The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 978 Third sister, you are really full of copper smell!

Much more warmth!

Warm and rich after all!

A large box of pearls per person.

The pearls are round and soft in color. When a whole box is opened, it is warm and dazzling!

Two boxes of jewellery per person.

These jewels are all given by the emperor.

Are there any bad things in the collection of the emperor's private library?

It can be said that every piece taken out is a treasure that can be handed down!

Then Nuan also gave all kinds of jade articles, jade ornaments, and open jade.

Several big boxes!

Just selling jade and jade articles for money is enough for the two sisters to eat and drink for several lifetimes!

Of course, there are also several paintings by unknown masters and some large pieces of porcelain that she made by herself!

Warmth is famous, and these porcelains and paintings are naturally worth a lot of money.

Warm didn't give money, but you can't estimate the value of what she gave, it can be said to be priceless!

As for Puzi, Zhuangzi, Yinzi, and various precious health-preserving medicinal materials such as thousand-year-old ginseng and thousand-year-old ganoderma lucidum... they were all prepared in the name of the family, and the warmth was not given.

Seeing that the warmth is actually given so much, how can this be done by giving them several boxes of the emperor's reward!

"Sister Nuan, why are you giving me so much jade? I don't know how to carve! I don't want the unprocessed jade, you can keep it! And the two boxes of jewelry are too gorgeous, I don't like it! Don't! !"

Wen Wen also said: "Sister Nuan, you are not sincere. The jade should be carved before giving it away! I don't want those that are not carved! Those are gifts from the emperor. How can you give them away casually? I don't want them either!"

Sister Nuan is going to marry into the royal family, her family is weak, she gave them the emperor's reward, and her dowry will be less in the future, isn't it a joke?

Warm: "Eldest sister, second sister, you also keep these uncarved jades as family heirlooms! In the future, if you think of how to carve them, send them back and let Cangshu carve them! As for what the second sister wants ready-made, ready-made jades and ornaments are all available. There are not so many, I will give them to my two sisters in the future. I keep all these jewelry, and the emperor rewarded me, so I will use it! You know I have a lot of these things! I have no shortage of them here! "

Jade is valuable, but for Nuan, this is what she won back with her lip service.

Now the jade mine has not been mined, she has it!

The emperor's reward? Warm feeling, not difficult to get!

If the thoughts that warm your heart are known to outsiders, it will really be maddening!

Wen Ling looked at a few boxes of jewelry from the emperor with envy.

Those represent the face and the glory!

Money can't buy it!

If she gave herself half a box of warmth in the future, she would be full of confidence at her husband's house.

Even one or two is good.

Wen Ling looked at those jade ornaments, and those imperial green jadeites that were not sculpted one by one, but looked very good just by looking at them, and asked curiously, "Sister Nuan, why do you have so many such fine jades?"

Nuan: "Ah? Because there are mines at home."

Warm does not know she does not know.

Wen Qian did know: "When Sister Nuan was envoy to Dongling, she won two jade mines in Dongling, don't you know?"

Wen Ling's eyes widened when she heard this, she really didn't know.

Two jade mines! No wonder Sister Nuan can come up with so many jade and jade articles!

This means that this jade is much more warm here and is worthless.

I don't know how many pieces of jade will Sister Nuan give her for makeup in the future?

If she could have the gentle and warm half, she would be satisfied.

Sister Nuan has always been generous, I think there should be half of it!

With such a few pieces of jade that are handed down from the world, she married into her husband's family, and the people of her husband's family did not dare to look down on her.

Wen Ran fantasized about it, but also thought about it, to make herself happy, and she knew in her heart that there could not be as much as she thought.

Then I went to Wen Ran and Wen Luo to add makeup to my sister.

Wen Ran, the little God of Wealth who can only get in and out, gave a box of all kinds of precious pills!

As for the medicinal materials for making pills, of course, they are made from the health medicinal materials picked from the warm health garden!

She won't give her sister the bad things outside!

So Wen Ran's makeup is not only spent a little effort, but not a penny of money!

Nuan said deliberately, "Sister Ran, do you just give some pills? No silver, no gold, silver and jewelry? You iron rooster is really inexhaustible! How can anyone add makeup to pills!"

Wen Ran was unhappy: "What's wrong with the pills? Every pill in my place is worth a thousand dollars! Many of the pills are made from hundred-year-old Shouwu, thousand-year-old ginseng, ten-thousand-year-old ganoderma lucidum, and various precious medicinal materials! Save your life, save your life. You can't buy it with money outside! Isn't it better than money? Besides, it's tacky to give money! I'm not such a tacky person! Third sister, you really smell like copper!"

Warm and angry, she is covered in copper stench?

Everyone was also laughed at by Sister Ran's words!

Who knows that Sister Ran loves Yinzi so much!

There is no time to take out the money that was in her purse!

Still claiming not to be such a cheesy person now!

Nuan is not as cheeky as her. She put one arm on Sister Ran's shoulder and said, "Third sister, I'm really tacky, I'm covered in copper smell! I don't have the fairy spirit of Sister Ran. Sister Ran, you just don't eat human fireworks. Yes, of course I don't look down on those yellow and white things! Cheng, when you get married one day, the third sister, I will add makeup to your pills and medicinal materials! It will make you fluttering!"

"Ha ha."

Everyone in the room laughed.

Wen Ran: "."

Who wants pills, can't she practice?

Wang Xiao smiled and stroked his beard and said deliberately: "So, my sister doesn't eat money and loves balls! That's fine! Uncle will not give money when that time comes, but will give you some medicinal herbs! Then uncle, you will keep all your money. Your older brother and sister!"

Wenrou also jokingly said: "Eldest sister also understands that if you don't give money, let's use medicine! I will let someone go up the mountain to pick some, and start picking tomorrow. You can pick as many as you can on the day you get married. Is the eldest sister sincere enough? "

Wen Wenwen waved his hand: "Eldest sister, where do you need to go up the mountain to pick? Just take the medicinal herbs grown in the back mountain of our family. Sister Nuan, you can help me to order more. It just so happens that my sister likes to play with these medicinal herbs and does not eat the human world. Fireworks!"

He responded warmly and cheerfully: "Okay, no problem! Plant it for everyone!"

Others have also expressed their desire for medicinal materials, and you are joking and gentle.

Wen Ran stomped her feet: "You guys are too bad! The herbs in Houshan belong to me! The third sister has already given me a dowry! You can't use it for makeup!"

Wen Ran does not give people a chance to speak:

"Oh, my medicinal pill is coming out soon, so I won't tell you bastards!"

After speaking, the sister ran away quickly!

Humph, when did she eat it!

Anyway, the medicinal materials that Sanjie planted are up to her to use, but not all of them are hers.

Hmph, when did she suffer?

She only eats silver!

These people do not want to give money, no way!

Everyone burst into laughter again!

Of course, it's not that Wen Ran didn't give money, it's just that the brothers and sisters gave all the money in the name of the family.

what! Some extra tasks to complete these days

make it up another day

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