The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 995 Lanling Country Is Really Far Away

The eighth princess turned her head to look at Wen Nuan, her eyes were filled with tears.

Warming his heart, he said softly, "Eighth Princess."

The eighth princess hugged warmly: "Thank you Nuan Nuan!"

The eighth princess naturally knew that it was the warmth that begged the seventeenth uncle to do something.

The messenger said, Wen Nuan begged to the Seventeenth Uncle and asked him to talk to King Lanling about how he was willing to retire from his relatives!

If the king of a country withdraws from his relatives, even if Nalan does not want to cede land and pay indemnity, he will have to pay a heavy price~

Who will pay the heavy price for the land cut and the reparations?

Father Emperor, Seventeenth Emperor Uncle, Nuan Nuan, Nalan Kingdom

They must have come out!

Nuan Nuan has the ability to reach the sky. Since she can open her mouth to ask the Seventeen Uncles, she will definitely have the confidence to meet the requirements of the King of Lanling Kingdom.

And this matter, the father emperor will agree. The father emperor told her that if he doesn't want to, he is not a father emperor who sells daughters to get rich.

The marriage between her and Amber was decided by the first emperor and the previous king of Lanling Kingdom. The father said that it would be fine to reject it, and to give some compensation to Lanling Kingdom, Lanling Kingdom would certainly be happy.

A gentleman makes a promise, and the father has never broken his promise in his life.

The father loves his face so much!

Thinking of Qing Shi's name.

Ten thousand years in the future, if the historian wrote a sentence, Emperor Chongde broke off the marriage from Lanling because he was unwilling to give up his beloved daughter to marry another country, and he did not like to cede land and pay indemnity.

That father emperor cried to death!

She has such good friends in her life, uncle, brother, father, that's enough~

The eighth princess thought of her mother-in-law.

Think of the person she fell in love with.

The mother-in-law said that a woman is much luckier to marry someone who likes her than to marry someone she likes!

The mother-in-law likes to adore the father and the emperor. When I was a child, every time the father came, the mother-in-law was overjoyed~!

But the father emperor had too many concubines, and the mother concubine heard that the father emperor had blessed that concubine, and she was so sad that she could not sleep all night.

She had never seen her father really like that concubine.

The torment of the mother-in-law, she doesn't want to try again~

Or maybe she hasn't liked Amber yet, but Amber likes herself, and the eighth princess can still feel it.

One, because of what she said yesterday, felt sorry for herself, and was willing to take the initiative to quit her relatives. Her heart was not made of stone.

How can you not be moved?

Moreover, the national law of Lanling State is that men cannot take concubines, nor can they have a room! Only one hair wife!

pretty good!

Now or I haven't liked him yet, but it shouldn't be difficult to like someone who loves me like this!

The Eighth Princess did not expect that she would really like him in the near future, but the price was a bit high.

When the eighth princess thought of this, she let go of the warmth and walked in.

Amber was still lying on the table in the room. He had a headache, but his consciousness was very clear. He only felt that the pain from the bottom of his heart was even more painful!

The Seventh Prince, Prince An and Prince Ning looked at him without speaking.

Nalan Jinnian also looked at him for a while before saying, "Okay, I'll send you off!"

In any case, their Nalan Kingdom broke their promise!

He will compensate Lanling Kingdom~

The Seventh Prince, Prince An and Prince Ning also said, "Brother, we will send you off!"

Amber didn't look up, just nodded with his head buried in his arm.

The seventh prince sighed, Little Eight is not lucky!

This Amber is still a good person!

Moreover, Lanling State is monogamous, with no concubines, no concubines, and no outer chambers. Looking at the world, which country is like this?

Women live as freely as men there, which is quite suitable for Xiaoba's temperament!

Of course, Xiaoba doesn't need to marry now, and the seventh prince feels that the men of Lanling Kingdom are stupid!

Who is not a man in the world with three relatives and four concubines, and Lanling country is actually monogamous?

Even the king!


How boring to hang from a tree!

Big loss!

The eighth princess strode in: "Young Master An! Who allowed you to retire?"

When Amber heard a familiar voice, he raised his head and looked at the eighth princess with red eyes and face.

My head hurts a little, and I don't understand what the eighth princess means.

Seeing the anger on the eighth princess' face, he said, "Eighth princess, I quit my relationship! You don't have to leave Nalan Kingdom! The environment in Lanling Kingdom is too harsh, people who are not used to living there will find it very painful! The eighth princess has been pampered since she was a child, like a budding flower, I can't bear to let you be devastated by the wind and sand, so the marriage between the two of us is over!

Speaking of which, Amber stood up and saluted the Eighth Princess to make amends, but he was slightly drunk and a little unsteady, his foot stumbled on the foot of the table and almost fell.

The eighth princess quickly supported him: "Who allowed you to quit the kiss! This princess will not quit the kiss!"

Amber put half of his body on the Eighth Princess. He suspected that he had heard it wrong. He tried to stand up straight, but his body was still a little crooked: "Eighth Princess, what did you say?"

In the end, there is a difference between men and women, and the eighth princess is not too used to it. She let go of him and took two steps back: "I said, I will not withdraw from the relationship! Do you want to abandon me?"

Amber shook his head vigorously when he heard the words: "No! How could I abandon the Eighth Princess? It's not that the Eighth Princess is reluctant"

The eighth princess interrupted him: "I really can't bear the country of Nalan, the people and things here, this piece of land, and everything here! But I never thought of quitting my marriage! I still want to marry you!"

When Amber heard this, his head didn't hurt anymore, his heart didn't hurt anymore, and he couldn't believe it: "Really? The eighth princess doesn't regret it? I'll give you a chance, if you regret it now, it's okay! If you agree now , then in this life you will have no chance to regret it!"

He is the king of a country, and he also has his pride!

Amber stared at the eighth princess closely!

Nalan Jinnian, the seventh prince, and the two princes also looked at the eighth princess and didn't say anything to mislead her decision.

The eighth princess has grown up, and an eighteen-year-old girl is now the mother of two or three children in the folk!

There are also many women who get married at the age of thirteen among ordinary people.

After all, if you give birth to a child earlier, you will have one more labor force in the family in a few years.

The Eighth Princess hesitated in her heart, and finally said firmly: "I naturally have no regrets about what I have done! But the Lanling Kingdom is really far away, far away, I have left my hometown, and I am alone. I hope you are worth entrusting!"

Amber hugged the Eighth Princess happily: "I will live up to the Eighth Princess's sincerity in this life! If you have me, there will be our descendants in the future, and they will not be alone!"

The eighth princess was hugged by him and blushed! She struggled to push him away: "I smell like alcohol, it stinks to death!"

This is the truth!

Although the eighth princess drinks by herself, she doesn't like the smell on her body after being drunk!

Amber quickly covered his mouth and took a few steps back: "I, I won't drink in the future!"

The eighth princess rolled her eyes: "You are the king of a country. You don't need to toast your courtiers during the palace banquet? I hate people who don't keep their promises!"

Amber: "."

"Except for banquets and socializing, I don't drink! Really! I do what I say! Don't go back on your words!" He said anxiously!

"As you like!" Fool! The eighth princess rolled her eyes again, dropped the words, turned around and ran away!

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