
The wedding reception team has been out for more than an hour and has not returned yet. The Ning family's eldest lady was anxious: "It's been an hour, why hasn't the wedding reception team come back? This joyful voice has been heard for a long time! Xiaoxi, go and see Look, where is the welcoming team!"

"Yes!" The maid named Xiaoxi quickly ran out to inquire.

Master Ning then said, "What are you anxious about? Let's see if the house where the dowry is placed for Huaijie's daughter-in-law has been emptied? The lock is a new one, right? Remember to keep the key to the maid next to her."

Huaijie had said before that this time we might not come back so early to welcome the relatives, and Princess Hui'an and the Eighth Princess were mainly playing games of blocking relatives.

Young people have their own ways of playing, and he feels that as long as they don't delay the auspicious time, there will be no problem.

There is still more than an hour before the auspicious time, no hurry.

Mrs. Ning said: "I emptied the previous Ning Yu Pavilion, and made a storeroom for Wen Wen, specially to visit her own dowry. The lock is also a new one. I asked Huaijie to buy it, and let him lock it himself!"

Master Ning nodded: "Ning Yu Pavilion is relatively high, the house is relatively dry, and it's close to Huaijie's yard, so it's also suitable for storage."

The second lady of the Ning family was a little unhappy when she heard this!

Yesterday, she wanted to come over to live in Ning Yu Pavilion for her daughter. Ning Yu Pavilion is on a higher ground, and from the second floor, you can see the scenery of the entire Ning family.

In this Ning Mansion in the capital, there are only two pavilions with more than two floors, one of which was used as a study for Ning Huaijie, and the other was used as a storeroom for her daughter-in-law.

The Ning family hasn't split up yet! How the good things are all occupied by the big house!

Besides, the Ning Yu Pavilion has two floors. Who doesn't know that the new daughter-in-law who is about to enter the door may have a high rank, the daughter of the prince's government!

But the family has no background!

How much dowry can I have?

A two-story pavilion to store the dowry?

Is it full?

The uncle and sister-in-law just wanted to subsidize his son privately, so they gave her such a large storeroom as a dowry, right?

In the future, if something good is put in it, it will be regarded as the dowry of Ning Huaijie's daughter-in-law.

This sister-in-law is still like that, trying her best to rob her room of money!

The Ning family hasn't split up yet!


Mrs. Ning snorted and laughed: "Uncle, sister-in-law, Ning Yu Pavilion seems to have two floors, right? Do you think Huaijie's daughter-in-law has so much dowry? In case a new daughter-in-law arrives, there will be no room for the dowry. Full, isn't that embarrassing?"

Ning Huaimin also followed: "Although our Ning family is rich, it would be too wasteful to use a loft as good as Ning Yuge as a warehouse!"

Ning Er's daughter Ning Shiqing also said, "It's really a waste, the dowry for the new daughter-in-law of the Ning family seems to be either stored in the large warehouse or in our own yard! I still want to live there. In Ning Yu Pavilion, you can't. Are the things outside your body inferior to people?"

People from other houses in the house also said: "It's enough to store the dowry in one room! The attic is indeed a bit overkill!"

"Yes, my daughter-in-law's dowry is also placed in a wing of their own yard. Wouldn't it be good to keep Ning Yuge to watch the scenery?"

Everyone talked a lot, and they were thinking in their hearts:

A two-story pavilion as a warehouse? Does the new daughter-in-law have so much dowry?

It's not surprising that the daughter of the Ning family has so much dowry when she gets married! But An Guogong's eldest daughter.

Although no one in the Ning family dares to look down on this person from the Duke Ang's mansion, the people in the Ning family also know that Duke Ang's family members are strong.

But it is also a fact that Anguogong has insufficient background!

And what kind of family is their Ning family, a century-old weaving family, they were already very rich in the previous dynasty! In the past 100 years, countless wealth has been accumulated, and it is not enough to say that the rich is the enemy of the country!

Therefore, the people of the Ning family feel that there are few families in this world whose wealth is comparable to theirs!

Even if there are some good things rewarded by the emperor in the Anguo Gongfu, so what?

But they also knew that most of those were given to the Princess Hui'an!

It's not the Princess Hui'an who married into the Ning family!

The Lord Hui'an will marry into the royal family in the future, and the dowry will be small, but he will be looked down upon by others, so the Lord Hui'an will never give out too much!

Today, two sisters are getting married at the same time. Apart from gentleness and warmth, there are four or five children under An Guogong. Don't they need to leave some money for their marriage?

Therefore, everyone in the Ning family thinks that the gentle dowry will not be too rich. Of course, it may be rich compared to ordinary wealthy families, but for a family like the Ning family, it can only be said that it is a drop in the bucket and not worth it. A mention!

However, the people of the Ning family only arrived in the capital from Jianghuai Mansion yesterday afternoon, so they didn't know that yesterday, it could be said that the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty added makeup to the two gentle sisters.

Originally, the Ning family members could have arrived half a month earlier, so they had already calculated the time of departure.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Ning was getting old, and she was always restless along the way. She was sick for half a month, and lived in Ning's house for half a month, so she arrived the day before her wedding.

Only a few people who were good friends with the big room left the big team and arrived early.

Therefore, many of the Ning family did not participate in the etiquette before they got married, which was actually very rude.

So Mrs. Ning is still very dissatisfied!

Since Gentle is married into the Ning family, why didn't she marry directly from the capital, catch up with the road for a few days, and directly marry into the Jianghuai Ning family's old house!

Mrs. Ning was even more displeased when she heard that the dowry was stored in a pavilion for Gentle:

"Where do you need to store a dowry for a pavilion? Just find a corner in the warehouse to store it! How can our Ning family be greedy for her dowry? Isn't it a waste for a good pavilion to be a warehouse?"

Madam Ning felt angry when she heard it, but she couldn't be angry on a big day. After all, the old lady might not sit down and accept the salute after a while!

It's not the second room that is embarrassing, it's their big room!

She suppressed her anger and said with a smile: "The Ning family does not lack this pavilion. Besides, the emperor, the empress dowager, the concubines in the palace, and the civil and military officials of the whole dynasty all added makeup to the gentle child! The reward in this palace is It’s not good to leave things indiscriminately, right? To avoid being called disrespectful!”

Mrs. Ning: "."

The emperor and the empress dowager also know Huaijie's daughter-in-law?

Everyone thought to themselves: the empress dowager and the emperor are adding makeup, does this mean supporting gentleness?

So everyone in the Ning family stopped objecting after hearing this, and said, "Sister-in-law is right! Huaijie's daughter-in-law is really a blessing! The emperor and the queen mother are all thinking about it!"

"The dowry given by the empress dowager and the emperor can't be placed indiscriminately. In this way, it is also suitable for a pavilion to be a warehouse!"

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