan Ling has also seen it, and the Sixth Prince Concubine is indeed hit. The poison of the seven-star heartbroken grass killed him! And he drank the poison from the water in the teacup!"

The eighth princess glanced at the imperial doctor: "It doesn't matter what you said alone! Since our Nalan country thoroughly investigates this matter, we have to check it out from our Nalan country! Nuan Nuan, you should check carefully, so as not to prevent was framed!"

Nodding warmly, she bypassed the imperial physician of the Southern Border Country and walked to the bed.

The Imperial Physician of the Southern Border Country wanted to stop it, but the Sixth Prince of the Southern Border Country gave him a blocking look.

Just let the people of Nalan country investigate. If they stop the people of Nalan country from investigating the case at this moment, the people of Nalan country will even more suspect that it is a big play directed and acted by their southern border country.

It's just that only Princess Hui'an can check alone, how can that be enough!

He has to ask a few more people to check and prove it!

The sixth prince of the Southern Border said, "Although I heard that Hui'an County Master knows medical skills, but in order to determine the cause of death of the prince's concubine more quickly, I don't know if I can ask Miss Jia from the Magical Medicine Valley to take a look!"

The sixth prince of Nanjiang looked at Di Junxian: "The seventh prince of Beiming, can you ask Miss Jia from your country to help?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at the third prince of Dongling and the third prince of Xihua: "The third prince of Dongling, the third prince of Xihua! This prince's concubine died so miserably, you can trouble your accompanying imperial doctor to help you see, this prince Is this prince concubine really poisoned by the seven-star heartbroken grass, find out the real cause of death of the sixth prince concubine, and catch the murderer who poisoned this prince and sixth prince concubine as soon as possible! This prince will smash his body into ten thousand pieces!"

The proposal of the sixth prince of the Southern Border is also normal. The people in the Divine Doctor Valley are very skilled in medicine. He asked Jia Jingxuan to take a look. He asked the accompanying imperial physicians from other countries to help. Cause of death, catch the murderer as soon as possible!

Emperor Junxian, the third prince of Dongling, and the third prince of Xihua came back with the sixth prince of the Southern Border, but these matters are none of their business, so they have been standing aside, not making a sound, just watching the fun.

Now that the Sixth Prince of Southern Border says so, there is no reason why everyone should not!

Di Junxian immediately said: "It's a lot of work, I'm very happy! I hope I can help the sixth prince! Jingxuan, go and see how the sixth prince concubine of the Southern Border died!"

Jia Jingxuan responded quickly: "Yes!"

The third prince of Dongling Kingdom and the third prince of Xihua Kingdom also immediately asked their accompanying imperial physicians to take a look.

Wen Nuan has already checked it at this moment. As for what kind of poison he was poisoned, is it really the poison of Seven Star Broken Heart Herb?

You have to get a blood test to find out.

On the surface, there is no wound, it should be poisoned by drinking water or eating.

She went to check the teacups and teapots on the table again.

There is still half a cup of leftover water on the teacup, warmly took out the silver needle and probed it, and the silver needle quickly turned black!

The tea is poisonous!

The sixth prince of the southern border quickly came over: "Poison! The sixth prince was indeed poisoned by someone in the tea!"

Jia Jingxuan also came over. She glanced at the color of the tea, then picked up the teacup and smelled it: "Colorless and odorless! The Qixing Heartbroken Poison is also colorless and odorless. It's just that it can't be concluded! Further verification is needed! "

She put down the teacup.

The other imperial physicians also came over to pick up the teacup and checked it out.

The imperial doctor of Dongling State: "It is indeed colorless and odorless! For the time being, it is uncertain whether it is Qixing Broken Heart Poison. There are still several kinds of colorless and odorless poisons in this world! We need to verify it further! , I just heard that the poison is rumored to have disappeared, so I don't know how to verify it. I'm afraid it can't help much!"

The water is deep here!

It is impossible for Nalan Kingdom to poison the sixth prince concubine of Southern Border Kingdom at this time. Isn't this causing trouble?

Hard to say who did it!

It may be made by Nanjiang Kingdom itself, or it may be done by Beiming Kingdom, Xihua Kingdom and others!

Anyway, they don't participate in the Tanglin Kingdom!

Just stand by and watch the fun!

The imperial physician in Xihua also put down his tea cup at this time: "Forgive me for my lack of knowledge, I have never heard of Qixing Broken Heart Poison. I'm afraid I can't help you much."

Seven star grass and heartbroken flower, only Tianzi Mountain in Nalan country has it!

But if it is said that the people of Nalan country poisoned the sixth prince concubine of Southern Border, no one with brains would believe it!

There is absolutely no need for this!

In this matter, I don't know which country is calculating the Nalan Kingdom.

Anyway, no matter what happened to them in the West China, they can just watch the fun!

Absolutely do not mix in.

I just don't know if I can find out the truth. If not, the Southern Border Country will never let it go. The breeding methods of rice and wheat that can produce thousands of kilograms per mu in Nalan Country may not be able to be preserved!

Ruan Ling looked at Jia Jingxuan: "Girl Jia is the future owner of the Valley of Divine Doctors. She has a lot of knowledge and must know the seven-star heartbroken grass! I wonder if Miss Jia can verify it!"

Jia Jingxuan glanced at Di Junxian.

Di Junxian nodded: "Jingxuan, if you know, it's okay to say it! Find out the truth and find out the murderer behind the scenes, Nalan and Nanjiang will thank you!"

Jia Jingxuan: "I don't need any thanks. I also met the sixth prince and concubine. As a doctor, I hate others poisoning others! If you can help me, I will definitely help!"

The Sixth Prince of Southern Border immediately said, "Thank you, Miss Jia! Miss Jia is really a kindhearted doctor!"

Jia Jingxuan: I once read the Qixing Heartbroken Poison in the ancient book of the Bookstore in the Magical Medicine Valley. This poison is colorless and odorless, but the poison is domineering, and it can cause people to suffocate and die silently and painlessly in an instant. ."

Everyone listened carefully.

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