The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 992 Learning from Sister Nuan is broken!

Ning Huaijie held his gentle hand tightly and said coldly, "Since it's nonsense, second aunt don't follow the nonsense! Don't you know how hurtful such words are? Besides, no one knows better than me. Gentleness is innocent!"

Mrs. Ning hurriedly said: "Oh, Huaijie, don't be angry, Second Aunt is not a quick talker, there is nothing wrong with Wen's Yuanpa, so of course she is innocent! I won't talk about it in the future! You also know that I hide it in my heart. I can't stop talking, I have to say something! I am sincere! I have heard the words of the Qian family, and I will say it as soon as possible! Huaijie daughter-in-law, don't blame the second aunt~!"

Ning Huaimin asked curiously, "Mother, the Qian family? That Qian family? What nonsense is it?"

Mrs. Ning waved her hand: "Don't ask children, the Qian family is not a good family! It has nothing to do with our family, why are you asking so much?"

Ning Huaijie was about to die of anger, didn't she just make people misunderstand gentleness?

Just as Ning Huaijie was about to say something, he gently pulled his hand.

Ning Huaijie looked at Gentleness.

Gentle shook his head at him.

Mrs. Ning was also very angry, the second room just didn't make them happy.

"Second sister-in-law, don't be too much."

At this moment, Wenrou interrupted Mrs. Ning: "Mother, let me explain!"

Mrs. Ning took a gentle look, and her face returned to kindness: "Mother believes that you are an innocent child, don't mind what others say! Some people just don't like us!"

Mrs. Ning Er believed in gentleness. After they went to propose marriage last year, Mrs. Wu said something about gentleness.

No one hides anything at all!

And Huai Jie also said it.

When Gentle took it back, she was skin and bones. She was thirteen years old, and she didn't even have a menstrual period!

You can't have sex if your menstrual period doesn't come, unless it's a pervert!

If this kind of thing spreads out, then Qian Chengyu will not think about the imperial examination.

Besides, I heard that the son of the Qian family hates gentleness. He considers himself to be lofty and has long been in love with another woman. How could he have a marriage with gentleness?

Gentle smiled: "Thank you mother, I know, the clearer is self-clearing!"

Gentle is actually very angry in her heart, but the people in the second room are not good people, so there is no need to be angry for these people.

There will be a chance to clean it up later!

In the words of Sister Nuan, if the second room of the Ning family is not well behaved and is not pleasing to the eye, I will try to get them out of the house!

Gently stretched out a hand and gently tugged at his sleeve, revealing a small half of his wrist.

On her gentle wrist is a jade bracelet made of suet and white jade.

The quality of the jade bracelet is very good, it looks like a fine cream, it is crystal clear and white as snow.

And the gentle arm is white and flawless, and the skin is delicate and smooth, which is even more eye-catching than that suet white jade!

Ning Huaimin glanced at the gentle arm and swallowed unconsciously.

The skin is so good!

This is so tender!

Simply a stunner!

He suddenly felt a little jealous of Ning Huaijie!

Even if it is a broken shoe, also ecstasy!

"Xiaoqin, look at the arm of the second sister-in-law." She said with a gentle smile to a little girl who was sitting on the side, not far from her.

Xiao Qin glanced at it and said in surprise, "Huh? Second aunt, why is the red mole on your arm gone?"

Xiaoqin is the daughter of what Ning Huaijie thought was her cousin. She was only three years old. She appeared in the new house yesterday. Gentle also gave her a very beautiful butterfly silk flower, and also gave her some warm toffee made by herself.

Also because she handed her candy, the little girl saw the place above Wen Wen's wrist and ordered a gaggle of sand.

It was only then that Ning Huaijie remembered that last night's gentle arm seemed to have a sand in the palace!

Ning Huaijie smiled: "That's Shougongsha"

Xiaoqin asked curiously, "What is Shougongsha?"

Ning Huaijie didn't answer his question, Xiaoqin didn't know, but many people here knew!

Madam Ning smiled and said, "Shougongsha, that's a kind of mark on it!"

After Mrs. Ning finished speaking, she squinted at Second Lady Ning: "Second Aunt, do you hear me?"

Humph, let her slander her daughter-in-law!

Mrs. Ning scolded inwardly, and smiled on the surface: "I said I was just talking nonsense!"

Ning Huaijie snorted coldly: "Second Aunt's nonsense almost ruined your innocence! You'd better stop talking nonsense in the future, or I'll let you go! The Duke of An Guo and the Princess Hui'an won't let you go!"

Mrs. Ning's face became hard to look at!

With just a few words, he moved out of Anguo Gong and Hui'an County Master to threaten her!

Who didn't know that he married a noble girl?

Just a soft guy!

Mrs. Ning said at this time, "Okay, stop arguing! It's not just a misunderstanding, just solve it, let someone set off firecrackers! Mrs. Wen, it's time for you to serve tea!"

There was not even a single word to blame Mrs. Ning!

Madam Ning, I'm not happy again!

This heart is really inexhaustible!

So it was over, and Gentle began to serve tea to the elders.

Probably because Mrs. Ning had wronged her just now, Mrs. Ning took off a red jade bracelet from her hand and gave it to her in addition to the change she had prepared in advance: "Don't make a quarrel with your family over some trivial matters, In the future, it will be good to spread branches and leaves for the Ning family!"

He responded softly in a low voice.

After tea was served, it was almost time for lunch.

Gently said: "It's almost lunch time, I'll go to the dining room and cook two dishes."

Ning Huaijie planned that if Wenrou went to the kitchen to cook, he would help to do it!

He has already specially learned two dishes before, just for today!

After all, these are the rules of a new daughter-in-law. Every new daughter-in-law who gets married does this. He can't be called gentle.

Then just go to learn and do it yourself!

Anyway, my daughter-in-law loves herself!

Mrs. Ning hurriedly said: "No need, I have already prepared the food for lunch! You have been busy for a long time, just sit down and rest!"

Madam Ning glanced at Madam Ning after hearing the words, and after thinking about it, she didn't say anything.

After all, his father is An Guogong, and his sister is the Princess Hui'an. Just now, the second daughter-in-law embarrassed her again. Now let her go to the kitchen to cook and wait by the side for a while. If you go back tomorrow, what would you say at her parents' house? If it's not good, it's not good either!

"Since your mother loves you dearly, then Huaijie's daughter-in-law, sit down and have dinner together!"

When Ning Huaijie heard the words, he pulled Genuine and sat down: "Since grandma and mother have spoken, let's sit down! Listen to grandma!"

You don't need to cook, and Gentle will naturally not rush to do it.

The people in their room are okay, and Gentle is still willing to cook for her in-laws and husband.

But other people, especially the people in the second room, are simply infinitely hostile to themselves, and naturally they are not happy!

Gentle thought, how did her temper become like this?

It must have been bad learning from Sister Nuan!

Mrs. Ning glanced at Ning Huaijie, and he would not listen to her words on weekdays, but now she is listening!

This grandson is just kissing his mother.

Not as good as Huaimin!

Mrs. Ning's heart is uneasy again! Back then, she married into the Ning family, but she gave Mrs. Ning food for a month!

Eat until she is full!

But there is nothing to be done with injustice, after all, this is not his daughter-in-law.

The old lady has spoken.

The old lady doesn't like people who disobey her, and their second room still has to rely on the old lady to be the head of the house!

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